
Good morning, my Friends In Catheness -

Just wanted to share a little tidbit of personal triumph and gratitude: today I celebrate 19 years of freedom from alcohol.

By July 19, 1987 I was already flirting with late-stage alcoholism and I wasn't even 26 years old, and my life had devolved into this sad, surreal daily cycle of nighttime drunk, morning hangover and afternoon cravings for the nighttime drunk. I had a roof over my head, a sh*t job and not much else. I woke up on a blisteringly hot morning, something in me broke and a quiet voice inside said, "I can't do this today." Somehow, "I can't" segued into "I won't" each successive day, and lo and behold, 6,940 days later, here I am. With a great job, a great second job (aqua instruction natch), an awesome husband, wonderful comfortable home, wonderful friends and family relationships, and fitter than most of my peers. And . . . alive.

I enjoy being part of this forum because people are dedicated to working to make themselves better and taking personal responsibility for their lives in a very crucial way. And encouraging others who share that philosophy. Thanks for being here, and thanks for reading this. And . . .

bring on drill max

Peace -

A-Jock - I'd say a celebration is in order! Congratulations, and thanks so much for sharing your success.

So whatcha gonna do to celebrate? Create another one of your grand mishmoshes? }(
A-jock, what an amazing accomplishment! You have so much to be proud of - thanks a million for sharing :)

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

Congratulations on an amazing ongoing accomplishment. You inspire others to overcome obstacles that seem too big!

Enjoy the day and know your accomplishment isn't just helping you, but it's helping others, too!!!

:) :) :)
CONGRATULATIONS A-Jock! What a fabulous personal - and societal - accomplishment. Thank you for sharing with us so we can all treasure your success and committment.


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
A-Jock that is wonderful! What a great post to wake up to. :)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Annette, congrats and blessings on this wonderful anniversary! I am cheering for you and laud the courage it took to choose sobriety all those year ago! YOU ROCK!

Take Care
Congratulations on an AWESOME accomplishment, A-Jock! Qutting any addiction is incredibly tough but you did it and turned you whole life around! You deserve a standing ovation!:)
Way to go A-Jock. You do have so much to be proud of. YOU pulled yourself up and quit...you deserve all the things you have today as you worked hard to get them...:)...I agree, bring on Drillmax!!!!
WTG - Aquajock!!! We are proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you get in a good hardcore workout to celebrate! :)

Oh, and enjoy the beautiful weather we are finally having here in Minnesota.

Dear A-Jock aka Mish-Mosh Queen:

You are truly an inspiration to all of us here. Congratulations on every single one of those days. I'm sure some of them were not easy, but you triumphed and we are all better because of it. Having you here is a blessing:)

Your humble servant in mish-moshitude...
I hate to be redundant but, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I wish my own father could've found the strength to do what you did. Instead, he pickled his liver and died at 57--what a waste.

Oh, how about a mini-max for us wimps--lol!
Hey Girlfriend,

You already know that I think you are terrific but I thought I would tell you again. You are terrific and thanks for being a great friend and inspiration.


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