>>>6 month alumni checkin<<< Jan. 17 thru Jan.23

So sorry for your loss Kim! I am so glad that you had friends at work to relate with. Grieving is easier with friends, I think. The children are the saddest to me. They are so young to lose their mom. Don't ever worry about bringing down the thread. We are here for every thing good and bad!

I am with all of yall too with fitness and friend issues. I started running a long time ago to stave off weight gain from smoking and my bf wanted to join me. At first she was into it but then she started to dread it and she brought that negative attitude with her every time we went running. Then she made me dread the fact that she was coming. It was terrible. Of course we were just starting out so we would do run walk intervals. On our last run interval, she groaned with distaste and I finally told her that she was bringing me down and she took off. haha She left me in the dust. I have to laugh now because she was so mad that I told her all her complaining was messing my run up and it pissed her off enough to run faster! I think that was our last run!:p Since then she will come to me off and on and say she wants to get in shape but she can not be consistent. Right now she has some of my Cathe dvd's and I asked her after a couple of weeks how she was doing and she had not tried them yet.:rolleyes: You can try to be supportive but a lot of times people just want it to just happen. They look at you and think that it must come easy or that there is some secret you are not sharing. My mom says I have my Great Aunts genes because she was an 80 lb anorexic. I say no I just don't eat gravy at every meal and I work my butt off...haha
My bf also doesn't want to feel "deprived". I tried to tell her I am not depriving myself of anything. For the most part, if I want something I have it. I also tried to tell her that the healthier you eat the less your body craves the bad food, but no one believes that either...because that would be easy, right? Oh well I just thought I would throw my vent in there too. I think we all have had similar experiences because it is hard for people to be happy for you when they fell you have what they want but won't give it up because they don't have it...does that make sense...

Cendrine-Our rain and thunder will be here tomorrow. Would you believe it was 70 degrees here today? Our weather is all over the place. Tomorrow they are predicting hail and high winds...I hope not!
It sound like you are getting more confident with your work outs! You will be doing SC before you know it.

Jo-Feel free to vent all you need. I do not know why but you make me laugh even when you are venting. Did you enjoy the balmy January weather?:cool:

Mary-I always worry about dh walking in on a not so great moment for me too. Like when my eyes are popping out and I am only an inch away from smashing my face in the ground. I can not go down cause I like my teeth and I can not go up because I just can't.:p

Kim-I know I said it up top but I will be thinking about you. It is hard to lose a friend. I lost my bf from high school a few yrs back to a car wreck and I had lost touch with her a while before her death. I still regret that. I still have dreams about her and think for a brief second when I wake up that she is still here. It does really put a lot into perspective.
I am glad you shared with us.

OK alll I am off to bed. It is hard to wake up this week so I am going to give myself some extra sleep.

Mary, I'm so glad the ladies like Travel Fit, and yes, you definitely are excused from the pushups...LOL! Don't let other people make you feel guilty for their weight gain, you are not the one making them stop working out and eating too much. I can feel guilty quickly too, somehow I feel responsible for fixing other people's problems if I know how.... Don't know where that came from, but I am constantly stepping back reminding myself to be accountable for no one else... after all it is enough work being accountable for myself...LOL!

Kim, I am so sorry about your friend and it makes it double tragic because of the kids! That always gets me. My godfather's daughter who has two kids the age of mine has breast cancer and the prognosis does not look good. I want to get her onto the green smoothies and all that healthy stuff, (I have read that people have beat cancer without surgery and chemo by going 100% raw in their diet. It probably largely depends on how early it gets diagnosed) but you know how it is, everyone tells you what you should do, I'm just another voice in the choir. I'm glad you got to work out and blow off some steam. I sure wish there were more we knew about how to prevent cancer!
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry about your friend. I can only imagine how devasting that is to her family, and like you said, puts things in perspective. It just isn't right to be so young and leave a young family! I'm glad you didn't skip your workout - you need that!

Mary, oh yeah...I forgot about those dreaded Elmos! Another one I couldn't do! Hope you enjoy the Hiit Pyramids! Yes, I remember about your GF's at the gym! It's frustrating isn't it - "I don't have time!"

Cendrine, yeah on your workout! You're just improving every day! I'm so glad that you are green smoothie girl! So I read about the winds today! I'm hoping you're okay and didn't lose electricity or anything!

Rachel, Heh hehe...not laughing cause it's funny but laughing because your bf sounds like my bf! HA! Liked your story! Yes, I am enjoying our balmy 50 something weather!

