Okay, disc 18 done!!! My biceps are pumped boy1 I feel like I have Popeye arms right now, lol.
So I got in! I am going to the NJ RT! So excited. It is going to be a blast. i was so nervous last year, being my first year and not knowing anyone. this year I know a few people, plus a friend of mine is going with me. She got into Cathe videos after I told ehr about the last road trip. This will be a blast!
JonStephMom- I have to get the Hiit dvd. I am missing that and circuit blast, then I will have all the shock cardio collection.
Wendy- I always bring my laptop and Cateh dvds, like Travel Fit or kickboxing. Even if the hotel claims there is a dvd player in the room, lol. Have fun and good luck
BTW- I did the 35 # BB and it burned, but I was able to complete the sets in good form. Weird how for some of the exercises, the weight seems too heavy, but then most of the time it is just right. Maybe I did something wrong during the 1RM testing.
Sherry- I am finding the chest, shoulders, tris dvds to be the most challenging and the most DOMS afterward. Although, I did have leg DOMS the other day, but not nearly as bad as my pecs and shoulders.
Okay, well I am spent!
good night,