40s - week of 5/23/11


Getting us started. Friday I was doing MMA Boxing and putting sounds (BAM, POW,WHAM) and visualizing punching what I was frustrated about. Then DH told me the the fiance was on the phone for me. She apologized for everything saying she felt bad and wanted me to share in the moving in of the apartment that morning. I know this was at the direction of DS22. So things are as good as they will be now. Power kept going off at the house too so I got frustrated trying to get my work done before I had to meet her. 4 hours of power outage, I had to go up to the McDonalds to use their wi-fi, sigh. How frustrating, at that point I needed to do more boxing! :)

Saturday I only did 20 min HIIT TurboFire. Sunday I did LIC in it's entirety, been a long time since I've done that whole workout. I've been leaving puddles on the floor!

So the kids are all moved into their apartment and off they go to build their life. I hope the fiance's Mom stays out of their business :) And I hope the fiance starts working more! She only works 12-15 hrs a week!

Oh, we watched some movie this weekend, I did my standard, fall asleep 10 min in and sleep through it :) Got lots of good sleep this weekend, I think I needed it!
Good morning! Sat., I did the TM, rower and bike. Yesterday we worked outside for 5 hours! My back is a little iffy this morning from all the up and down, not sure what I will try today? Lisa, good to hear the girl made an effort. At least she is trying! Ronne, how did lunch go yesterday? Murphy, are you feeling better? Talk to you all later! Mary
Hello everyone

Lisa - well, that's a start, isn't it? What a shame about the power shortages - that must have been so frustrating.

Mary - lunch was great thanks - incredibly boozy. It knocked me out for the rest of the day!

I did Olympic Lifting on Sat, took a day off yesterday and today did Peak 10 Cardio Interval. I feel shattered now! I'm on the last week of the rotation, it's been a good one.
I ran 5.5 miles today. I had to force myself to do it and it always seems at 3.5 miles I question whether to just do 4, but then after 4, I think, I can go on! Let's go for an hour!

Mary, Was that lots of yardwork? We have to get out in our yard this long weekend. I dread it.

Ronne, Kudos to you for sticking with the rotation! Your lunch sounded fun!
Howdy all. I am still here in rain soaked NJ. I am feeling better from the cold but now I have a bout of vertigo (plus some lower back pain but the vertigo is the bigger problem). This is getting crazy. I finally put in a call to the doctor. I will keep you posted. This is crazy.

On a separate note, I thought SNM said it posted pictures from the new series on facebook. Anyone see them? Of course I cannot find them.


No, Lisa, I've never seen anything like it before. Is it for your back?

Murphy - glad to hear you're hanging in there!! Hope the doc can help.

Today was B&G - I couldn't face doing the whole thing so did the standing floor and abs premix which was just right.
Today was jari love R&C. A nice change.

Ronne, I can hardly ever bear to do B&G the whole way through.

That mat is for acupressure points, to help ease stress, decrease cortisol levels, and supposed to help you sleep better (you don't sleep on it).

Dr. Oz show was about how to age in your 30s, 40s, 50s. I forgot what he said about 30s (doesn't matter now anyway, right?). 40s, said testosterone was declining said to eat protein and lift weights to build muscle. And I think he also said to increase fiber and recommended some fiber pills. 50s was about estrogen declining and the reason for the pooch is because fat cells in the belly produce estrogen, so he recommended flax seed. I'm not going to eat flax seed, but I think I'll keep up with some supplements that I've started taking to replace estrogen naturally. I can get the name if you all want. A nurse recommended them to my sister.

Don't think I'll get a mat, but it sounded intruiging and some said the Europeans liked it a lot. That's why I asked.
Hi girls! No workout for me today, my lower back is still talking to me from Sunday. I weeded around the entire house and we dug up 4 bushes that were just hideous! I did the TM yesterday, only at a walk. I have never had back pain before and I just don't like it! Ronne, lunch sounded fun! Lisa, that mat looks interesting. I don't know if I would really use it tho. Murphy, we had some ugly rain last night. Hail the size of a nickel, I had to get the kids in the basement, a funnel cloud was spotted about a mile away! Hope you are feeling better. Talk to you all tomorrow. Mary
It's my turn for no workout! Cramps and slept in a bit (after being awake a couple hours in the middle of the night). When I woke up I thought I heard music somewhere thinking it was my DS's from his room, nope, it was my cell phone (I use it as an alarm clock), and it was playing away in the other room! So much for using it to wake me up! :)

Mary, hope your back is better, gotta take it easy with yardwork, our motto now is slow and steady like a turtle.
Hi all

Make that three of us! I did something to my lower back just above my left hip doing B&G yesterday. It was really sore when I woke up this morning so thought I'd be sensible and rest it.

