6 Month STS Almni Jan 31-Feb 6

Started mesocycle 2 today with Hiit 30/30 and medicine ball abs. Felt good to be working out again today. Jo, at least the dr saw the problem and feels he can fix it! Had he been having problems with pain or movement before?

Glad you're having a better eating day Cendrine, I did too!! (now should go to bed before I start snacking!) Any reason that was causing you to not eat well over the last few days??

Rachael Keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well tomorrow!

Sorry, it was a quick post for me but I've spent way too much time on the computer doing house research looking into schools, taxes, etc.
Good morning to yall!

Well although DH and dear brother mad a very diligent effort they just could not beat the rain...So now there is a big blue tarp covering up the hole in the eave that had to be cut out before any walls could go up. They did get all the walls built but the rain came at about 3 something and they needed to about 10 something to get finished framing:confused::p:D
I love 'em, they did the best they could do!

I am so glad I live in the wood though because it is really starting to look constructiony around here and if I had neighbors they would be p*issed!
Hopefully we will get to finish the majority on Saturday...I will keep you posted.

Ok now onto my workout. Since I hadn't really done one all week to speak of.:eek:
Today I did the 58 min kick max premix. Not the boot camp but the one with the leg drills at the end. I used my new vibram shoes and for this I loved them! BUT I have not worked out all week so I am not sure if any of my feelings today count! I really felt connected to the floor though, if that makes sense. Like in the warm up at the end where you do the side lunge plie's ,well I felt like I could really get low. That was also the case in all the other squats in the warm up...So like I said I have not worked out all week so I think the true test will be when I get to use them for a leg work out...or maybe the real test will be the second week of leg work outs when I am getting worn out again!:D So I will keep yall updated!

Now my oatmeal is about done so I will be back after breakfast for personals...Its a rain out here so looks like no work today plus we do not want to leave the house so we can keep an eye on the tarp!:eek:lol

Now that my body is fueled along with my brain maybe I can think of something other than food for an hr. LOL :D

Jo-It stinks that DH got a misdiagnosis on something that might have prevented this whole fiasco! Are Dr.'s allowed to have mistakes like that...Hmmm.
Keep us up to date on what is happening. The surgery is happening really quickly. Has Dh ever had to have sugery on anything before?

Kim-I have not looked at the next months rotation but if you just started it , it looks like we are going to start the week with cardio instead of weights? I guess I need to go look for myself huh? haha
It sounds like the house hunting is stepping up a notch! When you start looking at schools then you know you are getting serious right. So you will have to let us know what you are looking at. I am super curious to live through the whole experience.

Cendrine-Well I am not going to lie...the fries were good, but I only had a very few and since I do not ever eat them and I worked so hard to make them...I did not even feel guilty. Other than the fries yesterday, I had a pretty good eating day too. I did not even eat a snack after dinner, like Kim!
As far as the soup thing goes...I did not have a specific one in mind but I had 4 hamburgers that I had already made up from lunch and was trying to find something different to do with them for DH's dinner. I kept coming across a smothered hamburger with a gravy made out of soup and other ing...
I have seen a faux recipe for those particular soups...I think on Spark recipes, but I normally do not have the ing. in house to do the sub or the time...one or the other or both. Anyhow, I was just wondering since you get to cook way more than I do if you had ever had that issue.

OK I am off to see what I can get done...Murky day though!
Have a great day!

Good Morning!

I'm going to be really busy the rest of this week and next as we have visitors coming to the office all next week so I will have to be on a full schedule, etc., plus we're spending today and tomorrow getting the office spruced up!

So, will do my workout tonight - I think I'm going to do Athletic Step!

