heavy weights

  1. C

    Books, Resources, Research

    So grateful to tap into collective wisdom--thanks in advance! What are good books and resources for weightlifting (especially form and geared to women)? I've read over two dozen books now, and most are disappointments. I've also spent a great deal of time on the internet--and mostly find...
  2. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Push Pull Total Body: Heavy Weight Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, August 13, 2020, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Push Pull Total Body: Heavy Weight” LIVE!!! It’s time to “push” your limits and “pull” your weight with this time-efficient heavier weight workout. We’ll be working opposing muscle groups throughout the...
  3. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Burn Sets Express Legs Heavy Weight Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, July 9, 2020, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Burn Sets: Express Legs Heavy Weight”!!! Get ready for an express leg workout that uses heavier weights at a moderately paced 10 to 12 rep range. You’ll have 5 rounds of leg exercises that alternate between...
  4. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Boot Camp Heavy Weights Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, June 25th, 2020, at 9:15am EST we’ll be doing “Boot Camp: Heavy Weights” Live! Get ready to pick up some heavier weights and slow down the reps. You’ll have six rounds of the following sequence of exercises....cardio, lower body, upper body, and core...
  5. 1

    Hard & Heavy ?

    What do you consider a heavy weight workout? or heavy weights? for women? for men? Tonique or P57, which is harder & why? What level would you consider these workouts? Anyone combine heavy weights & Tonique or P57?