$50 bday money - Imax 2/Cardio & Weights good?


This one seems very appealing to me, especially since it doesn't require a ton of equipment. What do you all think of this workout or is there other choices you think would be better. I'm also getting Cardio Blasts if it ever comes in from backorder! Ack! Thanks for any help :D

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
Hi Debbie,

IM2 is my most favorite Cathe workout. I bought the VHS IM2 tape first, and then bought the DVD so that I could have C&W too. That is a fun workout and the premixes are awesome! A winning combination, IMHO.

What Oldfirmie said. Not only is I-Max 2 wonderful, and Cardio-Weights floor routine great, the ab routine on CW is one of my alltime faves, especially when I kick it off with CTX's Kickbox core routine planks and roll-ups.

Hi Debbie. Buy the dvd. IMAX 2 is my favorite IMAX workout. The music of C & W is awesome and the coreo is easy to do.I love the song little less conversation little more action.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
I'm definitely in the minority here, it seems, so I thought I'd post just to give you another opinion...

IMAX2 is one of my favorite Cathe workouts by far - I love it, love it, love it. Fun and extremely challenging.

C&W is one of my least favorites! Maybe I haven't given it enough of a chance, but I don't seem to get much accomplished with this one. It goes a little too fast for me, and I don't feel challenged by either the cardio section or the weight section. It's been a while since I've done it and I don't remember the abs section...

A caveat ... I have it on VHS, so perhaps the dvd offers much more in terms of intensity by playing with the chapters, etc.!

Just by .02 Hope it helps...
I like the IMAX 2, but I must comment on the Cardio and Weights part. It was always a favorite of mine.

In the past I had always done the cardio portion and the abs/floor section. I pulled it out this past week and did the whole C&W to get a circuit in. I was so disappointed with the weights part of it and not much better about the cardio section. I felt by the end of the workout that I really didn't get a workout in. I felt unsatified by the end. All day it bugged me, so I ended up doing another workout in the evening. I was also coming off a cold and to feel this way by the end kind of shocked me, since I would expect any workout to be a little exhausting.

On the other hand, perhaps my fitness level has improved and this was just not tough enough anymore.

I agree with everyone else Debbie!! This is one of my favorite Cathe dvd's. It's a lot much fun and the premixes are great!

I love both workouts. I've been putting them in my rotations for almost two years now and am very familiar with the moves, but they've never gotten old. Great workouts worth your $$$.:)

This is an excellent choice! Imax 2 is one of my favorites and I C&W is great also! You won't be disappointed! :)


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