4 Those who use Retin A - Questions?


For those who suggested, or are Using Retin A, are you using Cream, Gel or Liquid form?

Havent tryed this particular cream before so looked it up on the web after it was mentioned in the post on anti - wrinkle cream, and was thrilled to find it "DID' sell in Australia.

Might as well spend more $$$$$$ on something that has had great feed back

Am a little concerned some reported peeling skin - have any of you experienced this, and also, if its great for face acne as well, how about the back area where I some times tend to get pimples? (caused by swet I would think)

Thanking you for your knowledge

And what I want to know is: can you use any retinol creams around the eye area? That might sound dumb, but something about this stuff sounds risky to me around the eyes, especially if it strong enough to make the skin peel?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Hi Marion,
I have used Renova, which is Retin-A in the form of a cream. It is supposed to be a lot more gentle on the skin and minimizes irritation and peeling. I used it for the first time about 3 years ago for about 6 months. After that I only use it about once or twice a week. After you wash your face you must wait until it is completely dry otherwise you'll get some irritation.
After I started using it I no longer have breakouts. It does minimize fine lines and greatly improves the texture of your skin by making your pores less visible. You do need a precription, at least in the U.S. I pay about $50 USdollars for a tube that lasts me almost a year. You only need a very small amount. The package comes with very detailed instructions and as long as you follow them you'll have no problem.
I have had great success with Renova. Retin-A was a bit too harsh for me but Renova has moisturizers in it. I was having awful breakouts going into peri-menopause. I tried everything and nothing worked. My friend gave me a sample tube of Renova and within days, my skin was clear. Plus there's the anti-wrinkle benefit.

You can only get it by prescription and it is expensive but worth every penny. It lasts me around a year also.

Clare, I don't think you're supposed to use it around the eye. It's a very powerful medication which basically sloughs off dead skin cells.
Hi Marion,
I'm 40 and use it for acne, so my insurance covers it. My face looks sssooooooo much better. My pores shrank considerably. Face looks much smoother. I've been using it for about a year. My face peeled at first for a few months. I endured it (I did look like a snake shedding if I didn't use moisturizerx( After it finished, it hasn't peeled since. I use the cream version. A little goes a long way. Actually, I use Differin which is a cousin of Retin A. I asked my doc what the difference between the two where and he said basically personal preference. I DEFINITELY would NOT let the peeling keep me from using it. It's well worth it. I tried everything from Mary Kay to ProActiv before and nothing else worked. I just started putting a little on my upper chest to try and fade some of the sun damage. Good luck.
I use the gel form of Retin-A now, as I was using the cream and my insurance changed so I had to use the gel...weird? I have use Retin-A since I was 30 I am now 45. I have had no problems with any peeling skin, but my face is VERY oily to say the least. I know people with dry skin have problems with Retin-A. I don't use it around my eyes at all as it would get very dry there and that is not a pretty sight!!

Luckily if my Doctor writes a letter every year for my insurance stating the reason for the Retin-A is adult acne I only pay $15 a tube and it lasts about 6 months....:)...Carole
It is definitely not for use around the eye area. My doc said you need something made specifically for that since it is so sensitive.
Differin did nothing for me but irritate my face, Retin-A helped but also caused irritation. That's why I swear by Renova.

Edited to say that I don't have oily skin anymore. I used to when I was younger. I think that's why different products work differently for everyone. I guess you have to be the judge.
It will irritate your skin, especially in dry weather or with UV exposure.

I use it for clogged pores, so I don't use it consistently. Usually I start out slow (every other day right before I go to bed), & after a week or so I'll start using it every day. Seems to minimize the irritation & peeling.
I use the gel for cystic acne, but I only use it in problem areas and only when I need it It's very strong. My face peels and is raw--sometimes to the point of bleeding--if I use it too often.

When I started using Retin-A it was to harsh so I started use a pea size amount of cream and a little bit of ponds dry skin cream mixed together, and this works for me:) I use the Retin-A in Tandem with Oil of Olay daily renewel cream(a beta hydroxy)(recommended by dermo) One week I use rentin-a, and then the next week I use Oil of Olay. Not to sound braggy, but my skin looks REALLY good!! ;-) I started one of my friends on this regieme and she stated her skin has never looked better. (BTW I use retin-a around my eyes) The most inportant advice I can give is AlWAYS be sure you wear a GOOD sun screen! Hope this helps!! :)

Take care,

That's what my face did with Retin-A but with Renova it does not. I only use it once a week now.

Another thing is, you must stay out of the sun or use a strong sunblock. I use SPF 30.

For all it's little faults, this medicine really impacted my life. I was breaking out so bad and now my skin is clear.
Hi there.

I used the highest strength formula of Retina for years in High School and college, and I used the cream version. Here is what I learned to do to combat the dryness and peeling and photosensitivity. I still follow these guidelines today 10 years later and no one can believe I'm 31 ;)

Wash your face with TEPID water and your fingertips. Do not use a washcloth or anything abraisive. Also use the gentlest soap you can find. I liked Basis for Sensitive Skin. I found Neutrogena and even Dove too harsh. Stay away from astrignents! I think this is in the instructions of the product but if you wait about 10-15 minutes after you've washed your face to put on the REtin-A that helps. Also of course you don't want to put Retin-A on in the morning, only at night.

Then use an oil free moisturizer with a sunscreen every day in the morning, with at least SPF 15. I always used Oil of Olay SPF15 oil free back in the day, although now I like Neutrogena Heathy Skin SPF 30 because of the higher SPF.

Its a harsh medicine but it does good things!

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