2nd Balance Disc ideas


I have the orange Cathe Balance disc, but want a 2nd one as I see she uses 2 in her upcoming workouts. However, to purchase just a balance disc, the shipping is more expensive than the equipment. I wanted to buy another disc (maybe from Amazon or exercise store) that will be a good complement (size, feel, etc).

Has anyone bought a 2nd disc that matches Cathe's balance disc? I just don't want to get a 2nd one and find out they are a different size or feel. Otherwise, I may just use my BOSU ball for both feet and forego the balance disc for 2-legged moves.

Thank you!
Well, I don’t have Cathe’s disc, but I had one from The Firm that I had for years, and
I got a second one from Amazon, ProSource Fit or something like that. They are the
same size and I just tried to “eye them” to get them as close in inflation as they could
be, which is what you would have to do with two anyway.
I'm in "let's wait & see" mode ... I have one disc (ProSource Fit?). Once i try the workout I'll modify with one foot/toes on either the floor, a mini Bosu pod, or a small throw pillow. If I think I "need" another I'll get another. But I agree, the shipping cost is too high - not Cathe/SNM's fault as the shipping cost is set by UPS.
I bought 2 from Prosource Fit. The only thing different from my Cathe Orange one is the hand pump looks a bit different. I know, I have 3!! I'm using the Orange one on my office chair while I rehab a Proximal Hamstring Strain. I wasn't doing Cathe when I hurt myself May 24th. I really need this series!
I had a balance disc, and then just bought a pair on Amazon so I have two of the same. I figure I can take the third one up to the vacation house and use it there. Wanted Cathe discs but the shipping was extremely high so opted to do Amazon. The series is looking good.

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