41 weeks and still no baby


Just returned from the doctor's office. They performed a non-stress test and found that the baby is doing "beautifully". He must be enjoying himself in there because he's not even close to coming out. The doctor did an internal and there has been no change in my cervix. Not exactly what I wanted to hear.

I'm scheduled for another appointment on Tuesday morning. If nothing has happened by then, they will induce me by Friday.

Anyone have induction stories to tell? The doctor said that 50% of all inductions end in c-section. Wah.

I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for all the kind words of support on my last email. It helps to know that others are going through the same things.
Oh, I feel for you! You must be very uncomfortable, not to mention eager to meet your baby already. I've never been induced, but I hope it doesn't end in a c-section, if they can help it. Keep smiling. You're almost there!

Well, I think I can help you out on this one. I have had ten children and all but one of them were overdue by atleast a week and half of them were 9 1/2 pounds. It was really miserable at the end. I couldn't think about anything but getting the baby out. And let me tell you the pushing was always what I dreaded the most, since I never had an epidural (all natural) at my husbands urging. (That is another story in itself!)

I had always heard horror stories about being induced. Well, with my last two I was induced and there is no horror story to tell. It sure beat waiting three or more days in agony. With my ninth baby it took about 9 hours from the start of the induction to the delivery - and only 4 hours was really considered labor and he was 9 pounds 14 ounces!

Baby number ten was ten days overdue - so voila! I was induced again. I went in at 8 in the morning - started on petosin - by 4 in the afternoon nothing was really happening only slight contractions and dilated only to 3 centimeters - the doctors started to tell me that I could spend the night with cervix softeners (HA-HA) and then start all over in the morning - I became thoroughly depressed. All of a sudden my contractions started to kick butt at 5P.M. Within a half an hour my water broke, I delivered at 6:30P.M. Figure that - I went from feeling depressed at the prospect of staying and waiting all night to delivery withn 2 1/2 hours. So my advice to you, is get through the weekend and if it doesn't happen - go in and be induced - It wasn't any worse to me than when I went into labor myself with the other eight.

Good Luck,
My first was an induction. I was 10 days late, and my water broke, but I didn't go into labor, so they eventually induced.

It took nearly 16 hours, and was not pleasant. I nearly had a C-section, and at the time it seemed just fine to me since I was just so worn out at that point. But, just after I was checked by the midwife (6 cm), I had to push. Well, in a minute and a half or so, I went from 6 to 10 cm. I pushed for about 45 minutes, and he was born. I also did it without an epidural, and must say that overall, the induction wasn't any more painful than a natural birth. They were different, and in my case, the natural birth was actually more intense.

Good luck! Lots of people with C-sections are perfectly happy with the results, so don't view it as a tragedy. If that is what they need to do, you will be very happy they have the technology and that you and your little one were able to benefit from it.
I know it's not funny, but I had to laugh when you said that your baby "must be enjoying himself in there because he's not even close to coming out". Anyway, I'm sorry that things are not moving along as you would like.
I don't have any experience with induction, but I have had a C-Section and wanted to reassure you about that. I had a vaginal birth with my first, and an emergency c-section with my twins. The thought of a C-Section terrified me in both pregnancies - reading or hearing about it made me physically ill. But I loved my C-Section and found that my recovery was actually easier than after the vaginal birth. The first day was rougher, but a week later I think I was in better shape physically after the C-Section than with the vaginal. I'm pregnant now and my ob is giving me the option of having a repeat C-Section and I'm very, very tempted, but will probably try for a vaginal just because it could be better for the baby.
Well, that ended up being too long, but I just don't want you to worry too much about the possibility of the c-section.
Wishing you lots of luck! Can't wait to hear from you after delivery!
Oh I feel for you, I really do. At least you have a light at the end of the tunnel though...right? You know that by this time next week, you'll be holding that precious baby of yours and all this will be a distant memory.

As far as induction goes, I can't help you because I've never been induced. I can tell you that a c-section can be a very good experience. I know it's not the birth experience you want but remember what the goal is here...to have a happy healthy baby and mommy. I had an emergency c-section with my first and got really down about it. I don't want that to happen to you. If it does happen, keep positive about it and you'll be just fine.

