10 pounds or bust ! Friday


Morning melters. Yay, Friday's here. I don't have any big weekend plans. I hope to get my Christmas decorations out, do some baking and wrap some gifts. The weather forecast is nasty for Sunday here. Snow changing to sleet and ice. Ewwww.

Deb, I only catch bits and pieces of Dancing. I enjoy it, but never know who most of the dancers are. I'm so out of touch with popular culture it's sad. My DD loves to laugh at me.

Shannon, I'm totally with you in the love of cardio sweatfests. There's nothing like it. I know the weight training is important, but gosh, I love to get sweaty. I sure hope your calf heals completely enough for you to get really, really sweaty soon.

Emily, it sounds like you are really getting back into the workouts. I'm so glad. Is your (insert unfamiliar "p" word here) a chronic issue, or can it go away forever?

Shelley, feel any better today? Did you do a workout yesterday. I did Low Max and it was harder than I expected.

Mich, I'm with you in losing the same weight over and over. I've lost about 40 pounds from my heaviest over the years, but still yo-yo up and down with 10-15 pounds from where I'd like to be.

tneah, the tree sounds cool. I agree, a picture would be nice. Does your business slow down over the holidays, or do you go crazy this time of year?

Judy, I repeat what I said about your specialness. Good for you organizing meals for your friends. You know, I love my coffee, but I never got into the espresso thing. I agree you should get a machine though. I'm sure it would get lots of use in your house. I may have to try that crock pot recipe. I'm like Michele - I have one, but rarely use it.

Michele, thanks for all the cure-alls. I think they helped. Last evening was the best I've felt since Thanksgiving. I'm so glad my cold didn't exacerbate my asthma. So many Christmas' I've spent wheezing after a fall cold.

Lanie, I'm glad we didn't have to rough you up. I hope the meds do the trick. Having a fever as long as you did is NOT good.

Hey, TK. I keep waiting to see a post from you about a big drop in weight. I don't get it. You are working so hard! I'm sure it will all pay off if you are patient. (Said by a person with little to no patience.)

So I got on the scale this morning and found I have dropped 2 of the 3 pounds I had re-gained over Thanksgiving. At least that's a grand total of 2 pounds DOWN. This challenge will last far into the new year for me.
Good Morning and Happy Friday!:)

Today I did a 45 minute I-Tread, burned 330 calories. The scale is stuck at 1/4 # before I would be at the 18 lb mark since starting in June. I can't get it to budgex( Does a WW ice cream bar count as junk food? This are what got me through the 17 3/4 pound loss so I am not giving them up!

You are really ambitious wrapping presents and decorating! I don;t feel like putting up a tree this year. Some years I am all gung ho on Christmas and other years it is a burden..

Your soup sounds delicious!:9 Your dinner idea for that family is so nice! What a great bunch of people!

I have my fingers crossed on the job for you!

You go girl and "knock the door down"!

Good for you on the 4:30 wake up! I have 10 I-Treads, am really like #1 40 minute right now. I also like #21 30 minute. I am really a "walker" and sometimes towards the end I kick it up to a jog for the last 5 minutes or so. Glad your cold is better but now the stomach? ugh!

Let me know which code works so I can get rid of the other 2:D . Also, tell us which I-Train you end up getting.

Your tree sounds unique and pretty too!

I hear you on the computer issue.. I have typed here with long stories etc only to have the dang thing freeze up and lose

Glad to hear you went to the DR and hope you shake this thing soon!

Welcome back.. yes I also thought that the deck was stacked with women this year. To be honest, I thought after watching a lot of the shows that the Cheetah girl was still the best dancer out of all of them. I was disappointed with this season. No matter what the judges said, except for the Cheetah girl, I didn't think the stars were up to par with previous season's..eg Opallo, Joey Fatone, and Mario Lopez were awesome! any of them could have been the winner in my mind.

Have a great day and a good start to the weekend:D

Good morning, melters, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! :7

Well, I forgot to weigh myself. Oh well. I'll do it tomorrow. It's a good thing yesterday wasn't an official no junk food challenge, because dear Mom had chocolate chip cookies waiting when I dropped by. They really made me feel loads better. :9 But this weekend will be clean eating all the way.

AND I'm going to do an elliptical workout tomorrow! I think it's safe for the calf. Cardio sweatfest, here I come!!!! I'm debating on trying a few step combos without the step, and totally no impact, just to get the calf used to moving around again. I did the warmup to 4DS HIS that way last night, and it felt fine.

