OMG!!! I am ready to take a flamethrower to my son's "math" book. It is based on the University of Chicago something or other. As far as I know, math is pretty much an exact science. 10-7 does in fact equal 3.... at least most of the free and not-so-free world learns this way, I'm pretty sure. If I have 10 apples an I give Cathe seven apples, I will have how many apples left....... three!!!
HOW in the name of ALL that is holy will this benefit our kids in the REAL WORLD?!?!? So, my son gets a job at Starbucks and the customer's total is $3.50. The customer hands me a $5.00... I give them back $7.53 in change because that's the way "they" taught him math!! Don't think he'll have a job for long! Why?? Because they taught them "ball park" estimates along with their partial-sum algorithms in 2nd grade!!
WTH!!!!! I KNOW I can't be the ONLY parent who hates this and understands that it just doesn't make sense and has very little basis in reality.
PLEASE tell me that our school district is this messed up!! Here's the scarier thing. Our District is one of the highest rated in Colorado! HUH?!?!?!? ONLY by scewed test scores & teaching methods.
Hufffff- Pufffff!! Snort! Anybody else having this much "fun" with their child's teachings??
HOW in the name of ALL that is holy will this benefit our kids in the REAL WORLD?!?!? So, my son gets a job at Starbucks and the customer's total is $3.50. The customer hands me a $5.00... I give them back $7.53 in change because that's the way "they" taught him math!! Don't think he'll have a job for long! Why?? Because they taught them "ball park" estimates along with their partial-sum algorithms in 2nd grade!!
WTH!!!!! I KNOW I can't be the ONLY parent who hates this and understands that it just doesn't make sense and has very little basis in reality.
PLEASE tell me that our school district is this messed up!! Here's the scarier thing. Our District is one of the highest rated in Colorado! HUH?!?!?!? ONLY by scewed test scores & teaching methods.
Hufffff- Pufffff!! Snort! Anybody else having this much "fun" with their child's teachings??