
Happy Spring Ladies!

Never got the new week's thread started y'day so I'm doing it now. :)

Today's work out was originally planned as Disc 15 BUT my lower body is SCREAMING at me over Disc 14 so I am feeling a sense of urgency to try and loosen it up a bit with some cardio. The pain is a wee bit reminiscent of Disc 9!!!!:eek: You know I love it though, right? ;):) So I'm thinking a Shock Cardio and an Ab Circuits work out will be perfect. So far, TBH, the 2 A/C work outs I did, didn't impress me in that they were not very challenging for me. May I eat those words this morning though with the next one I try!!!! I WANT TO! I'M HUNGRY!;):)

Kiki:: Glad you had fun this weekend at the tournament. So what's the age difference between you and your youngest sibling? I'm not asking for a lady to reveal her age ;). Just asking how many years in between. :)

Good morning!

Didn't realize that I didn't check-in yesterday. I did S90 Cardio Challenge in the morning and a 2 mile interval run in the afternoon. Also did laundry, ran errands, and helped out at a family event at chhurch in the afternoon. DH, the Germ Bag, as he calls himself, stayed in bed most of the day, and even home today. He needs to get over this cold.

Starting M3 D25 tonight! Just looking at getting through the next 4 weeks, then don't know what I'll do next. I need to start upping my mileage so maybe more circuit training than heavy weights.

Wendy - your abs are obviously in better shape than mine bc I feel it during AC. I'd love to get in some cardio today because I'm tight all over, but maybe moving around all day will get me loose,

BBTE to report my wo.
Sherry:: Oh okay so "germ bag" was not YOUR idea! LOL That's probably a good thing! ;):D I do abs 5 days a week most weeks and have been for a while now so I would hope my abs are pretty tough by now. I find the results to be much better when I do them more often even if I only spend a few minutes on them most days. I feel it gives me better results both in strength/endurance and in the way my abs look. :) I also tend to forget to do abs or just have more of a tendency to blow off ab work if I train them less. I am all or nothing in that regard...once a week or 5x a week is all there is for me for ab work it seems. :rolleyes: So how do you like S90 Cardio Challenge? Good job tacking a run on as well! :D
Hi ladies!! I got busy and haven't checked in though I have little to report.

Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 12 min Fat Blast from Lauren Brooks' Vol. 1 DVD plus a walk yesterday afternoon.
Today - The Bar Method Dancer's Body

I am really hoping to lose at least 15 pounds before the Disney trip and am wondering if STS is my best option... I just dunno. I'm nursing and am not one of those lucky ladies who just melts fat while nursing plus I'm 40 (though I don't blame my age I do know my metabolism is not that of my 20 something y/o self). Anyway, I'll see how my body responds to the rest week and give it some thought. What do you ladies think? I was primarily doing total body workouts, kbells, and cardio before starting STS.

I heard some bad news this weekend. A friend I've known since 6th grade was just diagnosed with breast cancer. This is the 2nd woman my age to be diagnosed with breast cancer in our little neck of the woods. My other friend passed away a year ago in February. Prayers, good thoughts, etc. are appreciated. These situations certainly make me appreciate my body and health... kwim?

Sherry ~ Have you been a runner for a long time? I wish my knees would allow me to run.

Wendy ~ You are an inspiration!! I probably should be working my abs more. I do with the PT prescribed exercises daily, but I would benefit from more.
Hi Everyone!

Today was Disc 19. All I can say is "Oh my!" It was so tough. Although, the only exercise where I could not complete all the reps was the very last set of triceps extensions. Tomorrow is MMA Boxing. I'll be doing the three combos only plus the heavy bag plus core conditioning. The workout takes about an hour.

Sherry - I have a cold too. It started a week ago Thursday. I wish I would shake this thing. I am sick of being sick.

It's spring break for us. It's so nice to have time off.

Hey all!

I did disc 22 today, and must say that I was really happy when I pulled it out and saw it was only 45 minutes! I was SO about to put it off, because I just wasn't in a real "liftin" kinda mood (it's that time of the month, and I'm about 30 lbs heavier than I was yesterday :p , alright - maybe only 5, but GEEZ!) But, I toughed it out, and was happy I did. The Sears guy is supposed to come back tomorrow, and I didn't want a repeat of last week.