Am falling asleep at my desk here - got loads to get through and I'm finding it difficult to stay awake!!

About midnight last night DH's alarm on his ipod touch went off!! It woke me up but not him!!
Hi girls! Are we falling apart? Back feels improved today, just twinges if I move the wrong way, maybe another rest day? Ronne, hope you feel better! Lisa, cramps? That is something I don't miss at all! Murphy, what's going on? I feel like I have to do something or I am going to turn into a oompa loopa! (from Charlie and the Chocolate factory). Except they are short aren't they? Maybe it is Gustav, the one that fell into the chocolate river? Hope everyone has a good day! Mary
Ronne, WAKE UP!

Mary, some days I do feel like I'm falling apart. Cramps, yes, this is what I think, maybe it makes sense, maybe not. Since I started taking these natural estrogen supplements, the cramps came back. I started taking these from 2 months ago when I was so miserable with hot flashes and sleep issues hoping to help those problems. Not sure it totally did help those problems and wondering if they caused the cramps to come back. I don't have many of these pills left so I think I'll stop them and see what happens.
Hi all.

I am back and feeling better. I am about 90%. I feel bad b/c I have not done much for so long. I plan to start back with the trainer soon; I have three lessons left.

Sorry for the lack of personals. I have been out of the loop and need to catch up.

Hi everyone

Murph - sounds like you're on the mend. Just don't go mad when you start back working out will you?!

Lisa - thanks!! I've never taken any supplements, don't know if they would help.

Mary - I don't think you'll be turning into an oompa loompa soon - you certainly get the workouts in. I think you've got a few banked up.

I did the UB portion of High Reps today. My back is a lot better but there's no back work in that one so I thought that would be a good place to start.
It's absolutely chucking it down today but we really need the rain so I'm not complaining.
fly by post from me, today was HIS/LIS double cardio premix. My body felt better after the rest day yesterday :)
Hi girls! Today I did GS legs, yesterday was GS C&T. My back is feeling better too! Sounds like we are all on the mend! Ronne, I will have to remember that premix. We have been slaughtered by the rain here too! Supposed to be nice for the weekend tho. Murphy, glad to hearbyou are feeling better. I imagine you are getting all our rain! Lisa, sometimes a rest day works wonders! Talk to you all tomorrow, Mary
Hi everyone, today was C&W. I've been sweating buckets and soaking the workout area lately. Maybe it's the warmer weather, maybe it's the higher humidity here (remember we are a dry state), and just maybe I'm working out hard! :)

So excited to have a longer weekend (Ronne, it's Memorial Day here on Monday). DH and I are also thinking of taking every other Monday off and going hiking this summer.

Mary, glad your back is feeling better, it must be with you do the GS w/o's!

Ronne, I like to pair the UB HR and UB STS TB premixes for a longer workout.

Murphy, so what's your workout, you aren't going crazy on us after your illness are you?

Have a nice weekend everyone!
Hi all

No workout again for me today. DD had a hospital appointment this morning (just a check-up) but that wiped the morning out and I do have to earn money!!

We've also got a long weekend here as well, though no particular plans. I'm going out with DH tonight for dinner as we haven't been out together for ages. Looking forward to it.

Hope you all enjoy your long weekend!
School is over!

Hi, girls! I've survived the second-worst school year ever (that is, a school year in which I wasn't actually attending school)! DD just "graduated" from elementary school and is off to middle school in August. DS... well, didn't get kicked out. That's the best I can say about that. What a tough year for him and for all of us!

I've been doing the Slow and Heavy series lately, and really enjoy it. I've owned them forever but never did them. I don't know which I feared more: Slow or Heavy. But I'm surprised to find that I actually enjoy them a lot.

Oh, we're getting a puppy. DD really wants a dog, so I've thrown caution to the wind and agreed to let her get one. I'm more of a cat person, but don't want to give her additional fodder for the shrink when she's older, so I agreed to let her have one. The dog (a Cavachon) was born on 5/11, so he won't be ready to come home until early July. I'll try to figure out how to post pix of him.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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