~*~*10 lb Meltdown Challenge Check-In*~*~


Good morning, all, and happy Friday!

So, I weighed in this morning and my goal is that pesky 10 lbs by Christmas. Should be a real challenge considering I have to make it through the Hallowe'en candy madness AND the countdown to Christmas hell. But we're strong, right? We can do this!

*listens to crickets chirping*
Hi Shelley

I have a lot more to lose than 10 pounds but would love to join in and lose 10 by christmas.

I have the exercise and clean eating down......I just seem to have a problem (a big problem) with portion control!!!! Okay and I will admit to a certain small chocolate addiction.:p
Shelly, I'm in. And all of you, please don't be afraid to threaten me with bodily harm if I veer off the path, PLEASE!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo
*listens to crickets with Shelley*

*clears throat nervously* Yes, we can do this! :p

So... what's your plan of attack going to be, Shelley? I have no idea what I'm going to do...
I'd like to join. I would like to ultimately lose 15-20 but 10 would be nice for now. I am at least down to what I was before having kids, but unfortunately I already had a few extra pounds before doing the Mommy thing.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html
OK, I'm in, but my goal is 5 by Christmas and an additional 5 by March. That's so I'll look good in the Danish Ruins on St John.}(
I'm hoping to accomplish this by eating cleaner and sticking to a 6 day-per-week workout plan. Good luck all. Oh, and I think we need to crack to whip too. None of this "That's OK that you ate an entire package of oreos because a leaf fell off your prize begonia" stuff.
Ok - this is my very first check-in, but I could really use the support! I'm going on a cruise in the South Carribean that leaves from Puerto Rico on Dec. 30. I wasn't in bikini shape this summer and I'm definitely not in bikini shape now!:( 10 lbs. may not get me there either, but it sure would help!

So how does this work...? Is the check-in daily, weekly? Do we say if we've gone up or down like WW?

I'm with you. Yeah, we CAN do this. I have to. I have a follow up appointment with my doctor in January and I don't want to go in there weighing 10#'s more than I did at my last appointment :eek: ;(

My first plan of attack will be to completely avoid Halloween. This will be easy for me since I don't have kids. I'm not going to bother to buy candy, and I'm leaving my lights off this year so people will think I'm not home. Pathetic, isn't it, but severe problems require severe remedies!:p
Plan of attack? Oh yeah, I suppose I should have some kind of plan, shouldn't I?

Well, for starters, I drink a can of Coke every single day. And not the diet stuff. That's 160 calories gone if I can stop doing that. I will also be not heeding the call of the cookies when I walk past the dang pantry.

I can't really ignore Hallowe'en, being the mother of a 10-year old who doesn't like candy but loves going door to door, but I sure can toss anything she doesn't like.

And Robin, I'm LMAO at your prize begonia thingie. That's hilarious. Yes, not turning to food for comfort is a great idea.

I also got some really hot new boots and want a fitted white shirt and black skirt to go with them, so that's going to be my reward to myself at the end of the 10 lbs.
Uh, knock, knock? Hey guys, I lost 10 pounds after my surgery, went to San Diego for two weeks and gained 5 of that back, eating too much obviously. Crap. I want to lose that 5 pounds, 7 pounds really. I know what you mean Shelley, when your clothes fit "not quite right". Its a horrid feeling. So may I join in? I was ranting about sugar being my downfall, and it is. So is mindless "picking" at things. So checking in will help keep me accountable. Thanks, I am here to support you all!:)

Oh, and Thanksgiving really is the most healthy holiday, turkey breast, baked sweet potatoes (I always bake a few plain without the butter and marshmellows which are gross to me anyway), fresh veggies, etc...it can be turned into a really healthy meal if you skip the dressing and pumpkin pie right?:)
Oh, and I am willing to work hard with lots of cardio, but I still cannot push too hard exercise-wise, I pulled my butt cheek muscle on the side of my operated hip doing the new Bootcamp yesterdayx( Ouch, so it looks as if endless walking is on the menu for me, along with the resistance training of course.;)
So I guess I need to actually step on the scale to view the damages, I mean get a starting point. I don't wanna
Maeghan AKA megadoo:-( x( :-( x( :-( x( :-( x(
My main goal is clean eating. If weight comes off in the process, that's just icing on the cake. Ahem. Sorry about that little slip. :p

I could stand to lose 5 lbs from my butt, but my problem is that it always comes off my top instead.

Halloween won't be a problem. Thanksgiving and Christmas will. My mom loves to bake, and I live within walking distance of her kitchen. I expect to feel the lash of that whip if you all sense me yeilding to temptation!

So... my first line of attack is to steer clear of the kitchen. Sigh.
Skip the pumpkin pie... isnt' that illegal or something?

Meggles - I didn't wanna get on the scale either, but I figured I'd better know what I was dealing with.

Shannon - just let your mom know that you love her but you won't be visiting for a while:p
Sounds good to me!

I guess it's bad that my 1st thought was: Weigh-in = Friday / Cheat Day = Saturday!! :9

There's no hope for me!
B~ I had the same thought exactly:D

A friday weigh in sounds great to me and I will try and skip the cheat day (at least for awhile)

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