•••••••••• clean it up tuesday ••••••••••

Hey guys, sorry for the short post (crazy busy day here), just wanted to report my workout. I did S&H Legs, followed by PH Legs and then the floor work from B&G.

Eats are clean b/c I have a cold and can't taste anything anyway! Later girls!
Patti Good going with good eats

Hey Steph

Becky I luv summer too but it's been in the 90s for 2 months in NC. Last year I lived in NYC.

My cold is getting a little better, so I'm off to bible study.

See Ya Tomorrow

We are neighbors then ! I am inbetween Cincy & Dayton .:p

I was REALLY REALLY hoping the Eggsland Best tour would come to Ohio . Oh well, maybe someday.......

Patti, I read your success story and I can't believe that picture is you.
Robin, I can't remember the last time I slept that late without waking up. I thought 7:30 on Saturday was late.
Becky, sorry Cathe won't make it to Ohio.
Nina, I hope you can get some rest tonight. Take it easy - you have been doing so much lately.

Chris is out with the boys tonight so I am going to have a leftover pork chop, some rice and veggies for dinner. Need to prep lunches for the next 2 days since I think they will be crazy. I am taking over a coworker's job who is going to another group and we need to start transitioning asap. The group also wants to bring me over but I am not sure the position is right for me. Off to enjoy some quiet time tonight.
why does my 3yo scream and carry on and on and on????? i have resorted to taking things away when he does not listen (such as if he picks on his brother, throws toys, hits, you know) - i take away toys, and sometimes take away privlidges (like tv or a trip to the pool). we go thru the same thing everyday, though, and i feel like it is not working! he likes being naughty. tonight did me in. i am off to bed. i feel so stuffed still from all those nuts:( better not check the scale in the am, and just when i was feeling nice and lean....
Drive-by post for now. Will be back with personals, promise. I have been reading and have so much to say, but time is short for now. Helping kids with homework and trying to figure out dinner. I want to bake a flourless chocolate cake soooooo bad. I really shouldn't right? Did BM2 ub & abs last night. Added some more shoulder work also. Eats are okay today. Staying within good portions, but too much carbs. Yeah and I want to bake a cake. Can we say STRESS???? Workout for tonight might be Rhythmic Step. We'll see.

SJP done! FUN! I think I might do a BodyBlast rotation after this one....

Colleen, Good luck w/ the work issues!

Nina, Not sure exactly what to tell ya, but consistent discipline is the key. When a bad behavior starts up, let him know what his punishment will be if the behavior continues. If he still acts up, FOLLOW THRU with the punishment. I know it's hard....

Lisa, I avoided a cookie binge today - avoid that cake! If you're stressed you'll just inhale it and it won't be worth it. Sorry for the stress - remember tho, if you eat food you dont really want you'll be stressed about THAT too!

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