Well, GF's, I guess this is why we have each other for fitness and healthy eating -
NOBODY ELSE UNDERSTANDS US!!! :D:p:cool::eek::confused::eek::rolleyes:;)

Kim, big drama on TBL! Talk to you all tomorrow!
Good morning...
Quick in and out for me this morning...
Disc 8 kicked my butt..haha I do not know why I always go into back day thinking it is going to be the easier of the weight work outs.:rolleyes:
I think like Jo has said...my form has improved so much that I am really working those back muscles good. Of course the tri work outs are always burning and good.

I forgot to mention one other infuriating thing about my bf...One of her main excuses for not working out is time...She does not work and does not have kids...How is that for , HUH? haha I can't believe I left that out...

Jo- You are right no one does understand us.!

Kim-My thoughts are with you today!

Cendrine- I hope you are weathering the storms...Ours are coming tonight.

Mary-Keep working your office mates.;)

Have a great day!


I got to work a few minutes early so thought I would say HI!!

Kim - I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. I think most of us have been affected in some way with a friend or family member who has had cancer or another debilitating illness. I fear cancer and the horrors it can do to a body and the after affects to a family. I have a friend who is a nurse at the women's health clinic, and she constantly reminds me to get my pap and mamm every year (not that I need to be reminded). IS IT TIME TO SCHEDULE YOUR PAP AND MAMM LADIES ??????

CENDRINE - I think you hit it right on the head when you said you feel responsible for fixing other people's problems. I'm the same way! Maybe it's the nurturing side of being a women, and that it's ingrained in us to help those that need help. But like a child learning to tie their shoe, eventually they need to learn and start doing for themselves. On another note, when you take your walks, are you able to wear a weighted vest? That may help "up" the intensity without causing havoc to your back muscles. Just a thought...

Rachel - Our weather for the past month has been cold and overcast. It's actually a big deal when the forecast is calling for sunny skies (but haven't seen that in awhile). I love hot & humid weather. If it wasn't for all of my family living in Michigan, I probably would live in a more tropical climate. I'm not sure if any of you have heard the Kid Rock Song, "All summer Long"? He is a Michigander and the song is about northern Michigan. I heard the song on my way into work this morning, and every time I hear it I think of summer and camping and being up-north by the lake. HOW MANY MORE MONTHS BEFORE SPRING??????????

JO - I have to laugh with all your talk about the Wii. My girlfriend had a News Years Eve Party and her boyfriend brought over his Wii (bowling and tennis I think) for us to play. I was pretty excited because I've never played, and have heard lots of fun things about the games. There were about 12 of us, 6 being men. Those 6 men with all of their macho skills could not get that Wii hooked up to her TV. The ladies ended up getting a good laugh out of the men's inability to get the thing working, especially since we had a few drinks under our belt. The men blamed it on the TV, the women had another opinion, and we were not shy to tell the men what we thought :D:D:D:D:D.

On another note, on my drive into work yesterday, I was on the road for about 10 minutes before I realized I was driving in the complete opposite direction of work. I had no clue where I was heading!!! Could it possibly have been a senior moment????? I did the double wave pyramid last night and really liked it. I did all of the moves with fairly good form. I don't have any jumping issues yet, so the tuck jumps were doable for me. I never thought I would enjoy the shorter workouts as much as I am. BRING IT ON CATHE....

Well work is calling, so I need to go. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!

Hi Girls! MMA Boxing today! And boy did I give it my ALL! It's always so much better after the first time! I really got into the leg blitzes! For some reason I really like those kind of drills!

Rachel, you ROCK ON with the back and tris! I feel exactly the same way about always thinking the back workout is going to be easier! I know doesn't that "haven't got time" drive you nuts?!? I always tell people, it's like brushing your teeth - you just have to make it part of your daily routine!

Mary, Oh, my gosh about driving the wrong way! LOL! I've done that too! It kind of gives you a moment of panic doesn't it? LOL! :eek: You go girl on the tuck jumps! I was thinking I should watch myself in a mirror...maybe I'm not really as bad at them as a think! NAH...I know I suck at them!

Tonight I'm making a lentil, barley, kale soup - so I'll let you know how it goes! Hello Kim and Cendrine!
Hi all,

it is still raining here, and cold. But it's interesting, I would have expected a half flood or something, but the quantity of water is actually not so bad. Which isn't all that good for California, a good downpour would be great. Anyway, I have this plastic container in the backyard, oh about 6 inches deep, and it was empty before the rain and it is still not overflowing... so I'm underwhelmed... The wind does cause some whistling around here in the house and I did hold on to the steering wheel with both hands, but it's fine, no power loss or anything...

