40s - week of 1/22/12

Sleep, I highly recommend it. : )

Yesterday after my workout and post (during which I must have yawned about 8 times) I took a very short nap then took dd to TKD and while there I did a steady state jog.

I need to do cardio from SG and maybe the bonus from AT to stay on my rotation and be able to take Sat off while my dad is visiting.

Mary, how did your hair turn out? I love a fresh cut and highlights, but my bangs were too short last time. I had this fat redneck mullet lesbian look going on which is not what I had in mind. Now when my bangs dry parted in the middle I feel like I look like Alfalfa without the spike in the back.

Lisa, are you at home today? Are you supposed to take your meds just part of the time?

Ugh, house is a mess, too much to do before Dad arrives. Hi to all who follow and to MIA this week Murphy. : )
Good Morning,

Rough night again couldn't shut my mind off and I was gritting my teeth so hard I made them sore. Tonite will be KCM Lift #2 and I am hoping TM time, I think DD closes tonite so I shouldn't have to share.

Jody-sounds like a nice haircut.
Happy Friday! I slept pretty good last night. Woke up at 1, took some Calms Forte supplement I bought, and went right back to sleep until 6. Not sure if it was the supplement or that I would have gotten back to sleep on my own anyway but I wasn't taking any chances! So working from home again today (boss is away and snowing!) so even though I got up later I still got in a w/o, Circuit Blast.

Jody, This new bp med is supposed to be 1/2 strength of the one I used to take, so either I need to 1/2 it still (I'm at the lowest dose), or it's the fact I'm working at home more, it's so much less stressful for me. I can't explain how awful it feels working in a big room with office mates 2 ft from you and your boss 6 ft from you. You feel like you have to look busy at every minute and let's not even mention the loud people, ugh! You have such a way with words re: your haircut, I bet your speech will be a hoot!

Roxie, oh my, sounds like stress to me. Job stress is one of the worst! Even if it's for something positive like my DH may have (still have yet to get offer, grrrr). Being in the place where you don't know what will happen is stressful too. Oh, with possible more travel, DH never sleeps on the road, so went to DR yesterday and he prescribed Restoril. I haven't tried it yet, DH tried it last night and he said he slept whereas Ambien never helped. Maybe something to look into? Dr also said he may want to check his hormone levels at next checkup (I swear that is the root cause of my issues!)

Mary, are you all beautiful now?

hellos to Ronne and MIA Murphy!
Lisa-I have a prescription for ambien and I take 1/2 of one every night but I didn't get it taken early enough so I couldn't relax right away and I know alot of what is going on is stress related I just don't know how to let it go.
Hi girls! Haven't worked out yet, just home from work, but Jody made me laugh! You should try writing, you have a talent for it! Hope you have a great visit with your dad! Hair looks much better, no white roots showing, tomorrow I am getting in blown out. I will feel like a different girl with straight hair! Roxie, have you heard anything about work yet? The not knowing is the worst. Lisa, can you make a deal to work from home? Hope your DH hears something soon. I just use Excedrin PM to help sleep, works like a charm for me. We are always searching aren't we? Ronne, hope you have a good weekend! Murphy, are you feeling better? We have date night tomorrow, going to dinner with friends, then we are going to our local dive. They are having a beach party, they fill the whole place with sand, about 6 inches deep in the whole place! They make it so much fun! Also have 3 basketball games! Hope everyone has a good weekend! I need to go do something, maybe PLB? We will see what strikes me! Mary
Mary, no way to work from home permanently. They hired me back as a contractor for the express purpose that I was local, had the skills and could come into the office for their latest experiment at co-location where everyone works in the office instead of at home. I am noticing the employees are working at home twice a week so I'm going to do like they do :) Straight hair? WOW, will you post a pic?
Thanks all for the compliment and encouragement. : )
Mary, date night sounds fun!
I did do the LIS SG cardio abs express and LIS LIC Bonus but on no risers so workout done before dad arrived. We are messing around w/ the new tv he bought us (flat screen joy). He is so random and generous, this stuff just shows up on my doorstep with no warning.
Have a good one, girlies, I'll check in on Sun.
PS, I have a new friend in London, some guy I've been playing words with friends for about 6 weeks but we've only just exchanged names. Anyway, made me think of you Ronne.
Ok all you enablers and the Wen hair care I am thinking about ordering this I have really fine straight hair but most of the time I try to keep a perm in it for body so what do you think will it work for me?
Good Evening,