Wendy - I am in the middle of the first batch of kids, and I'm 14 years older than the youngest two (they're the same age boy/girl), and 12 yrs between me and the oldest (of the younger sibs). I'm afraid to reveal much more, because you may begin doing the math.... :eek: :confused:

Sherry - I think I'm gonna get into more circuits after STS too, I did that last time and really liked the results.

Autumn - Sorry to hear about your friend, I'll keep her in prayer.
I hope you will stick it out for STS. I was really worried, too, the first time I did it, and honestly I didn't see the results until after I'd completed the entire program. But that is pretty typical with my body, I don't usually see results until after 6 wks on any particular rotation (which is why I should probably do the 5.5 month rotation, one day, lol.) But I remember specifically, a few weeks after finishing STS, and feeling like it had kinda been a waste. I was spent from all the heavy lifting, and moved to doing circuits and lighter weight stuff (like 30 day shred, No More trouble Zones, LIC, etc). And I noticed that I was getting very quick results, and it hit me that my results from STS were kicking in, and all that cardio, was allowing me to see it. I'm hoping it will work the same way this time. I'm thinking of doing one of the Get Ready For Summer Rotations (last year's by FitnessFreak ROCKED) when I finish this time, because it will have plenty of cardio/circuits for me. I know its different for everyone, but my body typically needs more cardio to let go of ANY fat. I'm a serious endomorph. :(

BTW, Autumn, what disc are you on? How much time will you have before the RT after finishing STS?
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LaDonna ~ Enjoy your spring break! I'm ready for a nice long summer break. I just want to play with the kids and the baby. :) The kids are ready too, so they've been working very hard to finish early. We'll see. Hope you recover from your cold ASAP!!!

Kiki ~ Thank you for the prayer for K, and thank you for the encouragement! Once upon a time, I just needed to eat well and move. :confused: I believe I'm a combo, endo/ectomorph... skinny fat. :eek: I just completed Meso 1. I think I'll stick with it and see what STS will do for me... keeping in mind my results may differ once I stop nursing. Thanks again!!!!
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Okay. . . so I did Disc 28 tonight. When I do the chest flies, my shoulder hurts and clicks a little. I am assuming this is not normal. . . Do you all think I am lifting too heavy and relying on my shoulders more than I should?

I am a bit hungry all the time doing STS. It is getting hard to control. I need to stick to clean eating, and it has not been easy, at all.

LaDonna- I never get tricep DOMS and I remember having them during Meso 2, a good sign though, right?

Autumn, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's diagnosis. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I think you should stick it out a little longer with STS. Try the first two weeks of Meso 2 and see how you feel. I really got toned by Meso 2. I even have tricep definition, lol.

Wendy- your workout today, is my planned workout for tomorrow, lol. I've only been working my abs 3 times a week. I read somewhere in some article that you shouldn't work them out more than 2 to 3 times a week. After reading your post, I am going to try it your way, lol. I always felt I should be working them more.

Kiki- good luck with the Sears guy tomorrow!

Night all!
Well, didn't start Meso 3 because just didn't have the 70 minutes tonight to get it in. Did get in a 2 mile interval run, which is good because this is the only warm day this week. My target is now to get in D25 on Wednesday night.

Wendy - I'll try to be as good as you and get in abs 3x/week. Maybe. Hopefully. They could use it. I actually have some good, strong muscle, it's just hidden under a layer of fat, as my DD keeps reminding me. I'm always surprised when the simple moves like those in S90 Cardio Challenge get the heart rate up so well. The woman in this one is awesomely ripped. If I could only get those results!

Autumn - My body responds to heavy weights, so STS is perfect. I'm also thinking that Meso 3 should get me the best results yet. 'Course, I need to balance that with cardio on the off days, which I'm not so go at. I didn't start running until I was 39 with the goal of running a 5K before I turned 40. I actually ran 3. Now it's on when the weather is nice and off when it's icy, hot or just busy with running with the kids. I'm trying to get more consistent so I signed up for a half marathon this fall to force me.

LaDonna - D19 - I think I remember that one and had the same thing - just couldn't do that last set of tricep extensions. muscles were completely fried. Hope you get over the cold faster than DH - he's driving me crazy!

Kiki - I know what you mean about TTOM. I never used to bloat up like I do now. Really drives me nuts because I feel huge! Interesting to read about your STS results. Hoping the same thing happens here. I had done a BFL rotation a couple of years ago, and as the weights got heavier, the results finally came. We'll see what happens this time.

