6 month STS Alumni, Monday

Good Morning All.

I am still in NJ. I stayed an extra day to go out to dinner with the tri staters and T-12. Gayle is our common thread. We had a great time. Food and company were wonderful.

We hung out in Gayle's room last night. I left around 11:30. It was nice getting to know more Catheletes. Everyone was so nice.

I had such a great time this weekend. My body kept saying I need to rest but my head didn't want to listen.;) I am a little achy today but I am heading back over to the gym today and taking one last class with Cathe before I head back home. Gotta get in as much as possible. :p

I brought my computer to check in over the weekend but I never got around to actually using it. I wish you all could have come. It was an awesome time.

I will try to post some pictures but for some reason I don't have too much luck getting my digital pictures to post.

I will try to bbl after I get home.
Have a great day everyone.

I was not as 'clean' as Gayle:eek:. I don't know how she does it.
Have a safe trip home Gayle.
Hi girls! The RT sounds awesome! I would love to go again. C

Chrissy, it is so hard to be clean on the RT. WHen I went they food they served was not clean at all, plus they even served cake! I was so surprised. HOw are you going to incorporate insanity with sts. I will be done with sts soon and I really want to do insanity.

Got to run for now. I want to get disc 33 done and I over slept. Sleeping on the couch is killing me, I can not wait til I get a bed.

Hi Guys,

I did disk 1 for the June rotation today. It was better somehow because I knew what to expect. Since I have adjusted the weights as I went on the WM I had some exercises start me off more heavy than the first time I did it. I definitely felt challenged and enjoyed being back with STS!

Jo, I have found myself stick to the routine more knowing you all are doing the same thing ,too, so I kind of am looking forward to doing a rotation with some if not all of you from here on in. There is something to be said about doing it with friends! what are your plans for rotations in September? I'm fairly open to what to do in September and might choose one that others are doing for the check-in benefit of it and the accountability.

I would love to go kayaking and hiking with you! That sounds so wonderful! Have a great time and check in with us as you can.

Chrissy, I'm glad to hear you had a great time as well. I know I would have been like you, feeling the need for a break but not wanting to take one and going in again for a last class just to get the most of it! I'm so glad you were able to go and were able to connect with so many others. When I go, whenever that will be, I'm gonna have to stick with you guys, as I will be a total newbie...lol

Hi everybody else, have a great day!
Hi Everyone!

I did BM2 cardio this morning! It felt so good! I really enjoyed it!

Chrissy, Cathe mentioned on FaceBook that you had stayed over and attended her class this morning! You're a celebrity! (I assumed it was you! She said Chrissy from the RT! :eek:) Glad you had a good time too! I can't wait until we can see pictures and hear more about the adventure!!!

Julie, how are you doing? Did you move out yet? Glad you're still getting your workouts in.

Cendrine, isn't it fun to get back into STS! I am SOOOOO sore from Disc 19 yesterday. My chest and triceps are really talking to me! I was hoping we would have STSC by September but I guess we all know that won't happen! :D Whatever we decide though, I should be able to stick to it!

Back to work! Hope everyone is having a good day!
Hey guys!!!

Chrissy, how was the class this AM????? I hope you get home safe and sound EARLY enough to enjoy part of your day!

I chose to sleep in this morning and take today as my rest day. It's been 10 days since my last one, so I figured it's time. I'm going to move my schedule around to accomodate that and my training runs. No biggie. I'm actually feeling AWESOME and itching to workout, but want to be sure to recover a little bit before I start again tomorrow!

Yes, I at cleanly this entire weekend (actually 6 DAYS, since I went early and stayed longer). This was the first RT that I did so. I just wanted to come out of the weekend KNOWING that I COULD do it, even with ALL THOSE food choices and challenges.

Sorry to hit and run. I did get home safely around 2pm, which is the time I promised my boys I'd be home. I am doing laundry now and got everything unpacked already. WOO HOO! I'm hoping to chill out tonight with some hot WHITE tea that Cynthia gave me this weekend and just hang with the kiddos!

See you tomorrow....I'm planning a run and upper body weights (HEAVY) for the early morning!

Good to see the road trippers back, all safe and sound! Glad to hear that everyone had fun! How neat that Cathe mentioned Chrissy in her Facebook update this morning.:D:D I'm very excited that Minneapolis is on Cathe's possible cities for the road trip. It's about a 9-10 hr drive so doable for a weekend.

I'm sorry that I'm not going to join some of you for the June rotation now that my friend (Mommapew) has lent me CLX I'm going to do a round of that. I've done 2 of the workouts so far and I'm enjoying it. The workouts are harder than I thought they would be. Jo, I'll let you know what I think later on. I should be finished just in time to do a STS rotation with the new cardio.

Back to work tomorrow after 18 days off, it's going to be hard when that alarm goes off. DH has another week of holidays so I don't have any kiddos to get up and out in the morning so hopefully will sleep till 6:30 rather than 6 am. I've enjoyed my holidays (although nothing exciting) but I sure could have used some more days at home. Today is a civic holiday here so no work until tomorrow.

I see one of Cathe's cities is San Diego! Perhaps, if you and I could both swing it...we could hook up for THAT! (Us being west coast girls and all!)

I saw your pictures on FB! They look great! What is the T-12 group and and the Holy Lobes?

