3 vs 6 month rotation for STS


New Member
I'm starting STS next week, and I'm wondering if Cathe has given any advice on on how to choose whether to do the 3 1/2 month rotation vs. the 6 1/2 month rotation? Did she indicate what she sees as the difference between doing them? Does any one have any clue about the difference between doing the 6 1/2 over doing the 3 1/2 twice in succession?

I'm leaning toward the 6 1/2, but I'm curious about any thoughts about this and would love any advice!
Hey there. I'm doing the 6 month rotation and after this week's workouts, I'll officially be 1/2 of the way done with the longer rotation (this is my repeat week of M2W2). I'm LOVING it! I've been working out with/to Cathe for a few years now, and am by no means a beginner. I felt that the longer rotation would be better for me for a few reasons:
  • it would give me a longer time to stay focussed and on-task with my workouts over a longer period of time.
  • by repeating each week, I'd be able to really hone in on the repeat week to fix or tweak weights, moves, etc.
  • it makes STS last longer! LOL

A few of us have posted the question to Cathe about why the longer or why the shorter rotation, but we never really got an involved answer. It's a matter of opinion, too. Some folks can't or don't stay focussed on a rotation longer than 3 months, while others prefer the longer one.

You can't lose, whichever you chose! Good luck!

When I started STS my original plan was to do only M1 twice, and then once through for M2 and M3. Half way through M1 I changed my mind and decided to go with the 6 1/2 month rotation because I noticed some fairly big improvements in the week I repeated the exercises. In my case, I hadn't been working out for about 6 months prior to starting STS and that probably has something to do with why I'm seeing so much improvement from one week to the next. And I'm older -- I'll be 54 next month -- and I thought it would be better for my joints to take the long route.
Thanks so much for the advice - I think I'm going to do the 6 month - people that are doing it that way seem to be really happy with it :)
I just wanted to say "ditto" to all the comments that Gayle made. I'm doing the 6-month rotation, as well, and am on the 2nd round of week 2 of Meso 1, and LOVING it!
I know somewhere Cathe did say that she originally intended for STS to be a six-month rotation but realized that many people are not able to make that sort of time commitment...just can't rememer where I saw it!
I think that I remember Cathe saying that originally she meant STS to be longer but knew that alot of people could not make that sort of commitment.

My plan all along was to do 6 months but then we ended up going for holidays right when Meso 1 would be done if I only did it once. I really wish that I had done it twice. Mainly, I really like getting the weights right and I really enjoy the workouts. I have done each week in meso 2 twice and have noticed a big difference even from week to week in definition and what weights I can lift.

Hope that helps

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