50 years and older


This was posted in the wrong section (da), so I reposted it in this one. Sorry about that.

I would love to see rotations from anyone from this age group. Just wondering where in the heck I fit in. Are any of you doing more than this? For me this is soooooo challenging. By the way I'm 54.

I stick fairly close to what is being done in each DVD. I've been doing them now since December of last year. This is my comming up September rotation. I love to mix and match differently every month, and in doing so, benifit and am able to do harder workouts the next month. Still need to lose 10 lbs. though. I don't know how much further I can go without fear of hurting myself. Courious anyway, and hoping I'm doing OK.

Thurs. PUB and CTX Kickbox
Fri. PLB and Step Jam
Sat. Treadmill 2 miles (or 30 min.) on 4.0
Sun. Cardio & Weights
Mon. Step Fit
Tues. MM speed walking for 30 min.
Weds. REST!

Thurs. S&H Upper Body, 10-10-10 (omitt tricepts)
Fri. S&H Lower Body and Mega Step Blast
Sat. Treadmill 2 miles (or 30 min.) on 4.0
Sun. HSCircuit with 10lb weights and 2 risers for cardio
Mon. Power Max (ouch!)
Tues. Max. Int. Strength and Speed Walking 30 min.
Weds. REST!

Repeat as above.

Love to find out what all you are doing. I've been very lucky, and am able to stay with this, but man, it is border line. I always feel that I've accomplished a good workout afterwards.

Show your stuff,

I will be 51 in a few short months.

This is my current rotation:
M-LowMax (50 minutes worth), 10 minutes abs
T-KP&C (45 minutes), 1 section of Coremax
W-MuscleMax upper body, Powermax (30 minutes)
T-TAEBO Advanced series (50 minutes)
F-IMAX1, Bootcamp Core only
S-CTX Upper Body, CTX Kickbox
S-Gym Style Legs, 30-45 minutes cardio of my choice
Janie, I was 52 back at the end of April and I just finished Cathe's August Bootcamp Rotation. Now I don't run and I don't have all the videos she listed, so I did have to modify there (did more step than I'm used to...hard on my poor right knee!) and I had to cut out some of the add-ons due to time constraints. But I did the double Bootcamp, and her homemade circuit and kept up pretty good on most of the stuff. Right now I'm on a recovery week and trying to figure out whether to do another high intensity rotation like August's or what...and I stumbled on your post while checking to see if Cathe's posted her Sept. rotation yet:)

You look fabulous! And definately worked hard to get that way. I'm proud of you. In comparison, I'm not as fit as you are, but boy, am I inspired! Now I can fit into the skeme of things. I'm right behind you, and going strong.

Seems that a lot of women that are maturing, just give up. Now I know that my gut feelings were right all along, to continue my rotations and keep pushing myself for the better.

Thank you for posting your personal rotation, it truly is an spiration. I'm sure that when other people see it they will be inspired as well.

Keep going strong,

Oh my gosh! This is the month everybody was so scared of. Another one that doesn't limit herself. By reading these last two posts, amazing workouts you are doing. I'm just wondering now if I'm taking it too easy. I'll have to do more and listen to my body as I go. You both are FANTASTIC.

I hope other people that are maturing can read these posts and continue on an even better path of workouts. WE can do this, you both have proved it to me.

Thank you so very much for posting this information.

Take care,
Hi Janie,

I am 56 years old and have been exercising with Cathe since last September. I don't consider any of the exercises beyond me, though I do modify quite a bit. There's a book out there that will really inspire you, I think. It's called READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell -- and he'll show you pictures of ordinary people -- older ordinary people exercising with intensity. Now intensity for one will be different for another -- so glad to see your post. Here's my rotation this week:

Monday: IMAX2

Tuesday: ME

Wednesday: short cardio and stretch from StretchMax

Thursday: MuscleMax or Power Hour

Friday: Sprints outside -- am trying for 12 this time -- or if it's too hot outside, I plan to do either IMAX3 or LowMax

Saturday: Bootcamp or KPC

Sunday: Off

Have fun -- looks like you're working at the right intensity level, which will change for the better as you do more and more...

Hi there Karen Kay,

Thank you for posting your intense rotation. It will take me a ltttle while to catch up with you, but I will do it. Just push a little more everyday.

You know, I think your right about "not considering any of the exercises beyond me". I now believe that was my downfall. All I have to do is "modify". I know that, but somehow/sometimes you just forget. Besides, it is great to know that I'm not the only one in my fifties working hard and staying fit. I litteraly don't know anyone personally at my age keeping fit. Isn't that sad?

I will look into the book you've mentioned. Knowledge is so powerful, isn't it?

You have fun too,
Hi Janie,

I am 50 years old. I have been working out with Cathe for a year, have all of her library. I've been working out and lifting weights with Joyce Vedral for about 10 years.

I tend to follow most of Cathe's rotations and I do quite well. I finished the August rotation on Sunday. I was really challenged when I had to run the five miles, which I did in less than an hour.

My own rotations would be a good cardio, i.e., treadmill, taebo, Cathe's step, IMAX2 is my favorite, and then any weights, i.e., PUB, PLB, Slow & Heavy, etc. My favorite rotation was the one body part a day and cardio.

I work out five to six days a week most time.
Most of all, I love to challenge the younger ones.
Hi Jamie,

I just had to chime in, since I turned 50 in June. I don't usually follow a written-in-stone rotation. I try to alternate cardio with weights, trying to hit the upper body twice a week. If my day of weights takes less than an hour, I try to add on 15-20 minutes of cardio.
Hi JoAnn,

Funny thing just happend, I posted a comment for you and it didn't show up. Well here it is again;

It just goes to show you, that you have to push yourself to get results. There is no easy way to get into shape.

