10/7/02-Twelve week Challenge Fitness/Clean Eating


Before I begin, I must tell you that I live in Montgomery County Maryland very close to where the shootings happened on last Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Also I work in the school system and have spent all day Thursday Friday, and today in a lock down.

All things considered, I personally had a very good week.

My main eating goal of the week was to cut out artificial sweeteners. At first I had feelings of withdrawal. However, something very nice happened after a few days...I found that I did not have sugar cravings. I had heard that artificial sweeteners could cause sugar cravings in some people, but I never realized that I was one of those people. I have also been trying to eat more fiber and grains.

I made a decision to weigh myself at the beginning of each 4 week cycle. I am feeling very positive about my improved eating "habits." I felt more energetic and did not experience drops in sugar level which sometimes occur when I eat too much chocolate.

My exercise schedule was as follows:

Monday: Powerstrike II, 20 minute walk
Tuesday: SH/CB. Part 1 of Christy Taylor Still jumping, 20 minute walk
Wednesday:(I had hoped to walk everyday to suppliment my exercise but this did not seem to be a good idea after the shootings) Step Works
Thursday: Interval Max
Friday: Off/Donna Reed abs from All Out Strength
Saturday: SH/TB, Xpress Step and Intervals
Sunday: SH/LS, Karen Voight Abs on a Ball

Stay safe,


My heart and prayers go out to you. Just watching this makes me scared (no freaked just scared). I hope you & your's are safe & well.

I didn't work out at all last week. I have fallen off the workout wagon & can't seem to get back on!

Start one day at a time. I focused on doing MIC this afternoon and although I still feel stressed (a copter is going over my house right now), I have to admit that I feel better.

I can not imagine what you are going thru. I can't figure out how someone can do this??? It just boggles my mind. I did not start until Tues., but I got in 5 workouts, and took my rest day on Sunday. I did very well, but on Friday night, and Sat. I went to the movies and each day had 2 med. buckets of air-popped, no butter. I was a little mad at myself for eating so much, popcorn is a bottomless pit thing with me. It was SO good. I just figured at least if I pigged out on something, it wasn't such a bad thing??!!! I did not weigh, I hate weighing every week. Maybe next....the best thing was I made it thru the whole weekend with no ice cream, another bottomless pit problem. I can't imagine how I could give up artificial sweetners??? I love some Splenda in my coffee, and I also use a couple Sweet "N" Lows a day. Maybe you can ispire me???
Lori S.
Rhonda, I am so sorry to see what is happening in your area. My prayers are with you. I pray they will apprehend the shooter soon!
As for the 12 wk challenge, my eating was pretty good until the week-end and we went to the Beach. I'm in So. Cal. I must have munchies when I am at the beach. So.. I am a bit disappointed in myself.
I've been working out- but must get more motivated to get up at 5:30 and get a good workout each day. Except for wed. my rest day. I'm in a 6am Women's Bible Study on Wednesdays.
Great work on eliminating Artificial Sweetners. I usually only use that in my Hot Tea in a.m. Are ;you using 'real sugar' instead? or nothing??

I won't weigh myself for another week or 2. I don't want to be discouraged if I don't see results.
Linda :)
Rhonda, we may be neighbors! I live right off the Georgia Ave. corridor, and go to work down Connecticut Ave, right where the Shell station was. My kids have made me promise not to shop on any major streets, and I noticed there is a state trooper on patrol even in the small shopping center near my house. I try not to walk on streets but go down alleys, and I've been power walking in the dark rather than daylight. I hate living this way.

This past week was not exactly what I was hoping for. I hurt my back on Wednesday, so limited myself to powerwalking for the most part. My schedule was:

Tuesday: Power Hour
Wednesday: 1.5 mi. power walk, mini abs workout
Thursday: 1.5 mi. power walk, pilates class
Friday: rest
Saturday: 3.5 mi. power walk, practiced my tai chi
Sunday: 2 mi. power walk, 1/2 leaner legs, 2 mile hike in p.m.
Monday: abs, tai chi

I got the Dr. Shapiro book out of the library and it makes so much sense, as well as having alot of visual reinforcement. When I felt like pigging out this week, I ate Trader Joe's Caribbean ice pops, which I love, and are only 80 cals., so even if I have 2 or 3, which fill me up, I don't feel like I've done wrong. I've been trying to cook on the weekend and pack lunches all ready to go, with celery and grape tomatoes for snacks, along with pretzel sticks and crackers with soy cheese.

Other than one bad day when I o.d.'d on cereal and nuts, it was a good week, in spite of the back problem. I didn't stick to my schedule, but the power walks (at 4.3 mph) keep me feeling positive.

Remember people, yesterday is over, today is a new beginning!

I did NOTHING!!!!
I feel so bad. I just couldn't get motivated at all. I finally started a little yesterday, with 30 minutes of StepFit.
Did weights this morning but since my workout partner and I hadn't seen each other for 6 weeks, it was completely ineffective because we just talked. Isn't that horrible?

Anyway, tonight I will fit in another 30 minutes (at least) of cardio.

I just feel soooooooo bad because before I fell off the wagon, I was doing so good. Hopefully this forum will help by keeping me accountable. So anyway......I will try.


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