3 favorite workouts

Mine 3 favs are:

1. IMAX 2
2. Slow and Heavy Series
2. Ummmmmmmmmm... either KPC or the GS series.
There are too many to love:p!!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

1. KPC
2. BodyMax/Rhythmic Step
3. currently I am loving the terminator and hardcore extreme.

It is true there are way to many to choose. I like circuits more than steady weight training.

This question gets asked every once in a while. I think I've always had a different answer...and it could change at any moment..but, today my top three are:

GS Chest & Triceps
GS Back, Biceps and shoulders

I've done these the most this month.

Susan C.M.
I did my favorite today and smiled all the way through (well maybe not during interval #9:p )

1. IMAX2
2. Rhythmic Step (can you believe it, but I can do it now!)
3. The Pyramids

Christine, the allure of IMAX2? Hmmmm... not sure but when I get through the warmup and finish that first interval and start the combo on #2 (my favorite), I am all smiles! The music is wonderful and it is a fun workout.

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