**40 & Over Check-in Week of 7/7**

Hello ladies,

"8 hours of sleep"! I am so jealous. I am still having sleep issue's w/ the oldest and now I have caught a cold. I was awake this morning thinking I should push through a workout but ultimately decided to get some tea and go back to bed. As soon as I lay down I hear "mommy". I am just so tired (and sick) that I let her into our bed - she got a restful sleep but I didn't, as usual. I hope this passes.

Best of luck to the rest of you.

Tina - thaks for the well wishes.
Hi Everyone!

Wow, sleep seems to be the theme this week. :) x(
I slept better but not great last night, I was up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, but I did eventually go back to sleep so feel ok today. I was happy to be doing PUB today too, I like that workout. I also tacked on CC3 for the bonus cardio. My knee is still sore but I'm sure it will be fine eventually too.

I don't do well with push ups either. It's kind of depressing since in jr high school I had the school record for the flex arm hang. Does anyone know what that is? The girls did that instead of pushups, you just hang on the bar with your chin above it for as long as possible. I remember thinking I could have hung there all day but once I made the school record I ended up just dropping down. How did you like the Bucket List? We just saw that this weekend too, along with Vantage Point and Drillbit Tayler. Vantage Point was very interesting although I had the ending figured out.

I don't have trouble falling asleep either, it's the staying asleep that I have issues with as well. I'm pretty sure it's a hormonal thing and I should be in the "good hormone" period here soon. :9

The migraine is thankfully gone and now Aunt Flo is here. There can only be better days ahead now! Aunt Flo is nothing since I had the Novasure procedure done last year. How's your knee doing?

I'm jealous of your sleep but I know I'll be in dreamland soon. I hope your son's spider bite gets better, those can be bothersome for quite a while, but I'm no nurse.

Speaking of nurses, where is our resident nurse?

Where are you????

Sorry to hear you are sick, it's best to take care of yourself. Listen to your body.

I hope I got to everyone who's checked in and a helloooooooooo to those still to come. :7
Hey, where is everyone? Off working out? Well, I just finished PLB (thanks goodness my knee feels fine today), and CM seg#1 (no levitation holds for me) and I even did an iTread 20 min set 6. What about everyone else?
Hi all, Today I did GS BSB, shaking like a leaf! My shoulders aren't too strong! Couldn't w/o yesterday my husband ended up in the ER with vertigo. He has been miserable for 6 days. Will be a time thing. He hasn't worked out in a week, that is making him a little irritable, but the valium is keeping him happy! Hope all is well with all of you! Mary
Hi Ladies-

I have to make this quick as we are getting ready to sit down for dinner.

I skipped yesterday so today I did the PUB w/cardio and tomorrow will be the PLB. Saturday I will hopefully do CCPP in the morning and Kickboxing in the afternoon (probably with Billy Blanks) He motivates me so much.

Hope all is well with you and I will read personals later tonight. Remember - tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!

Oh, look up "Matt Harding Dancing 2008" on UTube. The video is so happy - seeing everyone dancing and the song is great (in my opinion). Let me know what you think.

Take care -

Hi Ladies!

Hope your day was great. I've been sleeping poorly this week like some of the rest of you...not sure what's up with that but hopefully tonight will be better. Today was off for me so tomorrow it's back to sweating away!

Anybody tried any good and healthy recipes this week?

Talk tomorrow,

Hi all! Yesterday PUB was awesome! I can really see my strength gains from P90X. I done the heaviest over-head press with my 20lb dumbell....I was SO excited!!!!:7 :7 :7 I'm sore everywhere concerning the upper body as I went heavy on everything!!! Woo-Hoo

Then there is today....AWFUL, just awful with the eating!!!! Tomorrow is another day - right now, I'm paying for the yummy-terrible;-) food I've had! It spilled over into my workout I guess. PLB didn't get my undivided attention. I done half of it and half of Core Max and took my dog to the park afterward! Tomorrow will be better! KPC is on the agenda - Lisa, are you ready for that one!

Talk to you tomorrow! Headed to bed!!!!

Hello Everybody:)
Good Friday Morning!

Just finished a nice run w/ Coach Sean & V3 - those last level 4 sprints were awesome ! :7

Just replenishing the body here with cold oatmeal and protein in my water bottle lol then I'll be doing UB premix from 4DS LIS/HIS dvd - fun!

Had a good rest day yesterday and icecream birthday cake celebrating our lil girls 10th Birthday so of course I just had to start my day with Sean ;)

Hope all have a great Day and weekend I need to start my weights here soon.
Happy Friday! I finished KPC. It was tough because I had DOMS from PLB yesterday and my abs were sore from CM seg 1 so I didn't do the last pikes/roll ins in the ab section. I watched Cathe and Co do them and didn't even feel guilty! Tomorrow I'm doing CC7, I love that one.

I wish I was stronger in the shoulders too. I'm a weenie....next rotation I think I'd like to pick one that concentrates more on upper body. I hope your DH is doing better.

You have a lot planned for Saturday! Wow. I'm just not a huge KB fan, I try to enjoy it but I just watch the clock.

I just tried this salmon patty recipe, it was good. FYI, I didn't put the sauce on top of it. http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,FOOD_9936_36009,00.html

I must confess, my eats haven't been great. I even had ice cream last night *gasp*. My son is tempting me with all these treats he likes (and he never gains an ounce).

You seem to do a lot each day for your workouts. You're a tough one to keep up with!

Ta-ra for now --- I got Ta-ra from a book I'm reading set in London in the 1900's. I've been calling the kids Dad, Da too. Silly me.
Wow, Lisa, that salmon patty recipe looks good! We eat a lot of salmon 'cause DH absolutely adores it.

Hi Ladies,

Can anyone tell me how to start an new thread? I did not see one for this week, unless I just missed it. I am feeling better from the cold but maybe in my eagerness I overlooked it.

Anyway, I am feeling better but not 100%. I attempted Body Max2 and had to skip through a lot of it. I was still tired afterwards. I am glad I did work out. I was going crazy trying to rest.


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