I did my third weight workout today. I have to confess I am feeling a little embarrassed with the strength loss I am experiencing... I'm doing lighter to be careful on my back but my working muscles are equally happy for the lighter fare....:eek: ONe workout at a time, is all I can say.

Mary, thanks for the weight vest suggestion, I'll start doing that soon, it definitely helps up the intensity!

Hi Rachel and Kim!
Well Cendrine, I'm glad you're not floating away! LOL! Seriously, I'm glad all is well! And DO NOT feel embarrased about strength loss!!! Listen to me! IT IS A GOOD THING TO BE GOING EASY!! No need rushing to get back up to to previous poundages! You'll be there before you know it! Think of it as a presale! :D You're just putting down a little up front and waiting for the good stuff to come later!! :p Actually, by starting with lighter weights, you can really focus on your form too!

Okay, here's what I made tonight!


This was excellent!!!

Cendrine, if you make it, you might want to cut back on the pepper flakes for the kids. Just a little bite, not too much. This would be a wonderful cold day dish. Very thick! Also, I didn't have any spinach so used kale (big surprise huh?)
Wow Jo that was a good analogy for Cendrine. Presale..I love that!

Well I am sorry with all these in and out posts but I am sure my week will be winding down soon.
We had hail here last night so I am waiting for the sun to come up to see if there is any damage. Dh woke me up at around 9:15 (I know I was already sleeping hard :eek:),it was really hailing pretty good. It was about pea to quarter size. This is a little unusual at this time of year for us. Normally we get these types of storms starting in March. But I am sure it has happened before and will happen again.:rolleyes::eek::confused::(
Keeping my fingers crossed everything is OK out there.

This morning it was MMA Boxing. I just realized it is MMA Fusion on Saturday. I loved that workout when I did it the first time but am looking forward to seeing if I picked up any more balance this month. I can not believe we are coming up on our last week of Meso 1. I do not know about yall but it is flying by for me!

Well I hate to just leave without any personals but I am so low on time...

Kim, Cendrine, Jo, and Mary I hope you all have a great day...!!!

Jo, thanks for the recipe, I saved it for later. And thanks for the encouragement as well! I did an interval run today, running faster than last week for the intervals and I felt good, still feel a bit elevated...LOL

Ds had a Tiger Cubs fieldtrip to the firestation scheduled yesterday but it got cancelled because they were on high alert due to all the rain.... So we watched the rain with a healthy hot chocolate on the front porch in our rubber boots and jackets... the kids loved that....LOL

So guess what you guys, I am starting a business LOL! Well, tiny start anyway. I took some of my dehydrator crackers and a coconut treat that is very similar to and almond joy but without all the bad stuff to my chiropractor and she loved it! She also had her husband try the samples and I check my email right now and there is an email order from them, asking to be my first customer.... They even gave me the name for my busniess... Cendrine's Naturals ;):eek::rolleyes::D:)

How fun is that!
OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! AWESOME!!! How exciting!!! See you never know where things are going to come from!!! I'm so excited for you! So is the customer your chiro or the husband? Tell me more! This is just GREAT! Ahhhhh...what a fun way to start the day!

Hello Rachel, no worries about posting more! We KNOW you're out there! :p Don't let the hail hit you in the head! So you like Fusion better? I haven't looked at that one yet. It's tomorrow for me. I'm with you, this Meso is going very FAST! And I'm really really loving these new Shock Cardio workouts! I'm looking forward to trying the Athletic Step!

Disc 9 today for me! I think I remember of all the Meso 1 legs, this one felt the least taxing however, I really struggled trying to do the hamstring paper plate moves on the bonus legs part.

Okay, off to the shower! Later Gators! :p
Jo, my chiropractor and I are always shooting the breeze when I go for my treatments and I always bring her my new concoctions to sample, she even wanted a sample of my green smoothies...LOL! Anyway, she has been saying the last two visits that she was just going to pay me to make food for her, but I wasn't sure if she was joking or not. I had no idea her hubby would go for the coconut treat the way he did, I thought she was the chocolate worshipper...LOL! Anyway, they both work in the same office, they are both Chiropractors and when one is out the other one takes care of the other patients, so I know both of them pretty well. They are extremely nice people, very personable and we would totally be friends if it wasn't for the funny patient/doctor thing going on.

What's funny is that my brain is now scrambling to figure out a price.... what on earth would be appropriate for this? They said of course that they would pay me for my time and expenses, but that doesn't really help me much in coming up with a price... And then I'm thinking, I could sell it to them cheaper if I didn't have to pay regular grocery store prices myself... how does one get a business license, and of course you probably have to have a minimum quantity when you buy in bulk and what am I going to do with all that.... As you can see, way, waaaaaaaaay ahead of myself, but that is what my brain does, all the time, I'm always planning.... even if I only have one customer in sight and don't even really have time to have more customers...LOL!

