40's new in January 2014

Today I had lots of energy, so did CLB (ala LI mods) and then did SJP sections of Greatest Hits (to make up for yesterday), then walked the dogs for 1.66 miles. Did Grocery-max to get food to cook before really cold hits tomorrow.

Mary, Is it nasty in your area? I have now gotten a work email at my personal address (via contracting company), now WHY in the world would I care about anythign work-wise if I'm not getting paid for it yet? It may give me a glimmer of what I will be working on. Not sure I'm really wanting a project that is HOT. I'll just follow the process, see how it goes, worst case I can just come up with an excuse and quit if it's too stressful. I read SL playbook, can't remember what it was about. DS does have the DVD, will have to watch it someday.

Jody, I hate that groggy feeling, you want to do something but just can't get going. I thankfully forgot to take any BP med last night and today my BP was fine (why I felt so good), but funny thing after my walk, it said my RHR was 46! Normally it's 62 or so. I had to take it 3 times to make sure it wasn't a fluke! (Second time BP was high...guess i got too excited).

Roxie and Bchgirl, hope you get to feeling better, and Bchgirl, don't let this derail your w/o plans, we are here to motivate :)

Murphy, good just on STS1, I thougth about doing it because of the lighter weights, but I can't handle more than 1/2 hr of UB. I'm learning to not feel bad if I can't do something that may cause me more pain. And I'm trying to stay ahead of it. This one muscle in my neck to shoulder always tightens up, so I'm trying to heat it up good when it STARTS to feel like it's starting vs waiting until it's hurting a lot. It's worth having no pain and maybe soon it will heal. This is the first muscle that hurt and massage lady says that will be the last place to heal.
Good Afternoon,

I did LLA TS#1 which included abs that I really needed. Its suppose to be bitterly cold here this weekend highs with windchill of -30 I am not going anywhere my right ear is killing me.

Lisa-good job what are you reading?
Hi all! Today did FT and leg drills from KM. Roxie, I'm sorry you aren't feeling better. That cold is heading this way tomorrow. Not looking forward to that! Lisa, are you reading something good? I'm reading Kristin Higgins, Perfect Match, mindless entertainment. Jody, so what did you get done? Usually when I feel like that......nothing! Bch, hope you are feeling better. Hi to Murphy and Ronne! 2 basketball games today, have a good day, Mary
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Unfortunately I'm no better today. I think I have allergies mixed in with everything else. No working out for me today and probably tomorrow. In the meantime hubby and I decided to give full on paleo a try. I figure if it's good enough for cathe it's good enough for me. Went shopping for everything today. I thought getting out of bed would be good for me but I was totally wrong. Sitting in the car now waiting for hubby to finish up. Dying and can't wait to get home.
I promise when I'm better I'll be more social
Fell asleep before I even finished the first chapter, napped for 2 hrs (that's after sleeping 10 hrs last night). feeling a little dizzy, took my bp 126/57 pulse 37. Night before last I didn't take any BP medicine, then last night I took 1/4 of what they want me to take(that was prescribed at height of pain and work problems). So that's 2.5 mg of lisinopril, hardly anything :) I'm skipping again tonight. The other weird thing is my pulse! Normally it's 62-67, it's been 37-45, what's up with that? Does anyone know? Mary, what do you think?
37 not good imo. Is that accurate? Is it staying at that rate? Perhaps a side effect of something?

I requested silver and secret, maybe I will actually read them once I get them.

Feel better Bch. I've read a lot of Primal/Mark Sisson stuff but I'm more off meat these days than on. Partly b/c of farming practices.

Mary, not much done,, I'm sorry to say. Are u also hunkering? That is a word I usually reserve for hurricane warnings.

Roxie, I thought of you today when I was watching Fosters Home w/ dd. Even though you are cold, not hot. its hot in topeka - YouTube I hope you feel better.

Murph, good job taking on sts.

Ronne, back soon?