Tonite I did KCM Lift #2 Power Sculpt it was a tough workout my legs are screaming I think its time for a rest day.
Roxie, Honestly I'm not all that thrilled with Wen. I couldn't use it everyday, it would weigh my hair down. If your hair is fine, you need protein treatments to make it fuller. Also, if you really want to try Wen, a knock off brand is at Sally's Beauty, it's called Hair One. I have finally convinced my sis who has straight, fine hair that what she really needed was PROTEIN! I'm happy to make more recommendations if you want them. I've sadly done a lot of research for fine, thin hair.
Lisa-what kind of hair protein do you recommend or hair care for that matter right now I am using Pantene for Fine Hair.
Roxie, a few options (and I'm going to keep them on the cheap side)...you can get lots of nice things cheap...that's not to say I don't like my more expensive stuff too :) I'm going to assume you have a Sally's nearby.

Protein treatments:
Do 1x a week - I wash my hair, blot dry, put on protein treatment I'll list below, cover with plastic bag, I cover with ski hat because I'm lazy and have the heat from my head warm it up enough, leave on for 60 min. Rinse, style as usual. Here is what I recommend:

Start with this:
Ion - Repair Solutions - Ion Effective Care Treatment 1 oz
This is a light protein treatment, more than likely your hair will turn out very soft, will feel nice, but you will feel like you want more volume, this step is to see how your hair reacts to protein. The packet should provide at least 4 treatments (depends how much you need to cover your hair)

After you see how your hair reacts to that they you could do 1 of 2 things:
1. Add a bit more protein to the above the next time you do a protein treatment. This is popular and cheap:
Colorful Products - Colorful Neutral Protein Filler 1.2 oz.
I think my sis adds about 1/4 teaspoon to the above protein treatment (I actually add 8 drops a day into my leave in conditioner --- you probably won't use a leave in -- I do for my curls --- my sis will add to her mousse I think).

2. Or for an even deeper protein treatment, I will add unflavored gelatin dissolved in hot water to the ION protein treatment (I think I use 1/4 gelatin packet to less than 1/8 cup water---I'll know more after I try it again on Sunday -- I'm getting my recipe together for another friend). Anyway, I dissolve the gelatin in the water, add the ION protein treatment and slather on my hair, 60 min, plastic bag, etc. This is a more intense protein treatment and may leave hair feeling a bit dry, this is when I throw on lots of rich conditioner (still only a dime or nickel size) after I rinse out the protein treatment (I also do a light wash--something freaks me out not washing out the gelatin in my hair)) A good, cheap rich conditioner can be (can find at a drugstore --- this would be good one for Mary too):

Next post I will list some shampoos/conditioners I think may work for you.
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These shampoos you should be able to find at health food store (or vitacost is a great place to order online too):

This one has biotin and protein, I think this should work really good for fine hair. Sometimes I need a little more moisture in my conditioner so I just add another conditioner on top of this one in the shower (especially at my nape my tangle prone area---if that area tangles a little, my protein is spot on, if it tangles a lot, I know I need to lay off the protein, if it's super soft, I need more protein)
Mill Creek Biotin Shampoo -- 16 fl oz - Vitacost
Mill Creek Biotin Conditioner -- 16 fl oz - Vitacost

I just like these because they clean so well when I have build up but aren't stripping, no protein in these though: (vitacost has 2 oz sizes that are nice to start with to see if you like them)
Giovanni Shampoo Tea Tree Triple Treat
Giovanni Conditioner Tea Tree Triple