Kristin - If the shoulders are hurting, I'd cut back a bit. Don't want to over do them and get even worse. Especially if this just happened as the weights went up. As for clean eating, I guess I don't want it bad enough 'cause I'm not doing it enough. At least the GS cookies are finally out of the house. Maybe now there's hope. And I coached DD's soccer team when she was younger and had boys on the team, too. Easy enough when they are little and just learning the basics. Several approaches you can take with the men: "Thank you for your observation, I'll take it into consideration." "I'll take your enthusiastic comments as a willingness to assistant coach. Show up at the next practice and I'll give you your assignment." etc. You'll have lots of fun!

Alright, bedtime now. See you all tomorrow!
Wow, some how I ended up with a lot of personals to catch up on! :eek:

First things first though...did D15 this morning. No abs...my one ab skip allowed is now used. Gotta do them the rest of the week!:)

Autumn:: Your friend will be in my thoughts/prayers. When are you going to Disney? We are planning a trip for the end of August. So excited! :)

LaDonna:: Hope you enjoy MMA Boxing with sore triceps!;)

Kiki:: I am already confused so even if you revealed more I probably couldn't figure out your age! :p Sounds like your mom was having kids for many years though with a break in between. How many sisters and brothers do you have?

Kristin:: You could be stressing your shoulder. Lightening up a bit and seeing if it relieves the symptoms can't hurt. My left shoulder was bugging me for many weeks after doing lots of heavy lifting with it. I laid off for a couple of weeks before starting STS and it was at 100% by the time I started the rotation. Sometimes you just need to give it a break. I think not working your abs more then 3 times per week is old school. Unless you are training them with heavy weight every time you train, I see no reason not to train them as often as you like. Just be sure to give them atleast 1 rest day per week. I give mine 2. I've been doing this for a while now and show no signs of ANY negative effects from it. I work both with and without resistance and never have a problem. I'm very happy with it. :)

SherryK:: I like to refer to the girl is Cardio Challenge as "the scarey girl". She's ripped but man is she scarey lookin'! :eek: LOL I actually am not a total fan of her body. I think she's TOO lean and TOO ripped for a woman. I think once you get to that point you start to lose your femininity. A female fitness competitor who is actively competing is usually not very attractive to me either. I like muscles and want to be lean but appreciate a "softer" look more. For instance...the gal who has the blonde pony tail who is in all of the warm ups (since they are all the same lol) and in Tabata Inferno has the type of figure I prefer. She's hawt and that's how I want to look! ;) She's lean, with muscles but still very feminine looking.
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Good Morning Ladies! Woke up feeling like CRAP again today, I'm starting to notice that this always happens on the days that DH takes DS to work w/him. I feel like it's a curse! :eek: But at the same time, it's a blessing, because I get to just pop some Motrin, roll my crampy/fat self over, and keep on snoozin! :p . Anyway, I'm finally up now, gonna try to pick up the house a bit, and get some cardio in before the Sears repair, 5-hour wait extravaganza begins. I hope he comes earlier this time, so my whole day isn't shot.

Autumn: Sometimes I almost wish I was "skinny fat", lol. I'll take "skinny" anything, ha, ha! *sigh* But I guess the grass is always greener.... :rolleyes:

Ladonna: Spring Break sounds SO good right now! We never have "official" breaks, lol. We do a lot of field trips and traveling, so we just take time off as needed (like we just did for the tournaments, we actually took an extra day to go to a "Homeschooler's Day at the Capitol" field trip first, that was happening at the same time, since we were going to the area.) Plus we like to travel while everyone else is in school, SOO much cheaper! ;)

Kristin: I've had some shoulder issues before (torn rotator cuff from improper lifting), so I tend to err on the light(ish) side when it comes to flies. Not so light that I can't feel it, but as heavy as I can w/o feeling compromised. And I don't go above that # until I'm sure I can handle it. It just puts the shoulder in such a vulnerable state, and the last time I chanced it, I had to shelve my workouts for a LONG time, sucked! :mad: I can go pretty heavy w/chest presses though, so idk? :confused: And as for the eating, I will say with no uncertainty, that I stayed nowhere near what my desired "eating levels" would be when I was in Meso 3. I've always been a relatively heavy lifter, and I know that when I get to a certain rep/weight range my body NEEDS food. That's just the way it is, for me. So when I got to Meso 3 (luckily winter was just starting) I ATE. I mean ALOT :eek: . I listened to my body, tried to keep it as clean as possible, but the cals were up there :eek: . That's another reason why I went straight into circuits, total body, and cardio type workouts immediately after finishing STS. But again, that's my body type. I build muscle very easily, but the fat comes just as quick. Although my body needs a Meso 3 type workout (and I prefer them :) -I loathe cardio ), I just have to hit it fast and hard, and then move to a high rep rotation immediately after. (my original plan was to do Meso 1,2,3,1 to combat this, but but now that STS TB is out, I think it fits perfectly to come after)

