40's & over weekly check in 04/20 --04/26


Hi girls.

Back to work today after the school holidays. I watched a segment of Cathes TV for the first time. Its good! Have you guys seen it?
i'll talk later, go the dishes and stuff to do.

Good Morning Andrea and all who follow :)

Well today the kids all three go back to school as their Spring Break is over Yippee!:p

Now I can get back to some normalcy here - Goodness it was busy here with it seems like constant sleepovers - it was literally a hotel for kids this past week.

So glad to have my home back ;)

Today I have CLX's Burn Intervals along w/ ab work.

Andrea I haven't been online since sometime last week so now that everyone is back at school perhaps I can peek over at Cathe TV ;)

Oy I need to get the kiddos up for the day ....Have a Good one Ladies!

Hi everyone! Hope that you had a good weekend! They go so fast! Today will be disc 28. Sat. I did plyo legs, my calves are still talking to me and not in a good way! Andrea, and Vilma, isn't it great when the kids go back to school! I am all alone in the house and loving it! Lisa, did you get a lot of snow? Are you still digging out? Ronne, are you back from vacation yet? Murphy, are you feeling better? Kathryn, We aren't Disney members, but my parents are, We go to Disney every other year with them. So funny when I was little we always went on educational vacations, (Williamsburg, Smithsonian, etc.) Well, now that I have kids we get to go to Disney! I am an only child and I have 3 kids, I think my folks enjoy it! But we do have the best of both worlds, My DH, his folks own a beach house, so we get to spend a lot of our summer there. We are truly spoiled. Well, I better get to my w/o so then I can enjoy this silence in the house! Have a good day all. Mary
Happy Monday! Today I started Meso 3. Let the DOMS begin?:confused:

Andrea, I look forward to each new CatheTV episode every friday:D

Mary, we got about a foot of heavy wet snow (hard to shovel!). It's almost all gone and now we have wet soggy grass. I managed to get fertilizer on the lawn before it came, with the 70's we are going to have this week and all the moisture I'll probably be mowing by the end of the week! :eek:

Vilma, Normalcy is good! I just found out my DS has off Fri/Mon/Tues....sigh. You all seem to have a late spring break

Gotta run, have a great day everyone!
Hello everyone I'm back!

Had a couple of fairly relaxing weeks. Got back from Spain on Saturday, my new nephew is gorgeous and I spent loads of time with him (as he's awake for most of the day!;)) Now I'm back to work and right in the thick of it again. I'm going to have to do a few evenings to get through stuff.
I'm also starting my first rotation for months! I'm doing Cathe's March rotation, started it yesterday and so far, so good. As we don't have much furniture in the main lounge I've got loads of space to work out in. Hooray! Other good news is that the building work is done! Still got to get carpet and a few other bits and pieces but I'm not having to share my house with the builders anymore :D.

I'll try and get a few photos up. Got to figure out how to do it first!

Mary - I went to Disney a few times when I was a kid. My parents now take DD to Disneyland Paris which is fine with me!

Vilma - nice to see you back. DD is begging for a sleepover and I just don't want to do it from sheer laziness! Kudos to you for having so many!

Andrea/Lisa - I watch every Cathe TV episode even though I'm not doing STS. It's great!

Well, I better make a start on this mountain of work. Bye for now!
Wow, so much to read.

Andrea - I too like CatheTV. I sometimes wish it was a little longer. Her form pointers really help me.

Lisa - I too start Meso 3 today. After my time off, I am looking forward to some DOMS. Let's hear what I have to say tomorrow!

Scubagirl - I am still not 100% but am moving forward anyway. I am making an appointment with the doctor; I have been sick off and on for over two weeks. Hopefully it is nothing major.

Ronne - Glad to hear you have your house back.

Quick check-in

Before I have to dash up to pick up five -- count 'em -- five children in carpool today. (Where are my earplugs?)

I did STS this morning, and DH is finally well enough to work out with me. IMHO he over-did it, so he'll be sore tomorrow and the next day and the next day....

Welcome home, Ronne! Good to "see" you. Is your kitchen finished? Good luck with settling in. I still haven't finished putting away laundry from my vacation, and I've been home for a week!

Vilma, how are you enjoying CLX? I like STS much more than I thought I would. It's not so scary once you get started. I think I'm about halfway through.

Mary, I had the same kind of childhood vacation -- all education, not much fun! So I'm making up for it with my kids -- all fun, no education. So far, no complaints.

Lisa, snow last week, 70s this week? It's as bad as Atlanta out there (minus the tornadoes)!

Andrea, thanks for starting us off this week. I hope you're throwing out all of that Easter chocolate and starting over. :mad: I'm still finding it everywhere, so it's still temptation-world around here!