Kim, DH has movement but it was painful - not very limited at all. But his shoulder bothered him all the time. The dr said his ligament on the top of the shoulder has retracted over an inch and he's not sure he can stretch enough to get him full movement back. Also, he said DH has incredibly strong delts and they've been doing all the work for him. He said if his muscles weren't so strong this would have happened a long time ago. He rarely sees cases like DH where it's gone on this long before tearing like it now has. Good for you on starting Meso 2! I think this is my favorite of the 3 so am looking forward to starting this weekend. But, with that said, I've felt lost without rotation this week, yet somehow libertated! LOL! :p:cool::D

Rachel, stay dry! I'm so excited about your mud room! And love hearing the progress! Your rain made me think to tell you guys that we're having the warmest winter on record! They said the other night that we had the warmest January since they started keeping records and all this week it's been in the low 50's. It should be about 10 degrees cooler. I guess we're preparing for Cendrine to move here! LOL! Anyway, hope the rain subsides for you!

Cendrine, if you move here, I'll babysit for you! (Did I say that? LOL!?) What fun projects do you have going on with the kids? I was thinking how nice for you to do your school projects with them. Have you made any new treats for the Drs?

Alright, I'm off to the shower...
Hi Girls,

no workout for me today. It started around dinner time last night, I felt nauseous and couldn't get anything down, then it took me about 2 hours on the heating pad in bed to get warm, could't stand without getting dizzy, passd out twice...:eek: and had all the other symptoms of a bad stomach bug :( Not fun. I managed to get out of bed without collapsing this morning, so I hope that is a good sign for how the day will go. I'm headachy though and still don't feel like eating.... I hope it's one of those 24hr bugs. I haven't been sick like this in over 10 years.

Kim, I'm glad you had a good eating day, I did too, but it didn't stay....LOL I think my previous few days of having trouble may have been due to my cycle, I seem to get hit with more pms stuff every other month for some reason, which is really odd, but I kind of think that's what it was.

Rachel, I'm so sorry that your building project got put on hold! It stinks when you have momentum and then you have to stop. I hope you can pick up again soon!
Your workout shoes sound fun! I'm glad you liked your workout with them!

Jo, I hope sugery is very successful for dh and that he gets the full use of his shoulder back!
You made me smile with your comment about the weather getting ready for me to move up there!LOL!
I bet the kids would love you, you have so much energy and are such a fun and upbeat person, they would have a blast!
We did a little homemade cord and pompom project for school yesterday with the kids because in the story we were reading had that in there and they enjoyed making it.
Today's science project is making a waterwheel with the cups from an eggcarton. Ds has been looking forward to it tons. I hope it's a success, since sometimes the experiments don't always work.
I haven't made any goodies this week, but will probably start up again once my appetite returns....;)
Oh Cendrine, I hope you get to feeling better! I haven't been sick like that in so long that it would probably knock me on my butt and I do not know how I would get through the day with projects and things to do so you are my official hero of the day!
I think my eating is partly because of my cycle coming too but it doesn't help to be idle either. I do better at this time of the month when we are busy busy so I kind of use that as a reward for all that work..not all this munching. I am doing pretty good today though.

Jo-Thank goodness dh was in good shape! Maybe it will help in a speedy recovery too.
Thanks for the heads up on you being busy , just check in when you can!

Hiya Kim:D

Ok I know I am talking alot today...sorry about that!

But I have a rant I have to share with like minded folks...so here it goes.

Dh informed me today that we were invited to FIL's for dinner which I am not really a big fan of because normally the menu is not healthy. So DH said it was spaghetti and I knew that meant starchy white noodles and no telling on the sauce but definitely no salad or anything. So I kind of moaned and he got miffed and I just politely reminded him that when people come to eat dinner here I normally try to accommodate everyone so no one feels like they are having to eat what I might like to eat. Anyhow, he took that and realized , I guess , that was true. I just suggested that I would bring my own noodles and some spinach to throw in my pasta just to help with the health benefits for me.
So I get there with my noodles and pasta in tow and of course while I was near a grocery store , I went ahead and got a gallon of organic milk...Well I got it from when I got in the door...if it was not about how expensive my milk was and how I should not live so extravagantly, it was that I am too extreme with my healthy eating...Now I do not see how I was hurting any one or any thing since I provided all of the extras that I wanted with my meal . The only thing he provided was the water and electricity to boil it and he probably was bothered by that! I did everything I could to bite my tongue but it was hard.
Then he wanted to talk about the garden he is going to plant and I have tried to make it clear to him that he should start small to see how it goes but he wants to plow a whole acre up. The problem is that when it is time to pick all this stuff I will be working 6-12 hour days possibly and will not be picking veges. on the 7th because I will have to do all my other house chores on that day. Then he basically said I was full of excuses...He kind of says it jokingly but if it like other times, later on when he is picking he will be pissed that I am not there doing it too. Although I have tried to point out the obvious, that he and I are the only ones in that part of the family that even eats most of the produce that he is talking about planting! ARGHHHHH

