25 more days....

>For Roman Catholics Lent is the forty day period before
>Easter but does not include Sundays because Sundays
>commemorate the Resurection.
>I think I gave up something for lent but I can't remember what
>it is.......

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it, Ms. Limecat. I've noticed that you periodically try the all or nothing approach to eating - either the no sweets for a month or no salty stuff, and now no sweets for Lent. I've also noticed that you've had real problems with gaining weight, from what you write. I have a suspicion that this approach is not working for you, so I'd give it up!

You CAN have sweets if you control it. I'm the absolute worst sweetaholic in the world - don't get me in the same room with a wedding cake 'cause I'll get me a paper plate and fill it with the frosting edges that are always left over. OR polish off 4 cream sticks, or .... we could go on & on. I allow myself to eat junk once a week, and it works. Please consider not trying to force yourself to give up anything forever, or for 40 days. Dr. Phil would say, "Shelly, how's that workin' for you?" Not very well, it seems. It's not about will power - it's about making a better plan for yourself.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
So where am I supposed to unload my truckful of chocolate chip cookies now??? Does limey want a few? :p
"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

>You know I hate you, right?:p

*batting eyelashes innocently* you talkin' to moi????

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

LOL at Christine...I have picture in my mind of the grown woman in Avatar jumping up and down screaming for cookies.:7
Ah, what was that last thing you wrote Shelley???.....(see Donna frantically wiping slobber off the screen)I am sooooo with you on the 25 day thing though. I gave up coffee and I work at Starbucks....AARGGHH. All my regular customers think I have lost my mind. I am soooo looking forward to a yummy latte......24 more to go. No lattes for me, no cookies for you.....


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