1RM question


I am sure this question has been posted a bunch of times already, but this will be my first time doing STS, so I'm full of questions. I am currently doing Xtrain and plan to start STS April 1. I have never done 1RM before. I understand how to do it, but I have a few questions. First, with my starting date being a month away and I'm currently doing Xtrain--how long should I wait before I start my 1RM testing to get the most accurate results? I'm asking because there are 95 exercises on the 1RM chart--which will clearly take some time to get through. Should I start now, a whole month out or wait until 1-2 weeks before I start?

This leads me to a few more questions. How have other people spaced out their 1RM testing? (a few each day? or a cranked most of them out over a few day period?) Also, there are stars next to each exercise indicating the importance of doing 1RM testing for it. There are 44 four and five star exercises. Those will be the ones I will definitely do 1RM for--but what about the 3, 2, and 1 star exercises? Any that you recommend I don't bother doing 1RM testing for? Just looking at the exercises on the chart, I will probably do all of the 3 stars, too--but I'm not sure about the 2 and 1 stars.

Any thoughts, advice, recommendations would be appreciated. I am very excited about starting STS!
I took my time on this and rapped them out, the 5 and 4 star one's first about 10 to 15 at a time. Don't worry about any workouts you are doing at the time, these 1RM's are based on what you can do now, which means including XTrain.

Go ahead and start, don't worry about perfection because these really are estimates and you will be constantly changing them if you are honest while doing STS. I change mine each time I do STS, more rarely now but dang I can't believe what I can lift at times.

Get that workbook out and highlight the important ones and schedule them a few times a week. Inport them into the workout manager and when its time to print out the first week's workout sheets you may have a couple of empty spots, just pencil them in when you do the workout and after you are done, open up your calendar, go to that STS workout and pull it up and hit *edit*. If you need any help let me know.
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Thanks for the response. I've been working out for years and have done many "programs" but I have never done anything like STS that required so much prep-work! I'm sure it will be worth it--I love everything else Cathe does, so I am hoping this will be the best yet.

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