It's fun to just think about it even though it's not going anywhere.... Do you think I could get in trouble for selling the product of someone else's recipe? After all these crackers were not my invention, I just made them.

Ok, I need to go take my mind off of this.....:eek::rolleyes::eek::rolleyes::eek::rolleyes:

Sorry about the quick post, but work was super busy and I just didn't have a chance to say HI earlier. It's about 7:30 in the evening and I'm trying to psyche myself to go downstairs and do MMA Boxing. I have to say the extra 2 workouts during the week at work, along with this rotation are really taking their toll on my body. I have Friday off, so hopefully I can catch up on some much needed sleep.

Jo-Thanks for posting the soup recipe. This comes at a great time because next Saturday I am hosting a "soup cook-off" at my house, and I'm thinking about making this recipe. I may make it this weekend to get the feel of cook time, ingredients, etc. Is it good enough to win the contest????? I have a smokin 1st place ribbon for the winner, and I'm hoping it's me....LOL :p:p:p.

Cendrine's Naturals has a profitable ring to it. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! I'm sure you can find tons of info on the internet about starting up a business. The coconut treat has my name all over it. If you have time, could you post the recipe. I'm always looking for a healthier treat to serve to the family. Way to go on the workouts!! Before you realize it, you'll be able to bench press your children!!!!

Rachel-Sorry to hear about your storms last night. I love watching a storm from the security of my home, but put me out on the open road during a storm and I become a blubbering idiot... LOL.

Hi Kim-Hope your day is going well.

OK, it's time to stop playing and GET BUSY!!!! BOXING HERE I COME....

Enjoy your evening ladies!!!!

Cendrine- You are so funny, that is exactly what I would do too. When one little thing comes to me in the universe, I completely over think it right off the bat! But I do not see anything wrong with that at all. I know when we got our business license we went to the court house. I do not know if it is the same way in every state though. Plus we live in a really small community compared to you but it might be the same . As far as copying someone elses recipe and selling it, I can not help you with that one.I think it is just wonderful though. I love that they loved it enough to order some.

Yall will not believe that it was 72 degrees here today and sunshining. Last week when we were off it was freezing and rainy and we will probably be off next week and it will probably be crappy weather again.haha Oh well. There will be spring in the future. We just found out that we have 2 really big jobs lined up and are hoping they do not fall at the same time. I just feel so fortunate to know we will be working up till summer , pretty steady and then when summer is here we are always working.

Other than that nothing too interesting here. I do not think anything could top Cendrine's fun news!:D:D:D

I am looking forward to legs tomorrow. That is weird , but for this whole meso so far that is how it has been for me. I hope that is how it stays the whole way through the rotation.

Jo-WHat are your plans for the dehydrator this weekend?

Hi mary and Kim

See yall tomorrow.

Mary, here is the recipe for the coconut treat:

Almond Joy Fudge
2 C agave nectar
2 C coconut oil
If your coconut oil is solid, place its container in a sink of hot tap water to melt it first. Then put both
ingredients in a high-power blender and add:
1 C raw powdered chocolate (or unsweetened cocoa)
Blend well, then pour the mixture into a bowl and stir in:
2 C shredded coconut
2 C chopped almonds
Pour the mixture into a 9x13” pan, chill 2 hours, and cut into squares to serve.

As you can see, there is nothing to it, very simple and ooh so good!

Thanks for your encouragement with my workouts, you guys have all been so encouraging to me! Thank you!

Rachel, I am so glad that the jobs have been coming in so steadily for you guys, that is a huge blessing, I'm really happy for you! I will check out the internet about starting a food based business, thanks for the idea, Mary, and Rachel thanks for sharing about the courthouse. I think I am still way too ahead of myself, but now my interest got the better of me so now I want to know even if I never do anything about it....:eek:
Jo, I went and ordered more of the nonstick dehydrator sheets so I can have one on each tray, since I will have more batches at once in there now....LOL!
Do tell, what are you dehydrating this weekend?
Good morning...
Quick post before I chug down my shake and run out the door. We are having such nice weather it is a shame to be cooped up in a hospital all day working but that's the breaks right.

Today was disc 9...legs...and I think I agree with you , Jo, I did not find this one as hard as the last two. I wonder if is on purpose or just a fluke. While I was doing it I thought it seemed to be putting more strength moves into this one, like all the dead lifts so I will have to see if next weeks is even more of a transition. Wouldn't yall love to be in Cate's head!!!