Ok I had to yell it out because dh is still there so I had no one to yell it out at!haha Sorry about that gals...I am going to go unwind and try to find a good girl movie!
That man...ughhh!

See yall tomorrow!


so sorry about your bad experience at FIL's, that's too bad, but all I can say is set your boundaries and accept no blame later on, unless you want some of the goodies...LOL One acre sure sounds like a half time job to me!
I have an issue with MIL, she can't throw anything away and so she always loads it on me. I have stopped tellig her I don't want it, because she doesn't listen, but I have also stopped feeling guilty about putting everything into the next goodwill box we fill up. So I guess it works out that way, I just don't tell her what happens to her stuff...LOL!
I just realized how lucky I am with my inlaws, they actually said they wanted us to buy only the best foods for our family and would be willing to pay the difference if we ever can't afford it. What a difference, huh?
The day went ok, dh went out and bought some club soda and saltine crackers, but I was not feeling hungry once all day.... Dd tried to eat and coulnd't keep anything down all day, ds is a little bit better off and dh just came home feeling lousy too.... We are just a poor bunch right now... So we will hit the sack early and hopefully tomorrow will look better. I doubt that I'll get a workout in though, but that's ok.
Good morning Yall!

Man Cendrine, I hope this passes quickly for you all. It is one thing when you are sick and have to take care of your self but I bet it is a whole other thing when you children and you dh are sick too and you are still sick too. That really stinks. I am trying to send you good vibes but I am still blowing my nose so maybe Jo can send some of her good energy vibes!:D
Well FIL is weird about the health thing. He sees me drinking green tea and so he tells me about a study that says it is bad for me and this all while he is taking his frozen pancakes out and nuking them for breakfast. I think he is just trying to push my buttons some days but I just try to smile though it...Yesterday he mentioned something about me canning the extra veges...:rolleyes: I told him there would be no way for me to have time to do that and I was sure of that and he said something about 2012...Now if you knew him you would know that he does not think that the world is going to end in 2012 but I think he was trying to scare me into canning veges or something...haha you just never know where you are at with him.
I love it that you just take what your MIL gives you , Cendrine, and probably for the most part it goes in the GW box. I will try to take some of that wisdom and try to use it not to let FIL push my health food buttons. Of course if I am cooking it here and he is just here eating he doesn't mind how expensive the food I prepare is...Oh I tell you sometimes I wish there was a rewind/take back button so you could say what you want and get it off your chest and then take it back so there would be no hurt feelings or regret!...Wouldn't that be great?

OK yall I guess that was heavy before workout! I think I am going to try the short premix of drill max since this is my last couple of days of slupping it before meso 2 starts!

Have a great day!

Good Morning Girls! I am SO BAD! No workout yesterday so I've missed two days now...but I'm not feeling bad about it! :p I'm just so busy at work trying to get ready for our visitors next week. Sigh...anyway, I'll be able to get my workouts in this weekend but am concerned about next week. (Another Sigh...) We haven't heard yet what time DH surgery is on Monday.

Cendrine!!! WHAZ UP?!?!?! We can't have you all sick! Catch this...I'm sending you Sgt Pepper juice: red pepper, orange pepper, yellow pepper, orange, ginger....pour and DRINK! There, all better??? Fainting??? Boy, you had a wicked little virus! Hope you're all better today!

Rachel, turn on your cloaking device, set your stun gun on Xnay don't hear you, are you kidding me??? UGHHH! Don't try to explain yourself, just smile and say to FIL: "ooo these are my favorites!" (to whatever it is...organic milk, noodles) Tell him your food turns you into a caped crusader! Oh, I feel for you and how frustrating that is knowing you're going to have to deal with those comments! Okay, healing juice for you today and rid you of those remaining sniffles: kale, romaine, lemon, apple, ginger...pour and DRINK! There, all better? :p

Hello Kim!

