12 Week Challenge Check In 04/26


Morning Ladies --- Couldn't sleep!

Had a great workout this morning!
Step Blast and abs from Step Jump and Pump
65 minutes - 428 calories - HR 123 ave/157 max

Today is my Administrative Professional Lunch - we are having fajitas so I can control that, some grilled meat, fibrous carbs - I have to steer clear of the dessert so I will just make up my mind that it is not even an option and I will pass! so my food for today should be:
B - oatmeal, strawberries, protein powder
S - egg whites, whole wheat toast
L - grilled chicken (hope they have chicken) and a salad
S - I will take the other half of my lunch and divide it up for this
D - protein shake and salad

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I weighed in yesterday -- 4 lbs down - I hope I keep it up!!!!!
Hey Kathy!

Sounds like a great work out and a great eating plan for today! Congrats on the weight loss! That's fab!:)

I am up b/c I couldn't sleep either...is it something in the air? LOL I harldy slept all night though! I seriously think I may have dozed for 30 mins or so and that's it!x( x( x( I have no clue what my problem is because I am freakin' EXHAUSTED! I finally gave up at 5 am! I am sooo not happy right now. :-(

Don't know if my work out will happen today. If I can do it when I get OVERTIRED that is about my only hope...otherwise I'll be napping at any opportunity...or just walking around like a complete zombie all day long.

Ok, I've complained enough. Sorry for the sleepless rant ladies!:p

Have a great day!:)
Fitmom - sorry about the sleep - I have been this way all this week - DH is out of town and I can't sleep more than about 4 hours. Yesterday morning driving to work I though I was going to fall asleep. I wake up wide awake and then just when my day starts I am exhausted?????

Anyway, I hope you can get some rest - I am finally headed to the shower - i worked up a real good sweat and now I am cold!!
Good Morning Kathy, Wendy, Lori and all the Fit Chicks to follow!

Sorry I've been absent! Just haven't had a chance to sitdown here and keep up! I'm working today and tomorrow during the day so I won't be here much! I have been reading the posts tho and must say everyone is doing great!

Congrats on the weight loss Kathy! Keep it up! Great workout today!

HI WENDY!!!! What's up woman? Maybe you can get a powernap in this morning and workout after that. That works for me sometimes. I'll talk to you soon!

Well Marie and I are sticking to our Butts n Guts rotation. Today is Kickmax for me. It was Monday's workout and I didn't have it, BUT NOW I DO! WOO HOO! (ask me if I feel like that in an hour when I'm done) LOL!

My eating has been good. I can't really eat the small meals cause of my schedule with work and stuff but I AM eating clean and healthy.I'm working on breaking it up into the 6 meals. I'll get there!

Well off to work out and get the boys ready for school then it's off to another wonderful day in the Beyond!

Have great workouts and keep at it everyone! Talk to you all later!


Hi, ladies.

WAKE UP!!!!!! LOL I hope you guys get some rest TONIGHT!

I was up early, 5 or so (but I got a full night's sleep....lol). This morning's workout was Rythmic Step and Core Max 2...my favorite combo!

I've got my first eating challenge tonight. My Book Club meeting is tonight, and I'm coordinating a party for it because it's our 3 year anniversary. Everybody brings something to eat, and there's not always something healthy to munch on. My plan is to eat a full dinner right before hand and drink water with lemon while there. I've allowed for a few calories to go to one or 2 SMALL NIBBLES, but I'm going to draw the line there. I'm really hoping for a veggie tray.

Anyway, Happy Hump Day!

Hi Girls, I just got up so in about 15 min I'll be off to do some slow and heavy. Just wanted to say.

Kathy- great job on the weight loss. I saw it last night just before bed. Just think about that at lunch today and that will help with staying away from it.

Wendy- sorry to hear about the sleep. I thought I was headed to one of those nights last night when the baby got a fever. I saw the other thread with Fall Out Boy. One one my favorite as well. Put that in the cd player and that will spark the energy.

Gayle- Love Rythemic Step. It took me forever to get but now I can't believe how fun it was. Happy Book Club

Kali- ( I think ) still waking up!!! Nice to meet you. Your bathing suit is fablous/

Off to workout!!!! Karen

Hi ladies. You all are doing great! Last night's workout was KickMax without the blasts. I'm doing the April rotation so tonight's workout is S&H legs. Also walking 3.5 miles. My rebounder is supposed to be delivered today so I may try that out too!