My daughter is up so I have to go. I'll be thinking of you :)


Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
I wanted to also send you my best wishes and empathy for the long wait you are having. My son was also a week late and I ended up having only mild contractions so they had to give me pitocin as well. The others have given you great advice I have to say. I had an extremely difficult birth with my son. Looking back now I can see that I actually should have had a c-section. However, they wanted to do that only as a last resort. At the time, I thought I didn't want one and was glad that they were going to let me have the baby naturally. Unfortunately, sometimes doctors can be overly cautious about doing c-sections. Certain people really need them. I ended up with complications that led to another major surgery and probably another one to come yet. Had I had the c-section none of this would have happened. I only tell you this to help you not be too upset if you end up with a c-section. Sometimes for the good of the baby and the mother they are very necessary. I know it's not the ideal way as far as how we perceive this event but it is so small of a sacrifice for the health of the baby as well as your physcial well being.

Even with induction most births go very smoothly. Just try to focus on the outcome and you will be fine. If they tell you that you have to have a c-section try not to be disapointed. Assume that your health and the baby's are being protected. Hopefully, you can find some ways to have fun and relax in these last few days. I will keep you in my prayers and can't wait for you to tell us your wonderful story and all about that sweet new baby you have! Hang in there we are all so excited for you!


Thinking of you! Hang in there. You're ALMOST there!! I had a C-section with my second child and breezed right thru it, no problems! The first day is a lil' hard if anyone makes you laugh or you cough, but it's uphill from here. Keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I was induced

Baby number 2 was late, I was at 41 weeks. The ultrasound showed that my amnionic fluid was gone, so they sent me from the doctor's office to the hospital. They started the pitocin around 1 P.M. He was out by 8 P.M. The pain was the same. The only thing that I did not like was that they had to monitor the baby, so I had to lie down the entire time. With number 1 son, I stayed home and walked around. By the time I got to the hospital, I was 9 CM.

Good luck.
Hi Angela! Hang in there, you never know, today could be the day. But in any case, it must make the waiting just a little easier now though knowing that at the very latest you will be holding your new baby by Friday! How exciting!
I actually Have had to inductions and I was able to deliver vaginally for both.
I just had my baby 4 days ago and I was induced she was delivered and I actually had no tears and no stiches talk about smooth sailing.
However this is my 3rd baby and those are my experiences.
With my first I was 8 days late don't worry no pregnancy goes on forever eventually that little one HAS TO COME OUT.
Poor Angela!!

I'm so sorry your little one is putting you through all of this! Wonder if it's any indication of a future stubborn streak? ;)

At any rate, just keep telling yourself that by Friday, it'll all be over!

Hi Alli!

Alli, how are YOU doing? I can't believe your lil' Katie is due in 25 days!! Sure seems like it went fast to me. Ha! EASY for me to say, right? Hope you are feeling well.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Debbie

I am ready for this baby to be born!!! :)

Katie is doing great. The contractions are about the same but not doing anything as far as getting her here. I'm just trying to enjoy the laying around and extra sleep I get...lol. I KNOW how precious that is.

This pregnancy was actually flying by for me too until I got to the bedrest part. Even that, I still can't believe it's almost time for Katie to come.

How is Miss Kennedy?

Thanks for asking :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002
24 days and counting :)

Kennedy is GREAT! She is 7 1/2 months already. We got to keep her over the weekend while the kids went to two different events. She is the best baby. The only time she fusses is when it's feeding time. (I fuss when I'm hungry too! ;-))We have sooo many pix of her that we are going to have to wallpaper a room with them soon! Good Luck to you and I'm so glad that the bedrest worked. A time will come when you will be thankful you got all that rest. Keep us posted!!! Can't wait to hear your news!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I was 9 days late with my 3rd. When my labor finally did start, it was quick and easy, relatively speaking. I was only convinced I was in labor when my water broke, I was up all night questioning whether it was real labor or not, didn't even wake my husband. Water broke at 4:20 and Jack was born at 5:28-barely made it to the hospital!! He was 9 lbs. Don't worry, baby will come. Maybe you already had your baby! Best of luck and I am sure you will not have to have a C-section.

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