This week, I've been doing the 2006 Series. Tues, BM2. Wed, LIC. Thurs, B&G. Today, back to BM2. Sun will be DM. CF will be sometime next week.
After receiving the 4DS and doing them two weeks in a row, I did someone ele's workout but a little voice kept saying "BM2". I stayed away from this one for a long time due to fear of not completing it. Tues was rough but today was a whole new workout with BM2.
DM was always included with my KB/BC rotations so it's smooth. LIC is great because it's a Cathe classic. B&G is tough but fun.
Enjoy your weeekend!
After receiving the 4DS and doing them two weeks in a row, I did someone ele's workout but a little voice kept saying "BM2". I stayed away from this one for a long time due to fear of not completing it. Tues was rough but today was a whole new workout with BM2.
DM was always included with my KB/BC rotations so it's smooth. LIC is great because it's a Cathe classic. B&G is tough but fun.
Enjoy your weeekend!