I'm glad CLX is harder than expected! Yes, can't wait to hear your review! Also, if I had 18 days off, I might not go BACK to work! LOL! Have fun getting back into the swing of things!

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Hi everyone. I got home today about 3. It was a nice uneventful drive.
Class was awesome this morning. It was very similar to sunday morning's class. She did ab work at the end and I thought I would die. Cathe told me in the middle of the class I was crazy for taking another class!:p But I couldn't pass up an opportunity for another 'live' Cathe class.

We had a nice chat at the end of class. I find it easier to talk to her when there aren't a line of 30 other people waiting. I still think I am star struck!! She is so sweet and down to earth. I just love Cathe.

If you go to the flickr pictures I am in the one in the high step picture. I am right behind Cathe in the blue t-shirt and red shorts-labeled Saturday class (jo-I am a celebrity again-LOL)

Gotta go.
Have a great night.
It is going to be a quickie for me!
I am worn out today! I think my period is coming so I am tired this week. What sux is I am supposed to have my yearly Fri and I think I will have to reschedule and my doc is always so booked I will probably get some odd time and have to wait forever. Mother Nature uhhggg!

This morning I too started the june rotationbut since I let MIL use my treadmill I did a steady stated step routine instead of a steady state run. Now I wish I had kept that darn thing.I can not run outside because for one it is still dark when I am working out and too I would probably have a pack of dogs after me...country livin'.

Cendrine-This is my first time to do a Cathe' rotation too and I am also enjoying the thought of others joining in. It lets me know I can get on here and say 'Hey was that tough for you too':D I am so glad you are doing it too.

Jo-It must be cooling down if you are working out. I would love to do the MT kayaking and hiking with you too. It sounds right up my alley. I think I remember you saying you weren't white watering it.

Chrissy-That is weird that they work your butt of at the road trip but then feed you bad food. I mean I am sure you have an option but I imagined it nore like a health retreat where all your options ( at least the ones they are offering ) were healthy ones. Like if they were going to feed you dessert that it would be something healthy but that you could not tell. I know I am dillusional. That is just how I pictured it.

Gayle-I bet your kids were glad to see you as you were probably glad to see them. I think it is so cool how you and Chrissy got to hook up and all the other gals too. It sounds like soo much fun.

Kim-I know how hard it can be to go back to work after a ling hiatus. Sometimes in the spring we can be off for a month waiting for a job and then one will come up and the weather will be so nice you just do not want to go. That is always the way. I hope you can get back into the swing of things farely easy.

Julie-How are things going. Have you been able to get your son to eat more? Have you got a PO box yet. Just pm me when you do and I will send you a money order. Thanks again!

OK guys I am off to bed because according to my rotation tomorrow is D3 Legs!:eek: Good luck Cendrine!

Hey guys. One last quick post.

Like Rachel, I believe they SHOULD serve healthier food. I went super prepared this year, to the point that I even BROUGHT some clean stuff WITH me to the meals. Chrissy, I'm excited you got another chance to chat with Cathe and do NOT worry about being tongue-tied.....I've been to 4 RTs and taken several classes AND had a meal with Cathe and STILL can't talk to her normally! LOL

Going to bed soon!

Chrissy, I'm so jealous, you actually got to talk and hang out with Cathe and didn't have to worry about a line of people standing behind you... wow, how fun! It sounds like Cathe is really very personable.

Jo, where do I go find out about the road trips? I haven't looked, but where would I find details. San Diego sounds so close for me! Wow! Now if the timing is right, I would love to go there with you!

Disk 3 tomorrow. I can feel my chest starting to talk from disk 1 today, I know, know, know, that I'm going to feel tomorrow's workout! Autsch!LOL! And I'm still going to do it!

Talk to you guys tomorrow!
Cendrine, there wasn't any details. It was in an email I recieved.

Here's what it said (they are considering Seattle but San Diego is for sure!)

Thank You Road Trippers

We hope everyone had a really great time and we look forward to seeing you again next year – Thanks for coming! We have already posted a few pictures on Flickr and will continue to post a lot more Road Trip pictures as the week progresses. If you attended the event please post your pictures too in our forums or in photoplog!

Cathe Eggland’s Best National Tour Cities Announced

At the just completed Cathe 2009 road trip we announced the first cities for the Cathe Eggland’s Best National Tour. We are in the process of booking conference centers and banquet rooms for each event across the USA. The cities we have announced so far are:
1. Daytona Beach, FL
2. San Diego, CA
3. Chicago
4. Texas ( we’re looking at Austin, Dallas or San Antonio)
5. NYC
6. Atlanta, Ga

In addition to these top 6 choices we’re also looking at Seattle, Minneapolis, Denver, Phoenix, Baltimore and Boston. Currently only Daytona and San Diego have been booked, but we hope to have all the other sites reserved by the end of this month. It may be necessary in some cases to change a location if we’re unable to book the space we need, but we think we will be able to find space in all of our top city choices. If you have a location you would like to see us come to please let us know in our forums.
I just read in the Ask Cathe forum that San Diego is July 30 & 31, 2010!

Since we have so much time to plan, I'm sure I can make it happen unless they decide to come to Seattle (we'll know in the next 30 days)! If she comes anywhere on the west coast I'll find a way to get there!

Wouldn't that be GREAT fun?

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