1RM Test - ALL Exercises at Once??


New Member
This may be a stupid question, but are we supposed to do ALL of the exercises at one time for the 1 RM or do we break them up? Such as do the 1 RM test for each week prior to starting the week?

Hope that makes sense.
not stupid. i was totally confused about 1rms before i did them. you can do them really anyway you want. i saw on here somewhere , where a gal did them as a circuit workout. doing them all at once would be a bit overwhelming, for me , anyway. i did them per week per workout. for instance, i would get my 1rms for the one i was doing and when i was done w/that workout, i would do my 1rms for the next one. that way my muscles were warm and it just added a bit to the workout. alot of them are in all the workouts, so it's not like there are totally different ones in each workout. does that make sense?
didn't mean to ramble.
I'm one who did the 1RM testing as a circuit and had them all done before I started STS. I would have been hard pressed to do the testing after a full STS workout and be able to lift as heavy as I should have, especially in Meso 1. Those endurance workouts were tough on me.
well, that was a super idea, nancy! i used it:) i did it both ways, just depending on how tired i was after the workout. can we count in the cardio factor in the endurance phase? i found it hard to get in enough cardio during meso 1. i'm doing better this time, but i was wondering if we could count the cardio.
well, that was a super idea, nancy! i used it:) i did it both ways, just depending on how tired i was after the workout. can we count in the cardio factor in the endurance phase? i found it hard to get in enough cardio during meso 1. i'm doing better this time, but i was wondering if we could count the cardio.

I don't know about "counting" it, but I sure felt I was getting a cardio workout in based on my HR. And as mentioned in another thread I wasn't able to add much more cardio during the week, as the M1 workouts wiped me out. But I loved the workouts and look forward to doing them again, probably in September.
Eventually after many trials of figuring out how to do the ORM I divided them up and did all shoulders one day, biceps another and so on. It took me about a week to get them all done. Then I started sts.
I'm not sure whether this will get answered here, and I'm sure it has been answered before, but I thought the Workout Manager automatically updated your 1RMs. I've done all of week one, and now disk one twice, and I've entered the weights and reps I actually used, but when I go to print out another card for disk one, it still gives me the original 1RMs (and many NA's) that it did the first time I printed it out, even though I've entered all the numbers after each workout. Am I missing a step?

I'm almost done with week one, and am wondering what to do next week. I completed some of the one rep max, but really don't plan on doing all of them. I am using heavy weight that's tough for the last 2-3 reps of the 15 reps in most exercises during Meso 1, Week 1.

My question is for next week, Meso 1, Week 2, do I increase the reps or try to increase the weight? I tend to walk that very fine line between hurting myself and pushing myself to the very edge of what I can do. Example: for shoulders presses- I can use 15's, but with all the other exercises in the workout, I found that the next day I was hurting really bad, and actually had to skip the back and tricep workout and start over with STS (I had only done the legs and chest workouts.)

So, how do you really push yourself and increase, without putting yourself out on the sidelines for recovery? Any advice would be great.
cheryl, don't quote me on this, but i think you have to click the "edit" button and edit for it to change your weights, and yes, this has been answered, but i am still kinda confused about it myself. but, i did do the edit thing and it changes.

clothesminded, the problem w/guessing is you don't really know how much to go up, and remember in meso 2&3, the wts. get heavier, so you don't want to max out in meso 1, and you shouldn't have pain. DOMS is different than pain. i am doing STS for the 2nd time around and i am still having to use the same wt i did the first time on some of the excercises. i am like you where i push myself beyond what i should be doing. but, i have learned that this excercise thing is a lifelong process and if i overdo it, i am gonna suffer.
i am thinking that m1w1 is 60% wk2 is 65%. i am on m1 w4 and we are doing 70% , i think, this week. so, you don't want to go up too much in wk2, cuz you still have 3&4.
anyway, i don't know if i helped you at all, but look at you workout pages for the next 3 workouts and see what the percentage is and you can just go up the amount on each wt yourself. but, if what you used in wk1 was way too heavy, i would back off a pound or 2. don't worry, by meso 3, you are gonna be begging for lighter weights.:)
sorry for rambling on forever. don't even know if i answered you question. LOL
Thanks, Cathy. I thought I had read that the 1RMs adjust automatically, but I guess they don't. You have to manually recalculate them, but you can do that by clicking on the calculator when you enter the weights you did for a particular workout.

Now my question is why some of the exercises that use weights--like alternating barbel curls--don't allow for a 1RM calculation?

No, Cathy. You answered my question. ~Thanks~ I totally agree with you said about fitness being a lifelong journey. I have to constantly remember that.

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