12 Week Challenge Check In 06/12 Week 8

I'm just posting as an outlet. The dog is going to be fine. I went to pick her up and that's when my day really went south. Since she still wasn't walking well, I carried her to the car. As we are backing out, she starts to cry and move around. My DD and I both go " OH NO!!!"
Since the vet had told me she had had some diarrhea earlier in the day I should have thought to put her in the grass before I put her in the car, but I didn't. Before I could even pull back into the parking space, we knew what she had done. I get parked and get her out so she can finish and then I check the damage in the back of the suv. Of course I had put down towels for her to lay on, but because she moved around, she didn't hit the towels. Since the suv has folding seats to make the back flat, you can imagine where all it went (down cracks and folded seats). I have spent the the last hour and 1/2 cleaning, lysoling, paper towelling, regular towelling, shop vac-ing and fabreezing. I have to pick my DH up at the airport in an hour and I hope the car doesn't smell. At least this was his dog. If it had been mine he would probably be furious. I'm sure I will be able to laugh about this later so don't feel bad if this gave you a chuckle. From the outside looking in it probably does look funny. I haven't had something like this happen since my dd was in diapers(more than 17 years ago) and had diarrhea at the health club while I worked out. They called my name over the loud speaker to come to the nursery. When I did, she had leaked out of her diapers, so I had to pick her up and take her to the locker room to clean her up and the whole way from the nursery to the locker room, she continued to leak out and leave a trail. I never took her back to that gym's nursery again because I was so embarrassed.

What a day. Needless to say I didn't make it to the new gym to try it out. I did call them and I am planning on going tomorrow night at 7:00.


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