WOW! off my soapbox, :eek: didn't mean for all that to be directed to you Kristen, it was just kind of a continuation of what I was saying to Autumn, sorry, didn't mean to get all "preachy" on ya! :confused:

Sherry: you and Wendy are putting me to shame w/ all this ab talk! I am SO bad about working mine. Wendy probably does more in a week than I do all month! (I wish I was kidding :eek: :( ) . I really need to get better at it. Especially looking at it now, while I look about 5 months preg! UGH, anyone got a hole for me to crawl into?..... :(

Wendy: There are 6 of us total! 3 from the first group and 3 the second time around. Both times were 2 girls and 1 poor, unsuspecting, boy, lol. My parents seem like they're in the Twilight Zone, lol. Dealing with all the same madness, over a decade later! It's fun for us adult kids to watch though! :D

BBL to report if I actually got anything done, I wanna say I'll do some ab work, too, but.... don't get me to lying! :p
Kiki:: I'm sorry. You might have told me you were one of 6 already but my memory can be like a sieve at times. :rolleyes: Sounds like an interesting family dynamic you have their for sure and your parents had built in baby sitters once the 2nd batch of kids came around huh? :p So is this why you only have 1 child of your own? ;) LOL I am one of 2 children. I have a sister who is 5.5 years older then me. My sister has 6 kids ranging in age from 17 down to around 7 years old. I, on the other hand, have only 1 who is almost 6 years old and have no intentions of having another!:D Now quit readin' these forums and go do some ab work girl!:p
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ROFL. Awww, Wendy! But it's just SO much more fun to read about others whippin' their abs into shape :p

Just finished Intensity. Nope no abs for me today, but I promise I thought about it :rolleyes: :cool: . (Ya'll are really uncovering my deepest darkest secret/inner battle :eek: "must.train.abs...in reality, not just in my head!" )
Kiki:: I could have written your post a few months ago. I was horrible at working abs until I made a point of working them often. Sometimes I have to rush or give up something to fit them in but the results I am getting make it soooo worth it!!! Even if you only do a plank hold, atleast it's SOMETHING! Come on! You can do it! Start out small with a single plank hold for seconds, minutes, hours :p...whatever you are able to do and then move on from there! :)
Evening all! Tonight's workout was Step Moves and weights and plates abs from abs circuits. I was able to do most of the plate work this time, my core is on fire . Saw my principal crying before I left today, which is of course, not a good sign. There is a board of ed budget meeting there tonight. I have a feeling things will be getting much worse.

Kiki- I am having the smae thing. Bench press, no problem. It i sjust the flies that I am feeling it. I am going to pay more attention to my form and just go a little lighter. I am hungry all the time with Meso 3!!!! I did not take your comments and suggestions as being "preachy." I truly appreciate any input!

Wendy- worked my abs 3 days in a row now ;). yesterday I did my own crunches and planks. today was weights and plates abs. Those plates kill boy!

Sherry- thanks for the suggestions. Those are very diplomatic and yet to-the-point comments to use. I shall keep them in mind ;)

Night all!
Hi all!

Quick post to say 2 mile interval run on the treadmill. Ate too much at dinner. Now heading to bed. Will catch up on personals tomorrow.

Good night!
So, Sherry, you got the (new) treadmill? Did I miss that somewhere? I have been a bit scatterbrained lately ...
Unscheduled rest day for me today...

Overslept + feeling like I am coming down with something + having to break down tower in order to do a very short work out = eff it!:p
Drive by posting :p...

I finally got my workout in last night at 10pm... Lauren Brooks "the Grind". I had a busy day with the outside cat delivering kittens and 2 very excited kids running in at frequent intervals updating me on the cat's progress, lol. No workout yet today, so hopefully I'll BBL with that update.

Oh, I just purchased the Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells @ 40% off plus free shipping. :D **bouncing** Not everyone shares my enthusiasm, but I know my fitness peeps get it. ;)

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