300 pounds now 279 and still losing


New Member
Hello, Mrs. Cathe. I am Kendall W. Tademy. I was born and raised in Pineville, Louisiana. I am 22yr old and yet still the baby of the faimly. I am a student at Nicholls State University to get a major in Culinary Arts. I have also been pretty big most of my life until I had a bad problem with fast food and I got sick. I had to go to the ER because I had food poisioning. This happen before the New Year and from that day on I promise myself I was going to lose weight this year. So far, I have lost 20 pounds with the help of your basic work out and a diet program. I weight in a 300 pounds and now I am at 279 and still losing. I love the rock horse and the cha cha but the real reason I write you today is the question of when I am doing the abe my neck begins to hurt is it because I am doing it wrong also I really wanted to know exactly how many caliores I am buring doing your basic work out. Please write me back I love your work out and I look forward to every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday to work out to it.
Just got to say WAY TO GO, KENDALL!!!! I like the rock horse and cha cha too. Cathe's workouts are so much fun. Glad you're here.

Thank you all so much. I feel so great that I now have other friends to talk to with about our work out. It is so cool to know others love the rock horse but anyway we all can bee friends now.
Hi Kendall! Like the others, CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishments so far!

I don't know which DVD you have, but I'd like to suggest you have - or get - these DVDs of Cathe's:

Basic Step / Body Fusion

Low Impact Step + Total Body Sculping

Total Body Stretch

(I'm sure you have one of these, probably the Basic Step one.)

As you continue to work out, you'll start to want other workouts to keep your brain interested and your body challenged.

Keep up the good work, and keep us posted!

Way to go Kendall You are certainly a wonderful inspiration.
I have been a cathe fanatic for a couple of years. But for some reason I have taken the last 4 months off from working out. I know I have had a lazy streak... That I am truly trying to get out. And you just may be the inspiration I needed. Thanks so much for sharing this with Cathe and the boards. ANd Congratuates on the amazing job.


Denise Burner:7
Hi Kendall,

Welcome to the Cathe forums! It looks like you've already been given some pretty good advice. I just wanted to say hello and invite you to join us in the open discussion forum. There's plenty of wonderful people there who are more than willing to answer questions, make suggestions, or offer support.

Welcoe and Good Job!!!! Keep up the hard work. It's hard work however its so rewarding!!! 20LBS wow...that is great.

Congratulations! You are an inspiration to all of us! You are so wise to be combining exercise and diet - that makes it a long-term lifestyle change, not just a "quick fix." Keep us posted on your progress - we'll be cheering for you!
Good job Kendall! I can't imagine majoring in Culinary Arts and trying to lose weight. But keep up the good work. Let us know if you find any tasty and nutritious recipes.
Welcome Kendall!

I noticed you mentioned that your neck hurts when doing abs. I have the same problem and I found that sometimes I rely too much on my neck to help pull me up when doing abs work. I find if I imagine there's an orange resting between my neck and my chin, it keeps me from lowering my chin towards my chest, which prevents neck strain. I also try to keep my eyes glancing up at the ceiling when pulling up, not down towards my feet. And focus on lifting with your abs, not using your neck to help you lift. Others may weigh in with their advice. Good luck!
Wow. This is really great. You all do not know how much ya'll are helping me. I want to thank ya'll also for the info on why my neck was hurting and your advice really working. I continue to keep everyone posted on what is going on and I will try give info on some recipes that are really good and healthy for ya'll. Thank you guys and gals for your help and I hope you all know how much you are helping me.
Hi Kendall:)

I also would like to offer my congratulations on your weight loss. You should be so proud of yourself! Losing weight is never easy! I love Cathe's basic workout too. It really is fun isn't it? Keep up the great work. Helen
Congratulations Kendall!

You should be so proud of yourself, and what an inspiration you are!:)

Please join us on the other forums and welcome to the world of Cathe!

Looking forward to getting to know you and getting some great recipes from you:)
Kendall- you are doing awesome!! I just wanted to add that it takes awhile for you body to get used to doing crunches and until it does your neck might get a little tired. Do try to watch your form- but just know that you will build up endurance here as in everywhere else. Just do the best you can and stop when your neck hurts. It will get better.

I also recommend trying other non-traditional ab exercises. Look around for ab only workouts that will give you some variety. Kathy Ireland has one that has some really interesting abs exercises. I'm sure there are many others.

Keep it up! You are an inspiration!

Congratulations on doing a great job, and, if you really want to know how many calories you are burning, I recommend using a heart rate monitor. Polar makes good ones, and I have the Polar F4.

Are you pulling on your neck and head when you are doing your ab crunches? Your hands are just supposed to support your head.
Hi Kendall! Welcome to the forums! So nice to have you join us! I'm thrilled to hear of your success. Keep up the great work. Just remember slow and steady progress. Nothing drastic or it will not last. So far, you sound as if you are doing it all at a very nice steady pace....Go Kendall.

It is always a good idea, and actually recommended, that when losing more than 20 pounds to check with your doctor first and let them know of your weight loss efforts. Since they have your personal health history records, they will be best suited to give you specific suggestions as well as highlight some issues for you that will be helpful to ensure your success too.

We, of course, will love to encourage you too :7

As far as your neck discomfort is concerned, that is very normal and quite common. Your neck muscles will get sore from keeping your head elevated for long periods of time. Be sure to keep your hands behind your head to assist your neck (but be sure that you are not yanking on your head too). Also, go only as long as you can before the discomfort really takes over. Each workout try to add on 10 to 15 more seconds of ab work. Eventually, with each and very workout, your neck muscles will get stronger and you will not get nearly as sore as you once did. Also, as you lose weight, your mobility will increase too and you will be more comfortable doing many of your exercises too.

As far as how many calories you burn per workout, that varies sooo greatly from individual to individual that there is no way for me to answer that accurately. Usually when you start an exercise program you burn more calories doing a workout than you do once you become conditioned to it. That's why we like to vary our workouts as we become more experienced. But on average it is safe to say that you burn anywhere from 6 to 20 calories per minute depending on your energy output. For example, while you are in your warm up phase, you are burning less calories than when you are in the heart of your workout. But don't skip that warm up or push it too hard in the warm up....thats the most important factor in giving you the safest most intense workout to follow.

Ok, I have babbled long enough. Welcome aboard Kendall! Good luck and keep us posted :)

We LOVE to hear you babble! Nice to see you here! Also, Kendall, welcome to Cathe's place. Congrats on your hardwork and weightloss. Keep up the good work.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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