10 reasons to run 10 miles...


http://www.runnersworld.com/article...10_09-_-training-_-10 Reasons to Run 10 Miles

10 Reasons To Run 10 Miles

Do long runs to build your endurance this fall
By Dave Kuehls

Last year, Benji Durden of Colorado, who made the 1980 Olympic team in the marathon, was coming back from an injury and all the training he could handle for several months were leisurely-paced runs around Boulder, where he lives. As he waited for the chance to do more intense work, Durden decided to perform an experiment on himself. He wanted to determine if he could get faster by continuing long, slow runs a couple of days a week. No tempo runs. No hills. No track work. Just Long Slow Distance.

"I started out with the ability to run 22 minutes for a 5-K," Durden recalled. "I was doing one-hour runs. Two months later, I was down below 21 minutes. Then I upped the run to 90 minutes. And a few months later, I was under 20 minutes."

Durden, 54, eventually improved his time to 18 minutes and change, more than a 3-minute improvement overall. All of his progress came from running long and slow.

A former world-class runner, Durden re-learned one of the most important principles of running-that long runs, even at a slow pace, count for a lot.

Durden's rediscovery has valuable implications for high school runners, who oftentimes neglect long, easy runs in favor of more intense work. Sure, do your intense work, but don't think LSD is for the novice. A weekly 10-miler can work wonders. Wouldn't you like to improve your 5-k time this fall by 3 minutes, too?

10 It fine tunes your form: Running a 10-miler takes more than an hour to complete, putting you into fatigue when flaws in running form become obvious. You must try to correct those flaws (like slouching) and hold form to the end. Durden believes that a 10-miler makes you a more efficient runner-"by getting all your body parts, while fatigued, to agree on the direction you need to go: forward." You smooth away rough edges like a stream smoothes out a rough stone caught on its bottom.

9 It's not a marathon: "People think a 10-miler is like running a marathon, but it's not," said Robert Smith, boys track and cross-country coach at Michigan's Novi High, one of the state's best teams. Ten miles is not 26. You don't need four months to "build up" to the distance. Many high school runners, accustomed to running 5-milers and 6-milers, are fit enough to tackle a 10-miler right away. Others may need just a couple of weeks to reach that level. Some freshmen, Smith cautioned, should top out at 7 or 8 miles.

8 It caps off a great week: Speed on Tuesday. Hills on Thursday. Race on Saturday. That's a good week. Want to make it great. You guessed it: The Sunday 10. "It's the last accomplishment to a great week of training," said Katie McGregor, a professional who trains with Team USA Minnesota and is a former NCAA cross-country champion.

7 It's like weight lifting for your legs and heart: Ten-milers will not only do wonders for your leg muscle strength, but for your heart, another crucial muscle, as well. A strong heart means you have larger "stroke volume." That is, the amount of blood sent from the heart to the working muscles increases. More blood going from the heart to the leg muscles means your heart will need to beat less when you're running the same pace.

6 It gives you a king-sized bed: "When you spend more time on your feet doing 10-milers, you build more capillary beds," said Bob Williams, director of running at the Sports Lab Training Center in Beaverton, Oregon. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in your legs, and during 10-milers, you literally grow them like tree branches. More capillaries means that your heart (which we already know is pumping more blood, see #7) can deliver more energy-producing oxygen directly to the leg muscles during a run.

5 It fosters camaraderie: Because of its duration and conversational pace, the 10-miler fosters a sense of esprit de corps (French for camaraderie) among teammates. But one caution: "You can't expect all runners to stay together," said coach Smith. "Runners will naturally divide into same-pace groups-7 minutes a mile, 8 minutes a mile-early in the run." Smart coaches monitor the runners to make sure every runner is comfortably in a group, and that no runner is in over his head.

4 It makes you an aerobic tourist: Your 10-miler can take you far, and be your ticket to some nifty sightseeing. Every runner knows the importance of variety in keeping a training program fresh. You can venture to new trails, pass the homes of friends along your route, circle through town, hit that big hill that no longer seems far away-go almost anywhere your legs desire in the course of 10 miles. And the many new scenes will make the run go by that much faster. Enjoy!

