50 and over week of Aug 14 check in

JANN-I have a schwinn spinner which I purchased at least 10 years ago when the club I was going to got rid of spinning classes. At the time, I had become so enamoured with spinning, that my husband bought me my own bike. It was used at first, then ignored for awhile while I pursued other activities.But every since last summer when we were on vacation in NC- where I convinced DH to go to a class with me- I have been back into it. When we came home from that vacation, I joined a club that offered it. Like anything else, there are classes that I love- the teachers are great and the music is great-- but if you don't sign in to these classes an hour before- they fill up. I try to spin everyday, when I'm on a roll that is, so if I can't make a class, I just put on my own playlist and go. Don't get me wrong- I love all the HITT stuff and step too- but when my head can not focus- spinning is just easier and more efficient.

Benefits-- at least 450 cal t0 700 cal for a 45 minute interval- depending on how hard you push yourself (my polar watch monitor)
--for me, I can really get my heart rate up and adrendaline going without the fear of tripping and falling like I would if I were running or something.
--with the right music you can almost feel like you are dancing on the bike with various positions and routines and when you leave- you are really satisfied.

That being said- you absolutely can NOT recreate the activity on a regular bike-- they are totally differerent-- this can almost mimic an eliptical when you stand. And the class involves so much more than sitting and riding.
Thanks Beth! I am anxious to hear what you think of Cathe's spin dvd. I may start looking around for a bike. I really want to take a class first though.
Hi, Y'all.

No workout for me today. Yesterday afternoon, I just leaned over and my back started to hurt. Only a little at first, but last night it hurt a lot. I didn't even pick anything up. This morning I was in a lot of pain until I stretched. It has eased up, but I am a little wary of lifting heavy until it stops. Maybe I just need to concentrate on stretching this week. I'll just have to see what happens.

I have never tried spin classes, but it does sound like fun. My pre-order does not include that particular dvd because if I put a spin bike in this house, we'd be sleeping in the back yard with the rabbits and squirrels!

Jann, I also have seen the pictures of your lovely lawn--it's beautiful. With as much work as I know you put into it, you deserve lots of compliments.

Please stay well, everyone.

Helen Mirin- our new inspiration!

Today is the day I'm officially getting out of my funk! I did 35 min on the bike then STS 1-- yes-- back to the beginning. Somewhere on these boards I saw a group that was doubling up and doing one a day for a total of getting 2weeks worth into 1 week. I may try that-then you can call me Helen!

Magnolia- I think I understand what you did. My husband did the same thing with his elbow- it wasn the working out- it was some ackward movement. I hope your back is better!

Joan-did you give up on the new weekly posts?

Jann- I bet you can find a class to try in your area. That would give you a good ideas of what kind of bike to buy. Don't feel intimidated in the classes though- the good thing about spinning is they usually turn off the lights and no one knows how hard you are working!
Hi, Y'All.

Well, no back pain today. My back was a little stiff when I got up this morning, but not painful. I noticed yesterday that almost all the muscles in my back seem tight and tense, so I'm going to take this week off from STS and just concentrate on stretching every day (and maybe a little walking). I plan to return to STS next week with Disc 22. Evidently, the older we get, the more important it becomes to concentrate on stretching.

Take care, everyone, and have a great evening!

Hi, Y'All.

The weather is beautiful here today, and I could not stand staying inside, so I got out and walked. It was about a 45 minute walk, but I did something. Now I'm going to do my back stretching. My back is a little stiff, but the stretching does help.

Have a great day, everyone.

I love walking outside on days like we have had this week. High-five Magnolia!

Beth -- OK, ok --- You are making me look bad here... ;);):p Good job on getting back into it!:D:D

Yes, we could feel the quake!! Cracked the foundation on our house!! :mad: One of the reasons we didn't move to California was earthquakes, they scare me to death. Gesh. :)
Good morning, Y'All!

Beth, I was going through emails when my chair started to move, just like somebody was pushing it around. A little scary because I had no idea what was going on, but no big thing. How about you? I'm out on the South Shore of Long Island. My mil lives in NYC, and she didn't feel anything. Weird.

I guess more walking today, but in the context of running some errands. I am not having pain, just some stiffness. The stretching has taken the pain away, so I think the problem has been tense muscles. I plan to go back to STS next week, picking up where I left off.

Have a great day, everyone.


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