Good Morning Ladies! Woke up feeling like CRAP again today, I'm starting to notice that this always happens on the days that DH takes DS to work w/him. I feel like it's a curse!
But at the same time, it's a blessing, because I get to just pop some Motrin, roll my crampy/fat self over, and keep on snoozin!
. Anyway, I'm finally up now, gonna try to pick up the house a bit, and get some cardio in before the Sears repair, 5-hour wait extravaganza begins. I hope he comes earlier this time, so my whole day isn't shot.
Autumn: Sometimes I almost wish I was "skinny fat", lol. I'll take "skinny"
anything, ha, ha! *sigh* But I guess the grass is always greener....
Ladonna: Spring Break sounds SO good right now! We never have "official" breaks, lol. We do a lot of field trips and traveling, so we just take time off as needed (like we just did for the tournaments, we actually took an extra day to go to a "Homeschooler's Day at the Capitol" field trip first, that was happening at the same time, since we were going to the area.) Plus we like to travel while everyone else is in school, SOO much cheaper!
Kristin: I've had some shoulder issues before (torn rotator cuff from improper lifting), so I tend to err on the light(ish) side when it comes to flies. Not so light that I can't feel it, but as heavy as I can w/o feeling compromised. And I don't go above that # until I'm sure I can handle it. It just puts the shoulder in such a vulnerable state, and the last time I chanced it, I had to shelve my workouts for a LONG time, sucked!
I can go pretty heavy w/chest presses though, so idk?
And as for the eating, I will say with no uncertainty, that I stayed nowhere near what my desired "eating levels" would be when I was in Meso 3. I've always been a relatively heavy lifter, and I know that when I get to a certain rep/weight range my body NEEDS food. That's just the way it is, for me. So when I got to Meso 3 (luckily winter was just starting) I ATE. I mean ALOT
. I listened to my body, tried to keep it as clean as possible, but the cals were up there
. That's another reason why I went straight into circuits, total body, and cardio type workouts immediately after finishing STS. But again, that's my body type. I build muscle very easily, but the fat comes just as quick. Although my body needs a Meso 3 type workout (and I prefer them
-I loathe cardio ), I just have to hit it fast and hard, and then move to a high rep rotation immediately after. (my original plan was to do Meso 1,2,3,1 to combat this, but but now that STS TB is out, I think it fits perfectly to come after)
WOW! off my soapbox,
didn't mean for all that to be directed to you Kristen, it was just kind of a continuation of what I was saying to
Autumn, sorry, didn't mean to get all "preachy" on ya!
Sherry: you and
Wendy are putting me to shame w/ all this ab talk! I am SO bad about working mine. Wendy probably does more in a week than I do all month! (I wish I was kidding
) . I really need to get better at it. Especially looking at it now, while I look about 5 months preg! UGH, anyone got a hole for me to crawl into?.....
Wendy: There are 6 of us total! 3 from the first group and 3 the second time around. Both times were 2 girls and 1 poor, unsuspecting, boy, lol. My parents seem like they're in the Twilight Zone, lol. Dealing with all the same madness, over a decade later! It's fun for us adult kids to watch though!
BBL to report if I actually got anything done, I wanna say I'll do some ab work, too, but.... don't get me to lying!