3 It boosts confidence: Who doesn't feel 10 feet tall after running 10 miles? Okay, you feel good after 5, 6, 8 miles... But 10, you feel unstoppable. Suddenly, hard track workouts may seem more manageable and you'll feel more eager and less anxious about training. "I know I'm ready for a great race when I've done a great long run," said McGregor, who adds that recognition of your long run get you out of a bad patch in a race. If you get that sinking feeling in the second half of a 5-k cross-country race, recalling your 10-miler will remind you how tough you've been on hour-plus runs. "Soon," says McGregor, "the race could go your way."

2 It gets out the tightness: "A muscle remains tight because it isn't getting enough blood," contends Durden. "The tissues in the muscle haven't gotten enough nutrition to repair themselves." In this respect, a 10-miler a couple of days after a hard race will supply the muscles with ample blood flow for repair and recovery. Long runs therefore can function as recovery. Think of a 10-miler as a massage for your tight calves and hamstring muscles.

1 It enables you to switch on your kick: Can Bob Kennedy, the American recordholder in the 5,000 meters, outkick Tim Montgomery, the world recordholder in the 100 meters, on the home straight of a 5-k? Sure he can. But not because Kennedy is faster. He's not. But Kennedy has endurance that Montgomery, a sprinter, does not. And Kennedy got that endurance from countless long runs like 10-milers enabling him to turn on his speed as he approaches the finish. Coaches like to say that "speed comes from strength." The stronger you are, says Durden, the better you'll kick in the last 200 of a race.

How to Run 10
Start Slow: Aim for a "conversational" pace, about a minute and a half to 2 minutes slower than 5-k race pace. If you're a 19-minute 5-k runner (about 6:05 pace), run your 10-miler at about 7:30 to 8:15 per mile.
Stay Slow: Don't get hooked into "picking it up" with an adventurous teammate at 7 or 8 miles. "Racing long runs is the number-1 training error," says Benji Durden.
Stay Together: A good rule of thumb is that the slowest runner in your 10-mile pack dictates the pace.
Break It Up: Instead of focusing on the whole 10 miles at once, mentally break up the distance into segments, like circling the lake or reaching the next intersection. "This way," said Katie McGregor, "you'll avoid the moment, around 3 miles, when you realize you still have 7 miles to go."
Be Fluid: Drink 8 to 12 ounces of water or a sports drink leading up to the 10-miler to prevent dehydration. On hot days, you might want to "plant" a water bottle midway or stop for a drink along the route.
Finish Fuel: Try to snack on something solid within 20 minutes after the run to aid in recovery. Fruit or a bagel will help replace energy. A carbo-protein mixture, like half a tuna fish sandwich on rye, is ideal.
I'm a firm believer in all of that. I haven't been able to run in the last month due to my ankle injury but love this time a year to just go outside late in the evening with the ipod going and just run anywhere from 3 to 7 miles. It's funny, after the 3rd mile it suddenly gets easier and I can run forever. Definitely good for the heart.

Thank you so much for posting this! It's rather timely for me, too. I was just about to ask all the Cheetahs how I should prep for my next 7K race. Should I go back to shorter, faster works or stay with the longer runs that I've been enjoying lately? I guess I got my answer! Very interesting reading, indeed. I'm actually going to shoot for my first 10 miler Monday. I can't wait :7!
Great article! Thanks for posting it. But wow, those are some fast speeds. I guess I'm not really a runner, more like a jogger? A 5K in under 20 minutes? Yikes!
Great article! I am feeling blue because I am nursing my IT band, haven't run in about 6 weeks. Anyone else familiar with this? I've seen physio etc and will just try to ease back into it slowly. If anyone else has experienced this I would love to hear about it. Even reading about running makes me salivate these days, and am wondering how I should go about starting again. I have never worked with a trainer, but maybe now is the time. My goal is a half marathon in June, I figure that's lots of time....
Thank you for posting. That makes me miss my Runners World subscription. It also gives me some inspiration to run long again. Years ago, I did several marathons and love the long runs. Now, I'm lucky to do 2-3 runs a week and mainly do my Cathe for cardio. Nothing compares to the feeling of a long run. I might try it next week. Thanks, Mary
Me me me!!! I had an IT band injury after my first marathon last year. It was hard for me to get over. But.... invest in a foam roller!!! It was seriously KILLER when I first started using it, but it really did help me recover faster. Here's a link http://www.performbetter.com/detail.aspx_Q_ID_E_4918_A_rnd_E_40 (I got the 3' long, 6" round one). I went through physical therapy & had some ultra sound done, but I really think the foam roller helped the most. If you rest it now, you should be fine to train for a half in June!