Off to drive; bye, all!
If you can stand one more post...

One of the members of "Atlanta Cathe Fans" e-mailed me the link to the Cathe STS web page:

and told me to scroll down to the bottom...

...where I found one my posts to somebody on the Forum! :eek:

I'd better be more careful when I write! I'd hate to spell something wrong, in case somebody is actually reading this stuff!

(Also, no more true confessions for me!)
Good morning all....well, I'm skipping out on my workout today and feeling like a slug. DS is here from college and we had to take the car in for repairs...hoping it isn't too much, was planning on this car lasting forever. It's a 94 Honda Accord with still just 75K miles on it. So we sit and wait to see how much moola and then try to determine what to do from there...invest $ in a car that's blue book isn't much or?


Ronne, welcome back, sounds like a fabulous trip! I bet your are sooooooo glad that the house will be back to normal too. Bring on the DOMS for you!

Murphy, I have chest DOMS so not too bad although I feel my back has been worked but no Doms there, how are you doing? Take care of yourself, hopefully with spring things will get better.

Mary, anything in newsweek yet? :D

Hellos, to Vilma, Kathryn, and anyone else I"ve forgotten.

Man I'm tired, not working out makes me feel sooooo sluggish at times!
Today is ab day. I felt it sooner than I thought. That time off really made a difference.

Lisa - It is funny, I usually feel DOMS in one major area, not all of the areas worked. I then try to do more the next go around for the other areas - which probably answers my question as to why I am not sore all around. Legs I usually feel DOMS in all areas.
Oh and I agree with you on how not working out makes you feel sluggish.

Some good news here, all of the car repairs we need done (new windshield --cracked in last snow storm, new brake pads, and master cylindar repair --whatever that is) should only cost around $700.

We wanted to get out and about in this beautiful weather, so DS and DH went golfing (no we aren't golfers, DS is just taking golfing at college to fulfilled his p.e. credit) and I tagged along. It was beautiful. I put on shorts and a sleeveless shirt with sandals (first time since winter which was snow on Fri-Sat). I think my arms look pretty good if I do say so myself. :p I'm seeing some "cuts" in them and I'm hoping Meso 3 brings the muscles out even more. I did noticed yesterday that one of my t-shirts were fitting tighter across the bicep, so then I had to have everyone feel my bicep. I have to beg these guys around here for some compliments!
Hi all.
I had to give the old body two days rest! It was very tired. Feels much better this morning.

Lisa - I go back to work (having slept quite well for me during my leave.) SO GUESS WHAT? Yep, last two nights up and down all night, tossing and turning! GRRRRRRRR:mad:

Ronne - I can't wait to see your pics!
Murphy- How are you feeling?
Mary - Have you seen results with STS?
Vilma - I'd love for you to give me your views on CLX

Kathryn- Don't be freaked out by the post. Be PROUD! You described STS perfectly in a few short sentences. Well done! SNM or whoever saw the post and liked the quote. Well done! Enjoy your fame, I say. :D
Hi Girls! Happy Tuesday! Kathryn, We have a celebrity among us! Congratulations! Just goes to show you that you have quite a way with words, it is a gift! Andrea, I can never sleep when I have to work, then when I am off, I always wake up with the birds since I normally get up with them. Very frustrating. I wish I could say I have seen amazing results with STS, My DH says things look good, If I could only stop eating! (those darn peanut M&M's, still). Lisa, sorry about the car, great job on the biceps tho! I like to flex mine occassionally, just to look at them!! Murphy, did you see the doc yet? Let us know. Ronne, I am excited for you and your house, such a journey for all of you! Would love to see pics. Vilma, How are you? Ronne, your vacation sounded great! Have a good night. See you all tomorrow. Mary
Darned enablers!

Girls, I broke down and got a GoWear Fit (armband that tracks your activity). So now I have no excuse for not dropping the body fat. People on the forum have been talking about it so much that I had to give it a try. (Enablers!)

Here's a big eye-opener: I eat a lot more calories than I realized! (Gee, could that be the problem?) :mad:

Mary, I have to second your assessment of STS. It's a great workout, but unless I eat better (read: less!), I'm not going to see the muscle underneath the padding. And the hormones aren't helping any.

Lisa, tomorrow is STS legs day. I think that is the toughest workout of the three... I sweat the most, my heart rate goes sky high, and I'm sore for days afterward. But that's also where I need it the most, so I'm just going to have to gut it out.

Andrea, sometimes you just need a break. There are times when nothing short of a couple of days off will make you feel better -- whether it's DOMS or fatigue. I'm glad you're feeling better!