Okay, I'm off to the shower!
OH I was feeling sorry for myself with my head cold (sore throat, sneezing, aching sinuses) but then I came on to the forums. I'll take my cold over what you have Cendrine! I hope that you are all feeling better soon! Sounds like a wicked virus!

I was hoping to sleep in today but work up early and couldn't get back to sleep so got up and did my workout CCC Cardio only and Ab Circuits no equipment abs. It was good to get it out of the way. I had to go in to get bloodwork drawn (just routine after my annual exam a couple of weeks ago) and it had to be done fasting. Oh, I like to have my coffee and toast at 6 am every morning, I'm a habit of creature. I was starving by 9:45!!! Between my cold and my appetitie I was a grumpy mom this morning!;);)

Yesterday DH and I did the first STS of mesocycle 2, he really enjoyed this format. I thought he would! This meso is also my favoutie, Jo! Rachael, the second month does start with cardio.

Rachael Sorry, you had such a frustrating dinner out with your FIL! He sounds a bit manipulative!! A one acre garden is huge! I had a hard time keeping up with my little backyard garden last summer! Hows the mudroom coming>

Jo You sound as busy as usual. Just enjoy the rest week and get organized at work. Did you ever get a chance to watch TBL??

Cendrine Good for you for being able to donate MIL's stuff. I'm getting better at that too. My MIL spoils the kids (her only 2 grandkids) but she tends to buy lots of junky stuff. Things we don't have room for in the house either. I'm getting better at just donating things or giving away. Good thing her memory isn't very good, so she doesn't seem to notice.;)
How did the experiment turn out?

We have a fairly quiet weekend coming up. I also have Monday (and today off work) Rachael I'll try and keep you updated on the house hunting. I"m getting very excited about the idea, but trying not to get my hopes up. DH is a very slow, logical, budget minded person (he's an accountant);) A big decision like this will take him lots of time and deliberation. I tend to be very impulsive. Out of the 4 new developments that we looked at, I've kind of focused on one because 1) it's a little cheaper 2) it's small and built around a center park 3) it's close to my sister's and the kids could go to the same school as their cousins which would make the transition easier.

I would like to go back to that division over the weekend (without the kids) and get more details about what lots are still available, etc. I'm not sure if DH is ready to do that yet or not.
Hi Girls,

thanks so much for all you guys' sympathy and healing juices and all! I am feeling way better today. I decided to not work out yet but might try tomorrow. The kids have both eaten some food and kept it down today, but are still not eating a lot. Dh is I think the one who is off worst right now, he's taking a nap, but luckily he hasn't had any trouble keeping his food, but he is careful about what he eats.... Not that you all needed to know the details...LOL!
Anyway, I am considering myself recovered even if I'm going to take it easy for a couple more days.

Kim, your reasons for the particular house you have narrowed in sound very good. I wonder what will come of it! Dh is like yours, leaving no stone unturnedand he acutally loves doing this kind of stuff too! I'm more like you, if it feels good, I'm good with it...LOL! Nothing like opposites balancing each other out!

Rachel, that rewind button certainly would be nice! I love Jo's comment about saying it's your favorite, regardless of what it is, that is one I'm going to remember!

Jo, sorry you didn't get to work out again, but I know you will pop right back in when things slow down, sometimes we just can't keep the same schedule, even if we do like our meals at our set times, Kim, right? I am so like you, when I have to do a fasting blood test, I always bring food with me to devour right after. The earliest my dr is ever open is 8 and that is 2 hr after my regular breakfast time! I totally hear you on this! LOL! Food makes such a difference!
Quick Hello Again!

Kim, here's a healing juice for you: kale, romaine, beet, red pepper, ginger...pour and DRINK! Ahhh...there do you feel better? :D

I am set to watch TBL tonight. It comes on the Fine Living Network tonight and tomorrow night so I'll be able to catch up! I'm excited for you and the potential house situation! Be near your sister and kids sounds like a fun deal!

