Hi Maggie
My worst habit is going home after work and eating everything I see and undoing everything healthy I did for the day. And I don't know why I do this, but I just grab whatever is out and start eating - usually starchy carbs too like you mentioned!
What I started to do that has really helped me is schedule a snack an hour or so before I will be home. So if I'm going straight home from work, I'll eat something around 3:00 - 3:30. If I'm going somewhere after work, then I'll make sure to have my snack a little later. I've been eating a zone perfect bar, apple and string cheese, or oatmeal and those things help me. I find that I don't have the urge to raid the entire kitchen when I walk through the door!
Good Luck!!
Thanks for the tip Erin, when you said that you wrab whatever is out and start eating I just had to laugh because that is so me after work! I'd take off my shoes, put the purse down, head for the fridge/pantry and grab! I didn't realize it has become so much of a routine for me until DH asked "Aren't you having your after work snack" when I attempted not to do that anymore. What I have been doing is having just an apple around 2:30 but clearly that doesn't cut it. I need to find something that works for me and like you I think I will start incorporating some protein and healthy carbs into a small afternoon snack. I just hate to ruin the healthy eating for the rest of the day with a mad raiding of the fridge at 5:00. I guess this clean eating thing takes some practice and preparation Thanks again!