10/14/02 Twelve Wk Challenge:Fitness/Clean Eating


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 02:54PM (Est)[/font][p]OK...I know that I am posting a day early, however I will not have time to post tomorrow...so here goes:

I had a really good week and I feel great! Last week I decided to eliminate artificial sweeteners from my diet and had a surprise benefit; I lost my sweets craving. It is now two weeks since I have had any artificial sweeteners and I am missing them less and less. I am using small amounts of demerara sugar or juice sweetened fruit spread when I would like to add a bit of sweetness to something. One day last week I had a scoop of ice cream in the evening. The next day I definitely felt that my energy level was down a bit. That day I made it a point to eat very cleanly and felt well by the next day.

This week I concentrated on adding grains to my diet and eliminating white flour. I have been working in this direction and it was not as hard as I anticipated. I visited Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods and came up with some interesting alternatives. Right now I have a pot of an ancient grain called “Kamut” cooking on the stove. I’ll let you know how it is.

With the sniper still on the loose, walking outside still is not a good idea and my community is still under a lot of stress. My exercise schedule was as follows:

Monday: MIC
Tuesday: MIS
Wednesday: Rhythmic Step
Thursday: PH/ Part 1 Christy Taylor Step Heaven
Friday: Off, Power Yoga for Flexibility with Rodney Yee
Saturday: Circuit Max (I walked around a craft show for two hours and spent money. It felt good.)
Sunday: Cardio Kicks

It is hard to believe that Monday begins Week 3. I hope I can continue my momentum as the weeks go on.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Stay safe,

I did not have such a great week. My eating was terrible on Th, Fr, and Sat. Starting today, it was good though!!! Today is the first day I worked out since Thurs. This week I will do better. I started counting my calories today. Hopefully, this will help. Great job on having a very successful 2 weeks, Rhonda!!!
Lori S.
Wow, Rhonda, I can't believe your sweet craving went down when you cut out artificial sweetners ! I am going to try that, maybe that is where I go wrong ? I only consume sweetners in my coffee, I have 2 in each cup which is quite gross really. I think what I need to do is stick to my decaff tea, which I can drink without sweetners. I think sweetners make me feel sluggish. I know it is not the coffee, as I drink de-caff.
Well done on your success, it is brilliant !

My thoughts are with you and everyone else that lives in the Maryland area, where this 'murderer' is on the loose. I cannot believe what you are all going through. Lets hope this person is found very soon, and locked up for life.

BTW, how was your ancient grain ?

Take Care

Had a good week, stayed close to a healthy eating plan, tho' I made a casserole with whole wheat berries and had a terrible reaction to them. Guess my system couldn't take the roughage.

Monday, abs and tai chi
Tuesday: CTX upper body
Wednesday: 3 mile power walk, KV Great Weighted floor work
thursday: CTX upper body
Friday: 2.5 mi power walk
Saturday: 4 mile power walk, biceps, triceps from CTX
Sunday: 2 mile power walk, t-tapp workout
Kamut was good. It had very large grains and was very chewy with a slightly nutty taste. I let it cook 1 1/2 hours but it could have cooked a bit longer.

Remember that everyday is a new challenge and I think it is important to start anew everyday. Over time, hopefully the good days will add up and outnumber the bad ones.

Anybody can join the challenge any time they wish. Set your goals and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed posting yesterday(watching my grandson).I still have only lost that one pound since Oct.1.I do so well at the beginning of the week then the weekend comes and all hell breaks loose.I have been thinking of counting my calories also.I have a calorie counting book I think I'll carry with me.And I definitely need to increase my water intake.I have been writing in a journal all my food intake,cardio and strength sessions.I've got to keep on top of this because I don't want to go though what I do every year.Come springtime and look in the mirror and pray for a quick miracle.Need WILLPOWER.~Linda~

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