This "leave-in" it isn't conditioning I think it gives my hair body boost. It's a bit pricey, but I use just a pea size amount. Can buy at Ulta, or beauty brands (get the smaller size if they offer it). I think my sis is liking this.
MyDevaCurl - Products - Style
I add that neutral protein filler Colorful Products - Colorful Neutral Protein Filler 1.2 oz. to this one too (4 drops to my pea)....but wait and see how your hair reacts to protein....mine loves it

Here is the hair one that is like Wen (my sis uses this, I still don't think it's anything to rave over, and it is VERY conditioning, not sure you are wanting//needing that):
Fiske - Hair One - Hair One Tea Tree Cleansing Conditioner

Next up another protein I remembered!
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I bought this mousse to try to get more volume on the top, I haven't tried it yet (I'm using another expensive mousse right now)---I'll try to remember to try it this weekend:
Beyond the Zone - NDLHED - Beyond The Zone Noodle Head Curl Mousse

Here is the protein daily spray that I LOVE (right now I use a different combo for winter for more moisture and this one once in a while when my hair feels it needs another boost --- like I might spray it on dry hair at night so my hair is fuller next day after my shampoo---in summer I might be using this more since I won't need all the other conditioning I'm using) You can also spray on wet hair, I just spray on dry at night that I'm assured my hair has absorbed it all so that I have bouncy hair the next day for sure:
Beyond the Zone - Beyond The Zone Protein Cocktail

I will have to think more about shampoos --- I just really use a gentle shampoo (no sodium laurel sulfate), and for conditioner I try to keep silicones out (nothing ending in cone, conal, or xane ) or something like that. I'm finding my boost from protein, and then once you get enough protein in your hair it's a balancing act between protein and moisture. My sis has noticed her hair having more volume now that she does protein treatment 1x a week, and protein added to her styling product (or I would recommend the beyond the zone protein cocktail, easy and gives me good body)---that and the deva b-leavein I think give best body.
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I also like this shampoo:
Kiss My Face Whenever® Shampoo -- 11 fl oz - Vitacost

And lots of fine haired people swear by this conditioner. for me it isn't moisturizing enough, I may use it more in summer:
Kinky-Curly Knot Today - CurlMart
Should be at Whole foods or some say Target (although my Target didn't have it).

Here's some info on Gelatin for protein treatment (sounds crazy I know), these recipes are more than I want to put into it. Let me get the amounts I use for mine Sunday and I'll post then the recipe I use:
science-y hair blog: Recipes and Projects
Wow, just read everything I wrote, I bet you are overwhelmed now. So, I gave you a variety of options for shampoos/conditioners when honestly you could just start with one. The secret is the protein, so definitely the Beyond the Zone Protein Cocktail for everyday and ION efffective care w/gelatin for protein treatment to start out with and the devacurl b leave-in (even though it says for curls i think it's just a protein/botanical boost for volume). If you want me to narrow down to my fav 1 or 2 shampoos/conditioners I can do that tomorrow :) But now you have all the info! And quite frankly you could probably get those 3 in this post and 1-2 shampoos/conditioners for same price as Wen (if price is a consideration).
Roxie, the shampoo/condish recommendations are assuming your hair isn't overly dry, just fine and healthy. If you hair is dry (like especially on the ends). I'm having good luck with using the coconut oil scrunched into my hair when I go to bed, then next day, using what I've already listed or if I need a bit more moisturizing, Yes-To Cucumbers (at Ulta), or that Garnier Fruitis I mentioned already (very moisturizing). I also do alternate Wen with the shampoos/condish's above, but I will not buy Wen again, I don't like it that much. I'm really loving the Devacurl No-poo --- it's Wen-like, love the smell, yes it's marketed to curlies. If you want to try Wen, to save your money, go to Sally's buy the Hair One in the little packet and try it first, that way you will know what Wen is like.
Good Morning,

I want to start of first thanking Lisa for all that info on hair care and yes I have a Sallys about a block away right next to Target. I am suppose to do KCM Circuit Blast #1 but have decided to do Start Here instead my body is telling me to do something a little easire today. She has had me doing wts everday but 2 so I need something lighter today but I have to wait until DH gets done with his workout he beat me to the room.

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