I did an Intensity thing. Tomorrow is KCM - Lift w/o 2.
Good Morning,

We got another 2" of snow last night and today its suppose to be 13 degrees with a windchill of 13 below tonite 27 below. I really need to do a stretch later sharp pains in the shoulder blade area and then I want to make up the step workout I missed. Still feeling crappy today I would think the antibiotics would have kicked in by now.

Lisa-I will have to look at that book on Amazon and download it. 37 is way to low for your pulse.

Bchgirl-hope you are feeling better today.

Jody-KCM posted her new rotation. The second workout on lift is one of my favorites I don't really like the olympic lifts.
Hey all. Not really feeling better but need to get up and moving today. I'm going to do sts1 and hopefully am hour of light cardio. Cardio with the heavy breathing will be tougher than weights. Also starting paleo today. We experimented yesterday with grinding our own almond and cashew butter in our new ninja.
I definitely think 37 is awfully low sounding for your pulse. Not sure what the cause of that would be?
Did legs today. I had to skip some of it. I skipped the wall squats entirely. I did not think I would be breathing heavier during legs than the other workouts, but I guess the legs do incorporate more of the whole body than say biceps. Felt good anyway. :)

Lisa - I stopped feeling bad about using light weights or no weights. We are works in progress. We will get there - when it is time.
bchgrl40- I hope you feel better soon!

Waves to all.
I did FT today. My pulse (and bp) was normal upon awaking. Will see how it is later, I didn't take any of my bp meds. I lost another lb too! I am so committed now to eating right (and less), it feels good.

Murphy, what a beautiful way to put it. We need to do what's right for our bodies not what others are doing. Us women are so bad about that. Maybe us older 40's (and some of us 50's and almost 50's :eek: ) are working out smarter, not harder! And yes, everytime I use my legs it's like a cardio w/o! I figure it's a bonus!

bchgrl, ease in gently! listen to your body! you'll still get there!

Roxie, Lift is another I didn't get. Olympic lifting just didn't appeal to me (especially now). I've been living with knots under left shoulder blade, the massage has finally gotten them out, now it still feels sore but she says there are no knots. I find (and she encourages) that using hot rice bags and getting them pretty hot and putting them on the area and using pressure really helps relax the muscles that are hurting. I haven't burned my skin....yet :) I do get a red spot for the day. She says the heat (and pressure) help the muscle fibers relax vs contract like they are doing. HTH

Jody, I must have gotten hunkering from my FL days of hurricanes :) I wonder when our KCM dvds will get here. I'm ready for something different.

Mary, do the kids go back monday? when do you go back?
Fitover40, I get horrible knots in my shoulder blades too and use the microwaveable rice pad as well. If I ever win the lottery weekly massages will be happening for sure. I managed to do sts 1 despite a horrific headache. As soon as I was done my allergies kicked in too. Not sure what that's all about either.
I made a paleo smoothie of mango and kale for lunch today thinking it would be horrible bit it was delicious ! Then made a paleo creamy ranch dressing for our salad tonight and it's delicious too! So far paleo rocks.
Epoxy the only thing that works for me is Benedryl which I take nightly. I don't like to do that every night but I don't like having allergies either.
Good Afternoon,

I took it easy and did Basic Step and Total Body Stretching not a big calorie burner but better then nothing so now I am caught up for the week. They are closing schools tomarrow due to the cold weather they don't want kids walking in it.
Hi everyone! Today did GS C&T, ouch! Lisa, I think you should call the doctors office tomorrow, I think your dose really needs to be adjusted. 37 is low, you don't want to be passing out and getting hurt. Kids are supposed to go back tomorrow, I'm afraid it won't be until Wednesday tho! We are supposed to get a foot of snow overnight, then the cold is arriving. Roxie, are you feeling better? Bch, sounds like you pushed yourself. You sound like a good eater too! I sadly am not, a work in progress! Murphy, legs are my favorite! I think it has a huge cardio component, big muscles use lots of energy. Is your test coming up soon? I am keeping you in my prayers. Jody, when do you go back to school? I go back the 28th. Got the Christmas decorations down, cleaned. I feel a little accomplished! Lol! Have a good night and stay warm! Mary

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