2008 Calendar sticker suggestion


Hi Cathe! I know you're planning to start selling the new calendar this month, but was hoping to get this in. Is it possible to make sticker sheets for each dvd series? For eg. one sheet all Intensity Series, another all Hardcore Series, etc.? Workouts not part of a series could be all combined on their own sheet(s).

I ordered 2 sheets of stickers last year and ran out of some of them really quickly, while I still have others waiting to be used. This approach would make it easier to tailor the quantity of stickers to my own preferences. Just an idea.

Love the new workouts!! Thanks!!!!
This is a good idea - I stopped using the stickers for the same reason. I don't have the early workouts and I don't get the step-related workouts, so would rather "save" that sticker space on a sheet. Plus, you could then buy extras for your favorite workouts, too! (Like PUB and Gym Styles!)
i ordered stickers with my calendar but never used them.... they are way too small... i bought blank stickers and printed my own for ALL my workouts! including all of cathe's, p90X, spinervals, etc... much better size (postage stamp sized) and you can still fit two on a day if you need! plus you don't have a bunch of extras you don't use!

avery 05428 got them at office depot for around $5.00 for 1000 labels... you can download the template at avery.com

i made one sheet per dvd and put them right in the case so when i do the workout... as i put it away i put the sticker on the calendar...

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

I don't have time to search for it right now but I know SNM said last year that each sheet cost about $35k to produce and there wasn't enough justification to print out so many different sheets. I wonder if that is still true with all of their changes this year.
I stopped using the stickers because my 49-year-old eyes could barely read them, even with glasses on. They are awfully tiny. Even without using the stickers I still like (and use) the calendar. The stickers are a good concept, but I guess the younger set will have to enjoy them!
I actually use big red "Xs" through each day and then write in what I did. (sadly, my calendar is very vacant looking at present) :(

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