10k run...


What exercise would you do a day before 10k run. Here's my schedule this week:

Monday: none (on vacation)
Tuesday: MIS + 2 mile run
Wednesday: intensity step only+ run4mile
Thursday: cardio blast with weighs (BM)
Friday: interval run? Or rest? Yoga?

Any suggestion?
Rest or yoga or a VERY SHORT run (10-15 minutes, but NOT an interval run) or short walk just to keep things loose.
A low intensity yoga session and a nice warm bath with lavender. I like this brand:Dresdner Herbal Bath packet - Lavender (10174) Sensia ,but obviously any kind would do. Just a 20 min. soak will work wonders on your muscles so that you feel good on the day of your long run. I'm assuming its a longer run, but for some that would be shorter. 6.2 miles is plenty long for me personally.;)
I am training for a 10K run at the end of October. I have been doing the whole 6.2 miles on Sundays.
The day before, is my schedule rest day.

I am getting better. When I first started this, at the beginning of August, I was exhausted after the Sunday runs and usually ended up taking a nap Sunday afternoons. Now not so much.

I definately thinking resting or Active Recovery is the way to go beforehand if you are not used to that distance.
Hi Saundra I just finished my 1st 10k today ( PR 57 mins ). What do you usually eat prior to your run? I had oatmeal with blueberry & banana but I was still hungry before the run so I had those concentrated liquid fruits & that helps.

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