Here's my meal plan for the day:

B: protein shake, 2pc turkey bacon, 1 lite eng muffin
S: ff cottage cheese w/ff vanilla yogurt
L: salad (spinach, cilantro, dill, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, kidney beans, turkey breast and reduced-fat feta) w/ff dressing
S: apple, 1pc reduced fat swiss cheese
D: venison hotdog on lite roll, 1/2 c. baked beans, baked potato

Have a great day ladies!
Hello Go Getters!!!

This is what I am doing today.....

Working back plus...

Challenge Circuit

• Complete 10-12 reps for each exercise
• For cardio segments, do the first four minutes at a comfortable pace. For the last four minutes change your pace, incline and/or resistance.
• Start with a 10-minute cardio warm-up.

DB Chest Fly
Push Ups (chest)
Lat Pull Downs (Back)
Seated shoulder press on ball or bench (anterior deltoid)
Lateral Raises (anterior deltoid)
Hover Squats (Quadriceps)
Static Lunges (Quadriceps)
One Arm Row (Back)
Incline Bicep Curls (Biceps)
Lying Triceps Extension (Triceps)

Following first circuit, do 2-IMAX2 Blasts
Following second circuit, do 2-IMAX2 Blasts
Repeat circuit
5 minutes cool-down
Abs (your choice)
Gentle stretching

My food will probably look like this:

Meal 1 raisin wheat toast/oatmeal
Meal 2 4 hardboiled eggs/yogurt
Meal 3 protein bar
Meal 4 tunafish/salad
Meal 5 protein shake
Meal 6 meat/green veggies

Well, I think I finally took before pics that I can live with this morning. Ofcourse...I am delerious right now so after a good night's sleep I may change my mind! LOL NO! I won't. That is it. It's done! It's the AFTER pics that are important, right girls? :+
Good morning everyone!!

Add me to the list of those that couldn't sleep for long this morning. i have been up since 3am. jaden woke up at 3 and then i just couldn't get back to sleep. stressing out over calling out of work on only my 4th wk of workx( ...anyway, at least i get to catch up on housework.

so far i turbo jammed it this morning..i just love tj cardio party 1!!
I also plan on tackling ps legs & abs later on this afternoon. i am expecting some serious DOMS tomorrow since i haven't done any heavy lifting for a couple weeks. BRING IT ON BABY!!

kathy-congrats on your weight loss. you are doing great already!!!

Wendy- i am willing to bet your pics look great!
Charlotte-what a plan and workout! Toughy!!!!!

Wendy-I couldn't take any before shots that I liked either. LOL. Finally I just said TAKE IT and be done with it! LOL


Sunny: My pics are the best ones yet but still, ofcourse, I look better in the mirror than in the pics but I guess that is expected....*sigh*

Gayle: Ya know what...the better the before pics look, the better the after pics have to look so we should actually aim to take the most unappealing before pics we can so then the after pics will immediately look WONDERFUL in comparison!!!:p
:) :) Wendy...TRUE! Good thing, then, that my before pics were taken after my most recent 7-day-long BINGE! LOL Can you say...



Gayle: LOL...I was a bit bloated when I weighed and measured initially myself (on the 20th) so those #'s are a little high. I've already dropped 2 pounds but it's not "true" weight loss...oh well...I'll take what I can get! ;)
MARCIA-for when you check in....I almost forgot about the BFL book! I just packaged it up and I'll hit the Post Office after I drop DS at pre-k. It's on its way!!!!!!

12-Week Check-in

During my lunch hour yesterday, I ordered the CTX Series on DVD as well as Low Impact Step as my reward for reaching my first goal of the year.

I passed my first big test of this challenge last night. I drove home after work and ate a small garden salad with a few ounces of grilled chicken and homemade honey mustard dressing before I met my friends at Cheddar’s to celebrate a friend’s birthday. I ate a plain baked potato at the restaurant and drank a glass of ice water with lemon. I did great and had a good time with my friends. I can do this! Yes, I can!

I did the second segment of Total Body Stretching again last night and IMAX2 this morning. I am finally starting to master those straddle taps!

Kathy, congratulations on the 4 pounds!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Oh - thank you, Gayle, actually I sent my address to you one night late so I kind of forgot about it myself, so thank you for remembering and thank you for being so generous to allow me to borrow it. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I also sent you a quick email regarding a few running questions if you don't mind answering them for me.

Well gang - I lost 2 pounds last night at WW weigh-in. I was so excited!!!!!

Tonight I teach step class, I'm pumped to give them and myself a great workout!

Have a great day everyone and I'll be back later.


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