11/8 Cathe-ites Daily Challenge


Same as Monday...we will see this challenge more often than not.


1. Choose an exercise challenge and DO IT.
2. Drink your water requirements for the day

WHATEVER it is, post your challenge *in advance*, then post your
results on this thread !


MY challenge will be to run a mile as quickly as I can, in addition to my step routine for the day.

GOOD LUCK, and don't forget to post in advance what your exercise challenge will be !!!
I was already planning to do the whole of LIC. Does that count?

Will certainly try to improve the water intake!!!
>I was already planning to do the whole of LIC. Does that
>Will certainly try to improve the water intake!!!

If it is a challenge for you, then it works !
Boy, this one nearly killed me on Monday! I'll do whatever Cathe has for Thursday's challenge, plus Segment 2 of CoreMax.
The water deal really isn't a challenge for me. As far as the fitness challenge is concerned -- I've been working out 6 days a week for 5 1/2 weeks now. Just doing my regularly scheduled workout IS a challenge for me. I've never stuck with a rotation for longer than a week or so, and I've never worked out 6 days a week, so my challenge will be to continue what I'm doing :p :7

I've done great with the other challenges and I look forward to whatever else your twisted little mind comes up with -- lol!
I'm going to go a different direction. I just got a new pair of cardio shoes, but I'm in dire need of a rest day. I sooo want to try out the new shoes. My challenge is going to be to actually do my rest day. It's been 12 days since my last rest day.
I'm rethinking my challenge. I saw Cathe has me doing LIS Shoulders, Calves and Core. I was going to add on segment 2 of coremax, but don't think I want to do so much core today. I think I may add on a cardio blast. Maybe the challenge at the end of Step Blast. I'm thinking of making another challenge for myself - calling my doctor about my knee. If it's arthritis, OK, but I should probably be sure.
Robin - get that knee looked at stat!!!

Okay, I finished my challenge. Just did Coremax segment 2. I love that one. I should have some nice DOMS tomorrow.

rgs - it's nice to see your face. Now, we need a name ;-)

Now, I better get to drinking that water. I already have 20 oz in.
Good Morning

My challenge is to get in chest, Back, Bis and Tris before my first Pilates class this morning.
And thanks to this challenge I have been keeping up with the water! Thank you!
[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]
Shelley's right. We need a name to put to that lovely face. I've been calling you rags.

I spoke to a co-worker who is kind of studying to be a trainer. He says I should try icing my knee after every workout. That sounds like more fun then going to the doctor and I'll try that and advil for a week.
My challenge for today was to get up before work and get in a short workout (even if it was just stretching). But, alas, I blew it. I never sleep so it's a challenge to get up to go to work, never mind get up even earlier than that to workout. I have severe sleep apnea so never manage to get more than two or three hours of sleep a night, so morning workouts are pretty much non-existent for me. Every night I go to bed vowing to get up in the morning to workout--I even lay my workout clothes out. But when that alarm goes off at 5am I just can't do it. I just can't. Every day I disappoint myself when I don't get up to workout.

I was supposed to do some stretching or yoga yesterday per the Nov. rotation but ended up not even doing that. I vegged out with my SO watching movies for the evening. Dinner=low fat popcorn and some pretzels with hummus. Holy carbs.
Dinner of champions. Yep.

So today I pledge to be back on track. Yesterday I drank about 72 oz of water (I've kept up with that since last week's challenge) so at least I can be proud of something. Today I'll be sure to get in LIS/shoulders/calves/core and maybe challenge myself with a little extra cardio.

Peace out, hommies.

LIC is done and dusted! Boy, was I a sweaty wreck. Managing to drink a bit more water today so far as well. Two large glasses to date.
This morning I did HIS (for the first time all the way through) and then I did AMY BENTO Cardio pump hi/lo cardio. Tonight I will run a mile as quickly as I can on the treadmill. That will be enough for me today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My challenge is to stay sane while I'm not allowed to work out. That will be a challenge for probably the next three weeks, and trust me, it's going to take everything I've got.
Okay, I forgot to post my challenge yesterday but it was the same as Shelleys - to do a segment of Coremax, because I don't work my core nearly enough.

Anyway, I did it! I did segment 2 this morning. :)
I did everything I planned to do today - Amy's Slo Mo Legs 2X premix, 4DS Kickbox & Core. Had a great workout and am feeling it all over.

ETA: I passed yesterday's challenge. Had no junk food all day or in the evening either. (No ice cream is tough!)

Not a good day for me...

ATTEMPTED my challenge to run a mile as quickly as I can. Halfway through my run my stomach cramped up unbelievably. I only made 3/4 mile before I HAD TO STOP, and it took me like 11 minutes just to finish that ! I tried...will do better and plan more carefully next time ! ;(

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