Robin - congrats on losing those two pounds!!! Our Sunday forecast is kind of icky too, but not like yours. I hope you don't get iced in. We're just getting rain (which we need, so I won't complain). The problem is, it's supposed to be near 70 degrees!! YUCK.

Deb - thanks for the job wishes! And if those WW bars help, then I'd say... enjoy!
Morning all!

No weighing for me this week, as I'm experiencing the full PMS bloat. I look like three day old road kill in the desert in August. True story.

Robin - whoot whoot on the weight loss!

Judy - I agree that you should work out the cost benefit of the espresso machine. And I also agree that you are pretty darn special!

Shannon - I won't tell you that we're supposed to get snow today. Oops! Too late;)

Deb - all the iTreads I've got so far are 60 minutes except Set 19, which is iTread 'n' Tush (leg workout intervals with running). I should get some shorter ones for those days when I'm pressed for time.

Tneah - a black tree sounds cool. Emily and I were talking about that the other day, saying how in the right modern kind of setting it would look very elegant. I'd love to see pics!

TK - a 17 lb turkey for two of you??? Yikes! Enjoy!

Lainie - I'm so glad you went to the doctor and got some medication! Take it easy until you feel better, okay?

I'm sure I've missed people so I'm waving to all of you!
Gooooooood morning!!! :D

How's everyone today? Thank goodness it's Friday. It's also [font color=red]pizza day[/font]. Woo hoo! I did Step Blast this morning, which is one of my most favoritest workouts ever. So much fun!

Robin, I think I'm going to do my Christmas decorations this weekend too. We are also getting ice and sleet, so I guess there won't be anything else to do this weekend but hang out around the house and decorate. I suppose I could clean too, but where's the fun in that? :p As for my piriformis syndrome... it can be really really hard to beat. And can also have a tendency to be recurring. I just have to be careful and really listen to my body. I'm just so happy that I have been working out 5-6 days a week ALL MONTH LONG!!! :D I am not completely pain-free and I still have twinges every now and then, but it's sooooo much better than it was 3 months ago.

Deb, a WW ice cream bar may not be clean food, but it's certainly better than the alternative. If it gets you through, then by all means, keep eating them! I am a huge proponent of not depriving yourself of everything. Which is why I have pizza every Friday night. :9

Shannon, I am crossing my fingers for you with your elliptical workout tomorrow! I hope it's pain-free! :D

Shelley, sorry about that PMS bloat. Blech. I know exactly how you feel.

Mich, I understand what you're saying about feeling discouraged by people who have lost hundreds of pounds - I can't even lose 3 pounds!!! Just keep on keeping on, and you will get to where you want to be. :)

Tneah, I would LOVE to see a picture of your black Christmas tree! Like Shelley said, we were talking about them the other day. I don't think I could pull it off in my house, but I bet it would look way cool in a contemporary home. :)

Judy, your dinner delivery thing sounds so cool. Good for you for organizing that!

Michele, are you having PIZZA tonight???? :7 I, too, abandoned FlyLady a loooong time ago. Her concepts are great for SAHMs, but as a full-time worker, it's simply not practical for me to do that much cleaning on a daily basis. And the email notifications are INSANE!

Lainie, FEEL BETTER NOW! There, did it work? ;)

cbaumb, I have the same problem with lifting heavy - it makes me HUNGRY ALL.THE.TIME. It's a delicate balance, I hear ya.

Truton, a 17 lb turkey for 2 people? :eek: Enjoy it!

Alright, I hope I didn't miss anyone. I better get to work here. Or something resembling work. ;) TTYL!
Good morning melters

Just popping in the say "Hi" -- my boss has tons of work on my desk, so can't stay and chat. I did take the time to read your posts! :)

Sounds like everyone is doing well -- and most of you have recovered from your illnesses. Good thing!!

Pizza - did someone say pizza??? That is my downfall -- and now I will be thinking of it all day! ;)

Hang in there everybody -- it is almost December and the countdown is ON!!

My goal is for my NY Resolution to be "to lose ___ pounds" (and in the ___ will be a number LESS THAN 10!! and hopefully less than 5 !!!) :)

Hi everyone! I woke up surprised to find its actually Friday instead of Thursday! I have been one day behind all week long!:)

Emily,I will take pics of the tree and attempt to post them here next week, I am very "challenged" when it comes to all things meant to be downloaded and uploaded, etc....:eek: :eek:

Robin, Congrads on your loss, I am proud of you. Wish we were getting sleet or whatever here in Vegas, it makes staying home and baking all the more fun and cozy doesn't it? Yeah, we are pretty busy this time of year, trying to get new product out for the new year.

