100% to work out?


Last week I went on a vacation. A very nice, active, outside vacation. I was walking, standing or moving somewhere all day long. I didn't work out per se, since I was pretty active without.

All day Thursday I was around a person getting over being sick. Saturday morning, I woke up with a sore throat and was quite tired. Sunday I kicked around the house all day, sleeping and drinking a bunch of water. I could have gotten dehydrated, or could be fighting off germs. I suspect both.

I'm still not 100% today (still a bit of a tickle/roughness in the throat and still tired), but I'm itching to get back to working out. Trouble is, if I exercise back too soon, I might get full blown sick and really don't want to go there.

Should I wait until I'm closer to 100% to get back to it?

Thanks for your thoughts.
Hi April

How awful for you. I do hope you get better soon.

I would suggest that you wait till you are closer to 100% or at 100% before you start doing exercise again. Give your body full rest that it needs to fight off the germs and what not. If you jump into exercise too soon, you will suffer more ( you will prolong your sickness and you won't get much of the workout).

Take care,

I'd like to know the answer too...I just got told today I have a mild case of pleurisy in my lungs...and I am not sure whether to work out or take it easy. UGH !!!!!!!!!!
You know your body best so it's your call but I was lean toward waiting another day. As you said, you don't want to go back too soon and then get really sick. I don't think 1 more day will make a difference.
UGH - I feel for you! I was going to start a new rotation today and I wake up with a sore throat and am sick today! I was at a dinner party and of course I catch my first bug of the season. I was just thinking the other day how I haven't been sick in so long... x(

Feel better and give your body the time it needs, I'm right there with you sitting it out for the next few days. :)
I'd hold off on the tough WO for another couple days. A lot of times I'll do something "easy" - walking, light weights, a short yoga practice - just to keep moving. Cuz once I stop...well...it's harder to start back up:D
Thanks all. I took it easy tonight. I think I'll go to bed early. Working out will be there when I get back. :)


Pleurisy is no easy matter - please take time to heal! I had pneumonia and pleurisy long ago, in college, and it took quite a long time to get better. Of course, I was 20 years old and didn't even reallize I was so sick. I thought it was just a cold that wouldn't go away!

So please, take care of yourself!

That goes for you too, April! ;)

Susan L.G.
I agree, gettingstrong! I wound up having to go to the hospital every day of winter break for pulmonary therapy, if there is such a word/phrase.

Basically, I had to breathe in medicated vapor for twenty minutes a day and then had my torso "thumped" by the physical therapist on my back and two sides to knock the yuck loose from my lungs. It was not fun!

Susan L.G.

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