By the way, Andrea and Ronne, I was wondering how you (as overseas Cathe people) found Cathe's workouts in the first place. There are people on the forum from all over the world. How does the word get around?

Thanks for the kind "way with words" compliment! That means so much to me. I've been working as a writer and editor for a zillion years, so it's a thing to hear! :D

Well, off to make lunches, fold laundry, clean the kitchen. (Don't hate me because I live the glamorous life! ;) )
Wednesday Morning.....

Hello :)

Today is my normal scheduled off day from my workouts..... as was yesterday although I did Push Circuit 3 from CLX as I missed a day.

Tomorrow I start my 4th & last week in the Push phase then onto Lean Phase.

Andrea I really enjoy the short workout time with CLX. I have no dread factor with it as I had for STS when I previewed it before I canceled my preorder.

I have seen some nice results after the 1st month with inches lost which is always nice. During the Push Phase I have tried to increase my cardio, some of my pants that were feeling a bit snug are now feeling comfy again so something is working :)

Well I need to get off as my kids are sluggish this am and not moving quickly for me so I need to give them a holler :p

Just finished STS legs Meso 3 Squat rack legs. It was slow, but my muscles were very tired by the time the lunges came around. I felt very strong at the beginning (squatting 75 lbs) and then very weak at the end lunging barely 50 lbs. I think I"m going to like rotating the leg (squat/plyo) each week.

Vilma, CLX keeps calling my name but I've spent sooooo much on exercise stuff lately (and cars). Did you really lose inches?!?! Wow! I think I may have lost some inches (or maybe centimeters) but I think in the places that I don't really care about (legs and BUST).

Kathryn, How many calories are you eating? I'm averaging around 2000 normally but during sts I am STARVING so it goes up to 2300-2400 (in fact I've been waking up in the middle of the night hungry---I never do that during my rest week). How many are you burning? Man I keep wanting to buy that GWF too! Keep us informed of how you like it.

Mary, I had to BEG my DH for compliments from my workouts (I think he secretly covets me though!) LOL

I will share a VERY embarrassing thing I saw on my bod. While doing planks this weekend in only a tshirt and shorts, my poor boobs looked so sad hanging there. Well, I read on some forum about how to tell if the skin on your lower ab is loose skin or fat that when you are in plank if it hangs there it's loose skin. so I pulled down my shorts to see better, and low and behold my lower ab hung about as sadly as my boobs. So I'm guessing it's loose skin from my pregnancies (my babies were big too, 8.5 lbs and 9.5 lbs). Oh well......I'm so embarassed to share this with yall. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Hellos to everyone else, oh, and Kathryn, my glamorous life today is picking up dog poo and cleaning bathrooms....hmmm, seems to be a theme there today!
Wow, everyone's chatty round here! It's great, it feels like popping in to catch up with friends:D.

Vilma - sounds like you're really doing well with CLX. I like the sound of short workouts.

Lisa - glad to hear you didn't get hit too badly with the car repairs. I can't believe you can squat 75lbs and lunge 50lbs! That's impressive! STS must have made a difference to you. I know what you mean about the plank position - I always find that when doing abs on my side. There's a fair amount of flesh hanging down. Oh well, at least you don't spend most of your time in the plank position!:confused:

Andrea - you take a rest if you need it. It's as important as the exercise!

- I discovered Cathe through Collage. Over here, the only fitness DVDs are celebrity-led and basically useless. I started looking online for DVDs and found Collage. After a while, as I got fitter I was looking for more challenging stuff and found Cathe on there. Then I found my way over here and discovered a new way to spend time on the computer!!;)

Mary - keep flexing those biceps!:D

Today I just did 4DS Kickbox which I just love! Yesterday was PUB. I had to drop down on weights for some exercises but the DOMS weren't too bad today.

Right, I better get on with some work now!
Hi everyone! Today I did the squat rack legs, I thought the 150 sec breaks would be to long, I wish that they were longer!! I do the plyos on Sat.'s, with lighter weights for a cardio day. Hopefully that will lean me out! Ronne, I like the 4DS KB, too, quick and fast. I have started wearing my weighted gloves with it, that really changes it. Lisa, my lower belly hangs too! I think it is from the twins! At least that's what I tell them! My Mom is saving the Newsweeks for me, I have to get over there and get them. I'll let you know. Vilma, I'm jealous on your results. Are you eating better? What I mean is are you a good eater or a bad one, like me? Kathryn, let us know about the Go Fit, it will be interesting to hear about. I might be too afraid to see what a bad eater I actually am. Hi to you Murphy! Well, my glamourous life is also calling me, wash, bills, lunches, the vacuum. We do have some excitement here! Have a good day. Mary

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