Shelley-Right there with ya with the PMS thing, my belly and boobs get so big I swear I look like the "happy buddha" this time of the month.x(

TK-I was thinking about getting another turkey, I love it and its low in fat-good for you. I take the carcass and make stock for matzo ball soup later on.:)

Lainie-Hopefully you are sleeping, shhhhh, don't wake her up....

Michelle-Enjoy that pizza, yummers.

Mich-Get to work!}(

Shannon-Have a fun time with your sweatfest. I plan on doing 4DS Chest/Back today, along with 45 minutes of some cardio.

Michelle-I say life is too short to indulge in a WW bar for heavens sake! We aren't talking Dove bars here.

If I missed anyone, my apologies! My legs feel as if someone has been beating on them with hammers. I did the 4DS legs and actually matched Cathe with the weights, I haven't used weights for low body since before my surgery, so you can imagine how sore I am!:7

Happy Friday Everyone!
Hiya Melters!

I lost the weight I gained last week and my measurements are the same. I'll take it. To date I've lost 2 pounds since the challenge began. On the face of it this might not seem like much of an accomplishment, but I have never maintained my weight -- much less lost weight -- this time of year, so I'm good with it. :)

[font color=red size=+3 face="comic sans ms"]PIZZA NIGHT!!! Yea! Yea! Yea![/font]

Yes, I'm having pizza tonight, and it will be delicious AND nutritious!! ;) :9 . Friday night is traditionally my pizza night and I'm not willing to give it up, so I had to come up with a yummy alternative to the commercial stuff. I use WW pita bread for the crust topped with my own tomato sauce and roasted veggies -- maybe some turkey pepperoni -- and a light sprinkling of part skim mozzarella cheese -- not that fat free crap. You can use sauce from a jar, too, just make sure you get a good one that doesn't have a lot of fat and sugar in it. I bake them @ 425 for about 10 minutes. They're quick and easy and yummy :9 :9

OMG I have to run. I'm going out of town for a little shopping today. I wanted to be on the road by 9AM but my MIL called and...well...you can read all about it in the Haters thread :p .

I'll BBL for personals -- I promise. In the meantime, have a great day :)
Hi everyone. My house is freezing. Or maybe my fever is just up again because I'm wearing pretty warm cozy clothes and shouldn't be so cold.

This morning I managed to get Ewan back to nursery school and he did o.k. He's still coughing a bit and the nose runs a bit, but it's not so nasty looking when it runs.

Since he was at school, I finally got to visit the yoga class I've been thinking about trying. He is in school 9-11:30 M,W,F and the class is 9:15-10:45 on Friday, so the timing is great for me. Well, I thought the class was awesome and I expect to go back next Friday, and maybe also on Monday when they have class at the same time. The yoga had strengthening, stretching, relaxing, and even some ab work, so it was really ideal. The teacher called everyone by name (and asked my name when I came in and also encouraged me by name from time to time). It is a beginner class so I was able to keep up fine.

I lost .6 this week (or actually I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks, but I am pretty sure last week I would have been up). So my total for this challenge is 1 lb. Sounds a little pitiful, but I'm just glad I'm not gaining. I'm super at maintaining at least.

Robin, way to go on the weight loss! You've got me beat by a pound for the total weight loss--so I'll be with you still working on it into the new year.

Deb, I love those WW ice cream bars, so I hope they aren't junk. I figure even if they are junk, they beat a lot of alternative junk.

Shannon, good luck with that calf. I'm hoping my ankle is all better soon. Now if I could just get that fixed and get healthy already!

Shelley, sorry about the PMS--I would also have PMS right now if I hadn't started those 3-month BP pills. I'm so happy I have another 9 or 10 weeks before I have to deal with it. On the other hand I have no excuse if I don't lose weight.

Emily, have fun putting up the Christmas decorations. I've had mine up since the day after Thanksgiving, but just realized I've still got some garland thing I was going to put up somewhere. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.

Mich, eek! don't mention New Year's Resolutions--I suck at those.

Tneah, darn, I wish I were sleeping now.

