100 Greatest Singers of All Time

How in the hell did Janis Joplin beat out Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston for that matter? :eek: Serioulsy? :confused:

Easy...she can do amazing things with her voice that those two can't and nearly 40 years later her music is still playing.
I just have one question......who in the world is Bjork? lol No clue! :)


She used to sing lead for a band called the Sugar Cubes about a million years ago, and has since gone on to a prolific solo career (and maybe a little off the deep end in terms of dubious fashion choices). If you ever come across an album where she sings standards in (I believe) her native Icelandic language - get it. She is an amazing vocalist - but admittedly, an acquired taste.
So - did Joe Strummer make the list? That man had stones. What an expressive voice - a real revolutionary.
So was I. He really made a difference in the way I looked at the world. A selfless and truly inspired individual. I even had the pleasure of briefly meeting him once. If you haven't seen it already - there is a great documentary out about him - The Future is Unwritten.


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