~*~*10 lb Meltdown Challenge Check-In*~*~

I think Friday is a great weigh-in day. And Saturday has always been my cheat day, so that works out perfectly! Actually... Friday night, Saturday and Sunday usually end up being my cheat days. :p Ummm, yeah. I NEED this check-in!

I'm NOT having pizza tonight *gasp*. I've got a scrapbooking retreat all weekend and it will be full of unclean foods, so I'm starting it off right with a healthy dinner. Not sure WHAT yet, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Maybe a sandwhich from Schlotzsky's or something. :9

And it's time for me to stop eating the Halloween candy that I bought for the kids. Poor kids aren't going to get anything!!! Must.resist.Kit Kats!!


So, should I post my weight now? It's Friday, after all. I'm starting at *groan* 129.0. My goal is 122.0. There. I've said it. Now I'm being held accountable. *yikes* :eek:
Emily, I'll make you feel better about your weight. I'm starting at 149 and my goal is 139. I would sure like to get out of the upper 140s where I've been hanging around for so long. I was so pleased when I got below 150 that I sort of relaxed a bit too much. Somehow I've managed to maintain it under 150 still but just barely.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif
I'll take my numbers to my grave :p

I'm having my pizza! I'm going to make my own with WW pita bread and roasted veggies, and maybe a little turkey pepperoni.
Well, I won't weigh myself til tomorrow morning since it's too late to do it now, but I am getting very excited about this!!

I even plan on taking "before" pictures and measuring myself. I'm trying to convince myself to post the "before and after" pictures here in the end... that'll keep me accountable!! ;)
You guys are brave. I ain't telling anyone what I weigh!

B - when I came up with Friday weigh-in, my immediate thought was "we can't have it on Monday because everyone cheats on the weekend":p
>Well, I won't weigh myself til tomorrow morning since it's
>too late to do it now, but I am getting very excited about
>I even plan on taking "before" pictures and measuring myself.
>I'm trying to convince myself to post the "before and after"
>pictures here in the end... that'll keep me accountable!! ;)

That's a great idea! I'll take a "before" picture tonight. Ugh.
>Emily, I'll make you feel better about your weight. I'm
>starting at 149 and my goal is 139. I would sure like to get
>out of the upper 140s where I've been hanging around for so
>long. I was so pleased when I got below 150 that I sort of
>relaxed a bit too much. Somehow I've managed to maintain it
>under 150 still but just barely.

Lainie, 129 may not sound like a lot, but I'm really short - so I am not wearing these extra pounds very well. And I do the same thing - once I get below a certain weight, I relax too much and end up pudgy again before I know it. I think after the 10 Pound Meltdown Challenge, we need a 10 Pound Keep-Off Challenge. ;)
OK, Friday weigh in, good. I should do it tomorrow morning though, since I have alreaady eaten. I am scared, very scared............

Maeghan AKA megadoo
I will not weight in today, I have already eaten stuff (fruit okay!) today and slurped a quart of water-I am such a good girl. Tomorrow's the day for me. I NEVER let anyone see how much I weigh-ever, my DH doesn't even know.:)
So tomorrow am I will start this journey.

Was that a cricket I just heard?:)

I’m in...I'm in :) I've picked up 10lbs too, sucks doesn't it, I can hardly believe itx( I tell ya, it doesn’t take long 20 chocolate bars and 10 bottles of wine and Bang!. Any who, my plan of attack duh...um....don’t really have one, but going to workout hard and eat clean :)

Eliminate all chocolate:9 hm... strange, when I said that, I could smell chocolate:9 I rarely do pop, no problem there. I also plan to cut back on meats and do meatless products, up me veggies blah…blah... been doing this for 100 years, up down..up down and up :+ so I/we pretty much know what too do. Okay ladies, on your march, get set, GOoooooooo STAY FOCUSED and good luck.
I've been trying to nail down my diet issues. Portion control is definitely a big problem for me and something I need to be mindful of. Also, I've been eating a dessert every single day for months. It's not realistic for me to say that I'm going to cut out all sweets, but I'm going to cut way back and try to come up with some lighter alternatives, like maybe a mug of hot cocoa made with skim milk instead of a Reese's PB pumpkin :p
>I've been trying to nail down my diet issues. Portion control
>is definitely a big problem for me and something I need to be
>mindful of. Also, I've been eating a dessert every single day
>for months. It's not realistic for me to say that I'm going to
>cut out all sweets, but I'm going to cut way back and try to
>come up with some lighter alternatives, like maybe a mug of
>hot cocoa made with skim milk instead of a Reese's PB pumpkin

Me too, Michele. I have a raging sweet tooth and pretty much have a dessert every day. I've got to cut way back and find lower calorie alternatives. And OMG, Reese's PB Pumpkins are da bomb diggity! For some reason, they are better than the regular PB cups (maybe because they have more PB?). :9 Ummmm, but I suppose this isn't a good thread for singing the praises of Halloween candy... :p So, nevermind. PB Cups are gross. Yuck. :p
>Me too, Michele. I have a raging sweet tooth and pretty much
>have a dessert every day. I've got to cut way back and find
>lower calorie alternatives. And OMG, Reese's PB Pumpkins are
>da bomb diggity! For some reason, they are better than the
>regular PB cups (maybe because they have more PB?). :9
>Ummmm, but I suppose this isn't a good thread for singing the
>praises of Halloween candy... :p So, nevermind. PB Cups are
>gross. Yuck. :p

I'm afraid I will not be posting my weight either. Not for love or money!! lol

I do have before pictures and will happily post them and my number once I reach my goal or maybe my halfway point.

Em- I had one of those awful yucky PB Pumpkins for lunch it was just terrible:p
I already weighed it (like I do every morning, afternoon and evening - can you say OCD?) but I'm not sharing the number. It sounds terrible, but is actually pretty good for me. I WILL stay away from the scale until next Friday. I think the best way for me to avoid the Halloween candy is to box it up and ship it to Michele.}( I may do the same with the birthday cake we'll be having for my grandson on Sunday evening following pizza night. **sigh** I can skip pizza and have a salad when it's just the usual crew, but we'll be having company for the baby's birthday and they will think I'm a weirdo. Wait, I AM a weirdo. So maybe salad on Sunday pizza night and just a bite of birthday cake.
>Em- I had one of those awful yucky PB Pumpkins for lunch it
>was just terrible:p

Oh, Teri, you poor thing! Next time you get one of those disgusting things for lunch, just send it my way and I'll take care of it for you. :p
>I think the best
>way for me to avoid the Halloween candy is to box it up and
>ship it to Michele.}(

Let's all do this!!! ;) }(
>I think the best
>way for me to avoid the Halloween candy is to box it up and
>ship it to Michele.}(

>Let's all do this!!! ;) }(

You big fat meanies! :p :p :p
>>I think the best
>>way for me to avoid the Halloween candy is to box it up and
>>ship it to Michele.}(
>Let's all do this!!! ;) }(

except for the PB Pumpkins they are going to Emily:p

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