1RM - Is a curl a curl?


When doing the 1RM test, can you just assume that certain exercises will be the same weight? For example, if there is a dumbbell bicep curl standing, a dumbbell bicep concentration curl, and an alternating curl? Can we just do one of those and say the rest are the same weight? I'm overwhelmed by the amount of exercises for 1RM!

When doing the 1RM test, can you just assume that certain exercises will be the same weight? For example, if there is a dumbbell bicep curl standing, a dumbbell bicep concentration curl, and an alternating curl? Can we just do one of those and say the rest are the same weight? I'm overwhelmed by the amount of exercises for 1RM!


Hmm, some exercises really tested the same for me, and I am certainly not the standard to go by, but here are my numbers on those 3 and a few others.

DB curl standing - 1RM = 20
Dumbbell concentration - 1 RM = 23
DB Alternating - 1 RM = 25
DB Incline alternating on Ball - 1RM = 19
Seated alternating = 23
Preacher curl on ball - 1RM = 16

I only tested for dumbbell curls, concentration curls, preacher and incline. Whether alternating/both arms, wide/narrow/regular grip or sitting/standing I got the same results. But you have to test separately for concentration curls, preacher (on knees or ball) and inclines (on bench or ball) because the angle of the movement and level of difficulty changes.
Incline curls on an incline bench were the hardest for me because my elbows were not supported (compared to incline curls on the ball where my upper arms were resting against the stability ball).

That's what I did...

Because I though, a curl is a curl, whether I was standing, sitting, alternating. Ditto for exercises like squats and deadlifts (no difference for wide or narrow).

I didn't do absolutely every exercise -- just the major categories of exercise. If I have any gaps when I print out my workout card, I just make my best guess and fill it in. It's been working for me (I just finished Week 2).

Hope this helps.

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