Michele, enjoy your healthy pizza. My favorite homemade healthy pizza has garlic, roma tomatoes, purple onions, basil, and blue cheese (don't know if that blue cheese is healthy exactly, though).

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif[/font]
My credit card is a little bit lighter :) -- I caved and bought 4DS. I've heard so many good things from you ladies about it -- plus I just NEED a rotation so I can stick to something!!

Lainie - the yoga sounds great -- I've been thinking of getting a yoga DVD so I can stretch out these sore muscles!! :)

Take care everyone!
G'day melting ladies. I'm so happy it's Friday. My work has been so busy and I've been working too many hours. It's yearly review time so I have to put up a good front ;). Bonus time is right around the corner!

I'm still being a really good girl, no candy, no cakes, no chocolate :), no bread, worst of all no alcohol :eek: . I'm going to weigh on Sunday morning this week because I'm going to allow myself a cheat meal this weekend. The first one in four weeks. I'm overdue!

Deb: LOL I was thinking of you this morning while doing Muscle Max. It has low ends, your favorite! Yeah, they sting more than leg presses but somehow I don't mind them too much.

Robin: Yay for dropping 2 pounds! I hope I get your losing vibe for my Sunday weigh in. I'll be with you after the new year, no worries. There's absolutely no way I'll be down 10 # by Christmas. I'm only 3.3 down since the beginning.

Shannon: I swear I felt my mouth water when I read Chocolate Chip Cookies. Were they homemade? Take it slow with your calf, you don't want to have another setback like on T-day!

Shelley: Yup. A 17 pound turkey. Since it was free, how could I resist? Of course now I've spent about $50 of stuff from the supermarket to go with the turkey, but well that's beside the point.

Emily: Pizza was my 'last meal' before starting this journey. Enjoy! About your piraformis, I Tivoed Classical Stretch from PBS since there seems to be a buzz about that lately. The first episode that came up was a hip stretch. Since I have sciatica I'm wondering if that might help me too. I've read that Piraformis pain can be similar to sciatica. Have you tried Classical Stretch? I'm going to try it this weekend for the first time.

Tneah: I'm right there with you on losing a day. Yesterday, I had to look at my online calendar to assure myself it was Thursday. When I started my day I was convinced it was Wednesday.

One-L Michele: Have you tried pizza on the grill? OMG. So easy and delicious. Preheat the grill, then throw the pizza crust on and let it toast for a couple minutes. Then, flip it over and put your toppings on the crust. Close the lid for a couple minutes to let the toppings warm up and the cheese melt. It only takes a few minutes, so make sure you've got the toppings ready when it's time to flip. DH loves it that way and it saves me from having a pizza pan to scrub.

Lainie: I'd love to take a yoga class. Your teacher sounds awesome.

Mich: You'll love 4DS. I am definitely stronger after doing a 4 week rotation with it. In fact, I'm now doing Muscle Max and in some of the segments I'm using weights higher than Cathe's. 4DS is very versatile too. It's money well spent.
Almost Good Morning, melters!!!

Well, after avoiding the scale with whole-hearted abandon....and with good reason, I am going to work hard this weekend to not be afraid of it! I haven't stepped on it lately, but then again, by the way the clothes fit, I'm not too far behind Shelley's descriptionx( !

I not only fell off the wagon, but I wallowed in the mud underneath it!!!x( Pizza (and NOT the healthy stuff), Mexican (complete with cheese dip and chips), wine :)9 ), and other unhealthy snack made their way not only into my house, but into my mouth!x(

New work week (ish), new eating! I also worked for 3 hours to start making a dent into the "junk" room so that I can make it into my workout area (as opposed to living room/workout room). That way, I won't feel so bad leaving my weights out. I was able to make a big enough dent to fit the BowFlex that's been holding up a pile of clothes in my bedroom! Now that's a feature they DON'T add on the commercials!:p

I read a book a month ago called "New Rules of Lifting" and really liked the routines that were outlined in it. I finished one Fat Loss routine a couple of weeks ago and decided to try splits for a while. Well, I was flailing the last 2 weeks, nothing felt right and I just didn't know why. Last night in the midst of my cleaning (sort-of) spree, I spied the book and decided to start Fat Loss II program. Well, the glutes/butt are humming nicely tonight!!! Tomorrow is going to be cardio, and I'm thinking kick-boxing. I love Cathe's 4DS routine!

Tootles....oh, and just checking to make sure you all are tucked in nice and warm!

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