Jo-So how did you like MMA Fusion...I love how she makes it feel like you are fighting an opponent in this one. It will certainly help me take out all the aggression I have had all week at work...:D I am going to be kicking so much butt tomorrow!

Cendrine-You are such an inquisitive person. I wish I was more like that. I think you are encouraging me again! haha I think it would not hurt to learn more about what it takes to start up a small business. You certainly seem like you have the will and the talent for it. Man, I wish I lived down the road so I could try your treats! Maybe you could just start a small internet business and I could order some stuff.:D

Mary- I know what you mean about being out in the storms. Right before Christmas I was having to drive DH and I home from work because he was sick. Lightning struck literally right in front of us and I squealed. Not good when the driver is squealing...:rolleyes: I never minded being at home with the storms until a tree top came through the house. We got every tree near us topped after that but we are still surrounded.:eek:

Kim-I know you are busy with things around there but I am still thinking of you!

Have a great day...
Yes Rachel, good question...how DID I do with MMA Fusion...Aaaahemmm...let me see. I did great with the warmup and first combo. It was all downhill from there! My legs were sore from yesterday, and my body was putting up roadblocks to going to the floor, rolling around and jumping up! PLUS...today being day 6 I am tired! I'm sure I'll be better NEXT time! LOL! It seems to me, at least for me, this workout would work better between 2 upper body days rather than before or after a leg day. With that said, we all know I'll do better next time around but...my hip flexors were angry, my glutes were resisting me and my quads were saying "you're crazy!" So, I gave it my best shot but it wasn't pretty! Looking forward to that rest day tomorrow! Let me know how this works for you following Disc 9 today! ;)

Mary, I don't know if the soup will win you a contest! It is really thick so can almost be a side dish. Any idea what you're competing against? I will tell you I brought a sample in to work yesterday and everyone wants the recipe. So it is good!

Cendrine, you little entreprenuer you! What a great success story you'll be if this takes off! I know that here you go to the Department of Licensing to get a license and they can also tell you what else you need. I know in CA you have all kinds of city, state, etc. taxes that some states don't have. WA has a lot also. Washington also has a whole website devoted to what you need for starting a business, type of business etc. so you might google California Business License.

Kim, I'm thinking of you and hope you're doing okay! Did you do Fusion today as well?

Oh, and I'm thinking about dehydrating fruit this weekend. I'll let you know later. And I have a decadent raw dessert to post but have to go find the recipe. It's kind of similar to Cendrine's Almond Joy, but a little different.
Hi Guys, just a quick post from me because I am tired. I did my third weight workout this week and it went well, yay! I'm taking two restdays before starting up again, thinking of doing two rest days per week for a while. The reason I am tired is because for some reason it took me twice as long to do the grocery shopping than usual and I had my two kiddos haning on to the cart the whole time, so I was getting another workout, because as you know, kids don't just hang on and ride nicely, they do acrobatics which throws off the balance of the cart and pushing the cart becomes way more tricky...:rolleyes:

Talk to you all later!
Sorry I feel bad that I've haven't kept up with personals. I will get caught in the next day or two. My friend's death did really catch me off guard and it's been an emotional few days. The funeral is on Monday.

I have kept up all my workouts, did MMA fusion for the first time. Good workout! Very different and I worked up a good sweat.

Also keeping busy with a school meeting and kids' sports in the evenings. We're supposed to get a bit of a storm this weekend so heopfully we get time to just stay home and relax a bit.

Today I went in for my annual exam (good reminder Mary!) and everything looks good.
Yea it's Friday...!!!

I think the biggest part of this nightmare job is over now...Thank goodness. I hate working on a job with other crews...it never goes smooth.

Not too much going on here tonight. Dh went to a buddies for some guy time...yea that leaves me with some much needed alone girl time.:D I got Julie and Julia in from netflix today so I can't think of anything better to do tonight than pj's and a movie!

Cendrine-I have seen those acrobats in the grocery store and I am not ever jealous of the mom having to do all the pushing...haha. The best is when the kids are in the bottom and dragging there feet the whole way...That will create some tension pushing!

Jo-I know how you feel about the moves in MMA Fusion and I think that is why I am looking forward to it tomorrow. I hope I have improved:p But I did not think about it being after leg day:eek: I will definitely let you know how that turns out!

Kim-I completely understand you not posting. It is hard to talk about normal every day stuff when life isn't normal for you right now. I am glad you are keeping up with your work outs. I think that is best. I know it helps me.

Well I am off to couch potato it up with out the chips. Have a great night.

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