Uh, Mary....what did I do or say to earn the compliments from you, my dear? lol
Julie....Body For Life. In a nutshell (see if I can do this):
6 meals per day, every 2-3 hours.
Each meal consists of a serving of lean protein and a serving of carbs and veggies.
6 days of the week.
7th day of the week is your Free Day, when you can eat anything and everything you want.
It's basically clean eating for 6 days with a complete free day for the 7th.
EXERCISE, weights
Pyramid sets, maxing out on the very last set.
Each set looks like this: 12 reps at xxx #s at YOUR intensity level of 5 then 1 minute rest;
10 reps at a higher weight at YOUR intensity level of 6 then 1 minute rest;
8 reps at a higher weight at YOUR intensity level of 7 then 1 minute rest;
6 reps at a higher weight at YOUR inensity level of 8 then 1 minute rest;
12 reps at a lighter weight at YOUR intensity level of 9 then IMMEDIATELY into
12 reps of a new exercise but for the SAME body part at a weight that gets you to MAX OUT or HIT YOUR 10!!!!!!
Then 2 minutes rest and repeat with a new body part.
So for upper body, you might do the above set for chest using bench presses and then the last set doing bench FLIES.
Then the next set for, say, shoulders, would use overhead presses, last set being lateral raises.
Continue for back, bis and tris.
Or leg day would be quads, hamstrings, calves and abs.
Cardio days are HIIT, all-out, 20 minute sessions and these are KILLER if you do them properly!!!!! 4 intervals that progressively get harder and harder, each increase lasting 1 minute. I'm telling you.......do this right and 20 minutes is all you WILL NEED or WILL BE ABLE to do! lol (on a side note, I always did abs following cardio)
I think the easiest way to explain it to you is for you to look at the BFL website here:
And be sure to look at the Exercise Journals here:
The journals document gives you a sheet for each upper body workout, lower body workout, cardio session, and food journal for the day. It also gives you a complete 12-week look at how your workouts fall for each week.
Again, I have the book, if you'd like it.
I hope I didn't confuse you. It sounds like a lot at first, but once you do it, one day at a time, it's really easy. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd be glad to help.
OK.........in for the night, and already in jammies and contacts are out too! LOL We're watching Bedtime Stories (again) and kind of fiddling around the house. I'm glad today's over, though. It was nice being home with DS, but it was a drag with all the running around for this Ortho appointment and the hoops you have to jump thru just to get a stinkin' foot boot! Geez....the kid's got a broken foot and they want me to wait till the 'lady upstairs can verify your insurance'. Uh........"no...my son will NOT walk around one more MINUTE without a boot on his foot, please take care of this now, while we wait!" And they did....and I promise I was nice and smiling to the lady the whole time, but inside I was FUMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Kill em with kindness....and it worked!
OK...going to get my hot green tea and set up my workout area for LEGS tomorrow!!! WOO HOO!