Hi Everybody!!!
Well I am back to my early morning routine starting this morning. I did my repeat week for disc 22 and did much better this week than last week. I was ready for those 10 second intervals and had my weights set up in advance. I was finally able to do all 3 sets of the flys with my 30 #'ers and my chest is really starting to tighten up and the hard work is paying off. It's so nice to come home from work and not have to worry about going downstairs to workout. I would much rather be outside taking a walk or a bike ride. Last night my DS and I took Toby (dog) for a bike ride. Last year I bought a small dog trailer that hooks up to the back of my bike so Toby can enjoy bike rides with us. The carrier is very similar to the bike carriers that you see for children, but much smaller. He absolutely loves it!! It has canvas on both sides and opens up in the front and back. It is the cutest thing to see him in it with his hair blowing in the wind, and I think he enjoys the bike rides more than his walks!!!
Gayle-I'm sure you are having a fabulous time with the gang. I can't wait to hear about all the fun you had. Were they ooohing and aahing about your new addition (THE VEIN)?? You definitely deserve bragging rights with that one. I think of all you gals when mine pops out on my forehead. It's not as attractive as a pop out on the arm, but it will do in a pinch.
Chrissy-Welcome back! It sounds like you and Gayle had a wonderful weekend. I'm wondering if you took any pictures that you might like to post of you and the gang? A long walk on the board walk sounds like heaven right now. I think all of you ladies would be fantastic to meet in person, and I hope that might be a possibility in the not so distant future.
Jo-I am going back a bit, but purple glasses sound right up my alley!!! I love going outside the box and wearing different things. I'm in need of some new reading glasses, and I may take my friend with me to help keep me somewhat in check, but she would definitely give me the
on a funky new color or style. My DH is more on the practical side and likes to stick to routine. I love him, but he is really boring in that area!!
Cendrine-I absolutely love the cupcakes you made. You are soooo creative. I can tell you put a lot of time and love into those cupcakes. Your kids sure do have a very special mom!!!! I still haven't gotten around to cooking up your cold bean salad, but now that school is out and I have my life back, I should be able to spend more time in the kitchen, and testing out some of your recipes!
Kim-What a fun weekend!!! I am so envious of all the fun weekend plans you have had lately. We will be going out of town to my sisters cabin during the 4th of July, but that's still 3 weeks away!! To answer an earlier question you asked, my DS will be pretty busy this summer. We have a swimming club about 4 miles from where we live, and we decided not to join the swim club because of the cost this year, but they have a seperate division for tennis, and DS wanted to join that this summer. He will have tennis 3 days a week thru July, and then he will start back the first of August with marching band practice 5 days a week, and then go away to band camp the last week in August for 5 days. He absolutely loves marching band and has lots of friends that are in the band also, so the practices are a lot of fun for him.
Rachel-I always love reading your posts. You are so full of energy and excitement that no party would be boring with you at it!!! I am sad to hear about your trainer friend. You are right that age 53 is so young for him to have developed these health issues. I hope all the best for him.
Julie-I'm glad to hear that you and I should be catching up soon with our workout schedule. Do you plan on repeating each week of meso 3, or are you doing it one time through as many of the ladies on this forum are doing? My plan is to continue to repeat each week. I will finish meso 2 this week, and then my rest week. You will be relieved to know that disc 22-24 is much shorter. Cathe doesn't go over 48 minutes for any of the last 3 discs, but she does speed up the pace a bit. You had mentioned earlier that you were on a match making site, and you were getting paired up with 50 & 60 year olds. Just for the record, I'm a few months shy of 50 and can hold my own with most 30-40 year olds. Don't rule those older farts out just yet, they may really surprise you!!!!
Well I think that's enough for now. It's still early enough for me to fit in a bike ride before it gets dark. Hope you are having a marvelous evening, and I'll check back soon..