3D Friends

Duck, I looked at your avatar and if people don't approach you, maybe it's because you're smokin' hot. ;)

I know I have trouble approaching other moms who are more attractive or at least more "with it" looking than I am. How silly is that?

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
You guys are funny...so now I have alist of friends (yep a list) and you're on it..;) I think that is a very nice compliment. Although I do not feel that way. But maybe I will take that with me at least for the rest of this day...:p duck
My best friend is my DH. Neither one of us have many close friends other than each other. We finish each other's sentences, can read each other's sighs and never fight. I have a very good friend who lives three hours away, whom I never see since we moved here. I miss doing girl things with her like shopping, geting manicures, talking about our kids and husbands and general gossip. Men don't really like to talk about those things, and I think that sometimes I bore my DH to tears when I do. That's why I am SOOOOO glad I found you guys.
Shelley, you seem to have hit on something pretty deep here. I've always found it difficult to have a circle of friends. As a kid my Dad was in the military and we moved all the time and I was always the wrong kind of kid. Then, on top of that, I'm pretty shy. I often don't want to talk to people I don't already know so that gets to be a challenge!

I dread things like cocktail parties.

On the other hand, when I was dating and married to my X, he had a group of guy friends who I enjoyed and I tell people that I "got" them in the divorce. I'll still sometimes meet up with them. But they aren't exactly close.

I do have one friend from high school who I see more than anyone else but we will still go weeks and weeks without contact.

I too am fortunate that I consider my SO my best friend. He's the one I want to be with or talk to at the end of each day.

Excellent post and an interesting view into friendship today. Since I found this forum I've felt a little less lonely and a little more suppported. Even if I don't post about something, just to see some familiar names and get a laugh or do some thinking or get some info.
I am in the boat right next to you, Shelley.

I've met a lot of people I'd like to be friends with, but if I had to guess, I'd say my high maintenance, persnickety, competitive, irritable personality keeps them away. Thank goodness I found my DH, who may be the only person on earth who can deal with me!

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