I did High Reps today too -- the upper body premix only.
Ronne: The joint was actually fused -- it is a single bone now, not a joint. I have a titanium plate and screws where the joint used to be. So that part of my foot is no longer flexible. I supposed I should be happy for an excuse to avoid lunges, but my bottom half could really benefit from doing them!
Don't you love it when you're doing lunges and Cathe says, "Don't let your back knee hit the floor..."? No danger of that -- now or before the surgery! That would be like hearing her say, "Now don't go too low on those push-ups!" Not a problem...
Lisa, I'd love to be doing STS again, but I'm just not up to it. Actually, I'm kind of discouraged that I've become out-of-shape so quickly! Now I know why it's so hard to start exercising as an adult, after years (or decades) of being sedentary. It's tough. I hope you feel perkier this weekend. Maybe you just need some sleep.
Mary: Orthodontist... I know that will be in our future. DD has a gap between her two front teeth. (Of course it would have to be my self-conscious child!) She's only 10, which I think is too young for braces, but maybe I'm wrong. For Spring Break she's going to the dentist

so I'll ask then.
We've decided to get a dog. I'm not really a dog person (I'd love a cat!) but DD has been begging for one. So DH did hours of research (of course) and settled on a Cavachon, which is half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and half Bichon Frise. Supposedly sweet-tempered, small, low shedding and allergies (for DS), and a good family pet. We'll see. The puppy is due mid-May.
My new workout buddy: While I was stretching at the end of my workout this morning I saw something small and furry run past me and into the storage room

! Now we have a gerbil, but she is white and was contained in her cage. I guess she's been throwing parties and inviting her little friends over at night.
Hot flashes? Well, I'm a hot sleeper in general, but don't have a problem with hot flashes yet. However, I like the room cooler, and DH likes it warmer, so it may be hard to tell.
Well, DH is skulking around, trying to catch me not working, so I guess I'd better get back to it! Have a great weekend everybody!