Okay, back to work! I can't believe all of you are/have been sick! GET WELL EVERYONE!!!! BOOST THOSE IMMUNE SYSTEMS!!! KICK SOME VIRUS BUTT! TAKE CONTROL!!! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!
Cendrine, we were posting at the same time! Glad you're feeling better! Hope DH rebounds as quickly as you! I'm sending you healing vibes!!!
Hello! We got our offices spick and span today and I now have a headache! It hasn't turned into a migraine but I know it's because of a combination of weather changes and cleaning chemicals used at work today. Anyway I took a migraine dose so hopefully I have it under control! With that said, I'm getting ready to watch TBL at 9:00 and then bedtime!

Monday I have to have DH at the hospital at 6:15 a.m. for his surgery so I'll be on Rachel time! :p It's being done in Seattle so will have to leave the house around 5:30. I'll take my laptop and Kindle with me (maybe a pillow too!)

Talk to you tomorrow!
OK really quick post for me...I have a tremendously busy day and I tried to get up and fit some p90 yoga in for the last time this week but really only had time to get warmed up!

My brother is coming to help again today so I am taking my niece to her basketball tournament and taking my 3 yr old nephew too. It is our first outing alone so I am a little nervous..:eek: I guess that shows my inexperience with kids, huh:eek:

Well I better get on with it but I see I have a lot of catching up to do later!

Have a great day!

Good Morning Everyone!

I still have this "half-way to a migraine headache" so am trying to decide if a little stretching or light cardio might help or make me feel worse. I can tell this is definitely a sinus induced headache.

Watched TBL - Kim, I was glad to see red team girl not so angry but kind of hoping she'd get kicked off. I felt bad for brown team. And, wow about Miggy (is that her name?). In spite of her surgery she did awesome! Walking 18 miles? Whoa!

Rachel, good luck with the kids! You'll be fine! It'll be fun! :cool:

Hope all of you are feeling better today! I'll check back with you later!
Jo, I hope you didn't get worse! Very smart of you to pop a migraine dose right away, I so hope it worked!

How long will dh's surgery take and how long did they say the recovery will be after that before he will be back to normal?
I was also wondering about your weight loss candidates, how have they all been doing? I know last time you shared the one gal you were working with had lost more than half of what she had for a goal. The second half is bound to be slower to come off, how is she holding up persevering through that?

Oh, I just saw you posted again, so I guess your head is not all happy yet. I hope you find something to help you kick it!

Rachel, I'm sure you will be fine with the little guy! I hope when you get home you will find lots of progress.

We are still living on saltines and bubbly water for the most part, however I tried some yoghurt this morning to help restore some good bacteria to my system.... I am also hoping to gear up for a workout today, but other than that we are still taking it easy... But things are so much better because my head is feeling fine now. I can handle upset stomach better than my head being uncooperative.

Kim, I hope your cold is all gone by now! How's the househunting going?
Okay, big round of applause here! After my last post, I suddenly felt better so decided to go tackle Athletic Step! OH I LOVED IT! I loved the shuffle repeaters with the skip across! FUN FUN FUN! I always love shuffle repeaters and fast feet and all those kind of moves! For being first time through, I'll say I was about 80% effort but the moves were so easy to pick up! Oh that was FUN! So except for feeling so-so about the Circuit Blast workout (needs another chance though) I LOVE this series! So the Travel Fit workout is the only one I haven't done.

Kim, did you guys get part of that giant snow storm? Are you keeping warm?

Rachel, carry on! I'm sure you're doing great with the kids!

Cendrine, I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm with you on having your head feel better! You got that right sustah!

Okay, I'm off to the shower so I don't waste the day!
woohoo, Jo, I'm so glad you are feeling better! And you got to enjoy the workout as well, that is awesome!

I did manage to do my workout as well but it was not without challenges.... dd had two incidents of diarrhea and one case of vomiting this morning. But because she didn't feel lousy, I just cleaned her up and went back to working out. No more incidents since.... Hope it stays that way!

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