Oh, and also, make sure you're wearing the proper shoes!! HTH!
Great article!! I think 10 miles is the perfect running distance. I hate the short 2-3 mile runs, it feels like I'm just warming up at that point. Once I hit 5 miles I want to keep going. It seems that anything over 10 takes your body longer to recover from. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for posting this article!

Like a few of the above comments, I was unsure of whether to make my long run each week that long. My current longest is 9.5 miles. But tomorrow I am going for a 10 mile slow and easy run. Then the Grace/ Itread days will be a nice contrast to keep all runs fresh!

PS - I sent it along to some on my (nonCathe) running friends

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.
William Osler [/font]
Thanks for the reply, Jess

Just a couple of questions, How long did it take you to recover? Did you stop running completely? And, pardon my ignorance, how exactly did you use the foam roller? Did you lie on your side with your thigh right on it? Thanks for the link.
The physiotherapist gave me a bunch of exercises to do for my glutes (nothing like butts and guts tho!) but I have to admit they are soooo boring to do! I know what I should be doing to help, I guess it's just a matter of doing it.
I think I just need to hear that it's possible to run comfortably again. I cheated and did a short run last night and my whole left leg was aching for alot of today. Then I panic, because I am a cardio addict, and what kind of cardio doesn't involve the legs! i suck at swimming!:)

I hate to tell you, but it took me a good 3-4 mos to recover. But I had it really bad by that point, after I finished the marathon.

Yes, you lay on your side & roll it up & down your IT band. It will hurt soooo bad at first, I remember hardly being able to move the foam roller w/out crying out. Also try rolling a frozen water bottle up & down the band. Just keep up the exercises, lying floor work is good too.

I actually did take up swimming & the elliptical was fine. And actually kickboxing was ok, it was the running or biking that would cause the pain.

But after 3-4 mos I was back running and I have really watched my mileage carefully since then. I'm running 2-3 days a week now and NOT on consecutive days. I usually run Tues, Thurs, & Sat. My longest run has been 8 miles. I do plan on training for some half marathons next year but honestly don't think I'll ever do another marathon. It was just too hard on my body!

Ask away if you have any other questions!! Also, I was a total cardio addict before and that's when I really started focusing on heavier weights. I found P90X and have gotten in better shape w/ less cardio. ;-)
Thanks for the great article Lorie! I’m training for my 3rd marathon that’s on 11/18. It’s my first back from ACL reconstruction last year though.

Shell, a couple of years ago when I trained for my first marathon I had ITband problems on my right side. I started wearing an ITband strap (I got it from roadrunner.com) for any runs over 3 miles and it worked wonders. I made sure to do ITband stretches several times a day, too. It came back during rehab for my ACL (which was on the opposite side) and I again started using the strap and doing lots of stretching and it went away. HTH.

The strap is not a cure but it stops the rubbing back and forth and reduces the inflammation.

Kathy G
Great article! Thanks for posting. I just did the Army 10 miler last month and 10 miles is the perfect distance!! I am going to print this to save it.
i have been doing a lot of iTreads and did my first 11 miler since starting them. my time was 92 minutes! i was pretty proud of myself. it's a very good distance.

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