I'm so proud of you for finishing the Ausgust rotation. I'm sure it was no easy task. WOW! I'm in awe, can't seem to close my mouth. I hope there will be another challenge like that for all of us again. I'm jumping on the wagon when it does come, and will modify, but will do it next time it comes around with everyone else for motivation.

I bet when you challenge the younger ones, you inspire them to do more.

Way to go,
It's great to see that there are many of us maturing individuals who are committed to keeping in shape, no matter what.

Janie, thanks so much for your comments on the rotation -- like I said the book READY, SET, GO! inspires me -- he has pictures of people in shape and keeping in shape (and they look good) in their 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's.

Someone else posted here that IMAX2 was their favorite workout -- I have to chime in and say -- yes, that and Muscle Endurance are mine -- I love all of Cathe's comments on ME -- makes me laugh.

Well, good workouts, everyone.;)
Hi Karen Kay,

I reviewed the book "Ready, Set Go!". My first impression, was that Phill looks Like Clinton. Then I read about it, and it sounds like anerobic could very well help us out big time. I'm seriously thinking about purchasing it. Perhaps on E-Bay.

I can be a little furgal sometimes, and other times I like to see how low I can get it for. Any way, it will be fun to purchase it, and in the meantime, I will do anerobics.

Did ME today, and Step Fit. My husband asked if I was allright, since I was pushing myself to the limits and making all kinds of wierd noises. I'm with you on this one, it sure does make you work hard.

Have done IMAX 2, but a little modified. Great workout! The other IMAX's are still too tough yet. Soon though.

Keep laughing,
Hi Janie,

I love IMAX2 -- of all the IMAX's it is my favorite and it ranks right up there with ME as my all time favorites -- I use them almost every week.

I think you'll enjoy the book -- your post made me smile -- I hadn't thought about it before, but he does sort of have that Clinton look... Oh, well...

The book is good. And yes, I think anaerobics is the way to go -- I know it sure gives me energy.

Will be checking in now and again -- am going on tour soon (Sept. 8) and so my postings may be sparce -- you're more than welcome to come and chat with me and Jeanette and Rhea and Natalie on my KK's rotation -- we pretty much check in with each other every day. I'd really miss them, I know, if I didn't keep checking in.

Happy workouts -- and have a terrific holiday weekend. :7
Hi Karen Kay,

I have my eye on a "Ready Set Go" book, just have to complete the transaction.

When you said you were going on tour, I was wondering to myself, for what? Then I looked at your profile and it said you were an American Indian writer. WOW.

Looked up your name on the Internet, and there you were. You have written more than 10 authentic American Indian Romance books.

Yet you are inviting me to chat with you and a few friends on your KK's rotation. I would be honered, but need to know how to do this.

I've noticed that your tour is very extensive. Try and find time to workout. I'm so excited for you.

Talk to you soon, have a great holiday.

My .02... I will be 59 in October. Today, I feel like doing Step Heat when I get home.

Tomorrow, Saturday, I want to do MIS.

Sunday.... whatever jumps off the shelf and in to my little hands. There is no doubt in my mind I would not be/feel this healthy without fitness.

I don't know how long I can go on like this but I don't see any limits in the near future.

Hang in there - we are champions.:D And yes, I do like to brag about this stuff.
Hi Donnamarie,

I think it is terrific what you are doing. No limiting yourself, and in complete control. I have a feeling we will be able to go longer than we think we can. Your a great motivater. Thank you for the suburb post.

Keep going strong,
Hi Janie & Donnamarie,

Janie -- I always post my rotation here -- it's how I keep track and there's a couple of other people who do the same thing -- and we chat -- it's at KK's September rotation -- I think the one right now is for August -- I have to post a new one -- but we chat about all kinds of things -- it's really fun. And thank you for the praise -- made me feel good.

Donnamarie -- it's nice to see you still in there -- you're the first one on these chats that I've met that's older than I am -- and that's inspiring -- there's also some others out there that just keep exercising -- it's the only way to enjoy middle age, I think.

Have a terrific weekend.

I just turned 52 in Aug. Mom of 8 year old boy. I have to stay fit.

Did Firm/FitPrime and running. Gave up runnng to heal ITB band stuff and did just Cathe since last Dec.

I feel awful if I don't workout. I'm still heavier than I want to be but I don't look too bad.

I'm not 50 yet (6 years from that benchmark) but I wanted to post a bit and say Janie, YOU get to decide what's right for you! (Which is what everyone else here has said.)

I've met an 80-year-old 5K-10K distance runner (in balmy Phoenix, no less) who started running when she was 60. And there was an article in my local paper about a year or two ago about a 79-year-old power lifter. In fact, there are power-lifting competitions for people in their extreme senior years; not many competitors YET, but they're there and their numbers are growing.

I believe the book on what's "appropriate" for certain "age groups" in terms of exercise, especially exercise for women, is still being written and people like us are writing it. I plan on doing my own mish-moshes and teaching my aqua classes the way I do now when I'm twice the age I am now. Let's have a check-in in 2049 and see how we've both fared.

Go for it. Do YOUR best, not someone else's idea of it (that ceiling is usually too low).

Hi there Colleen,

I'm glad you turned to Cathe for a better workout. I too used to do "The Firm/FitPrime", it just doesn't cut it with me anymore. I'm in the same boat as you, I need to lose at least 10 more pounds. Since my post here, I've lost 2 more pounds, because of all the extra cardio I've been doing.

Cathe has so much Charisma, it makes me feel better working out with her. And OMG, she is the most challenging of them all.

An eight year old son? How wonderful is that? Congratulations!

I bet you look great,

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