1RM time taken


how long did it take you to calculate your 1RM? I haven't done it yet and really want to finally do it this weekend so i'm wondering how much time I need to set aside to get it done.
It took me three or four 2-hour sessions. I found that if I tried to go any longer than that then fatigue became a factor in the results.
I wish I had kept track of the time so I could share that with you. All I can say is that I used the 1RM tests as workouts, and I think I spread that out over a period of a week or more.
I did 1RMs in about 2 weeks and interspersed the 1RMs with cardio and made it like a circuit workout. It was pretty intense though because they are heavier weights than I usually used. I suffered a wrist problem and I'm planning on trying to restart STS in about 4 weeks, and I am going to take the entire 4 weeks to do the 1RMs along with other workouts to make sure I don't overdo! But I don't think most people took that much time, just my freaky body! :)
I did a handful of 1RM tests each day before my regular workout schedule until I completed all of them. It's definetely tough to see the STS discs sitting there and know you can't start them until the 1RM's are done, but it's definetely beneficial to getting the most out of the program. Set yourself an STS start date a couple weeks out and focus on the 1RM tests up until that time.
wow! i guess this is why i haven't done it yet. its so time consuming.

nclncl: i like the way you made them into a circuit workout. could you give me an example of what a typical 1RM circuit workout looked like?
I just picked some body parts (different ones on consecutive days, obviously) and did say a Cathe warmup from Lowmax, then a lowmax cardio and blast, then pause and do several 1RMs (I thought about and guessed on weight beforehand so i didn't have to think too much at the time One day I'd do Chest, Shoulders and Triceps exercises, 1 of each, then another lowmax segment, then more chest, sh, tris, then another lowmax segment. You could also do total body depending on the exercises you picked, or any combination of parts you wanted. It was fun to do it this way....turned the 1RMs into an actual workout. The cardio vids you could use are endless, too. Just pause your cardio, do some 1RMs and Bob's your uncle!
I just picked some body parts (different ones on consecutive days, obviously) and did say a Cathe warmup from Lowmax, then a lowmax cardio and blast, then pause and do several 1RMs (I thought about and guessed on weight beforehand so i didn't have to think too much at the time One day I'd do Chest, Shoulders and Triceps exercises, 1 of each, then another lowmax segment, then more chest, sh, tris, then another lowmax segment. You could also do total body depending on the exercises you picked, or any combination of parts you wanted. It was fun to do it this way....turned the 1RMs into an actual workout. The cardio vids you could use are endless, too. Just pause your cardio, do some 1RMs and Bob's your uncle!

great advice, thanks SO much!! i definitely want to covert these 1RM's into decent workout sessions so i am borrowing your idea, haha ;)

my STS pack came yesterday. it is REALLY hard not to just jump in and do it without completing the 1RM's, but i'm trying to contain myself. it was like christmas morning last night, seeing STS on my doorstep! tonight though my troy lite barbell is coming which i am really excited about also!!! at least i can use that relatively soon :D
Another approach...

One way you could start the 1RM testing without getting overwhelmed: Test only the exercises for the first few disks for each body part. (Exercises are listed by disk on the Workout Manager). That way you'll be able to start without going through the entire testing process in advance.

As you go along you can test for more exercises.
1RM question

So did you bring the users guide to the gym with you? I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to do this as I only have a max of 20 lb dumb bells and 50 lbs for my barbell. Did you use the workout manager? I'm thinking it might be easier to just write my numbers in the user guide where I can easily view the exercise & necessary equipment. Thanks! :)

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