Search results

  1. D

    Body Max 2 Premix Suggestions?

    hi cathe, I'd like to see a combo for toning only. warm up followed by all the leg conditioning drills and then the upper body weights,abs and stretch. }( whatever you do though i can't wait all 4 look great! fiona
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    Want to reduce muscle mass in arms--how??

    Hi Cathe, thats a great question from finner! would you suggest stretching as a way of leaning out over large muscles? I have a problem with inner thighsx( when I first started weight training (way back when;) ) I thought, the heavier the better and, progressed through the weights, now I'm...
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    The Gym

    Thanks Cathe, I've found since doing your workouts that free weights can really hit a muscle group better than the big gym machines (chest) I love the gym style chest dvd. Legs though I like to use the machines every now and again for a real heavy session. }( You didn't say how long you spend...
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    The Gym

    Hi Cathe, and all :-) Hope your legs healing well. I was just wondering what you do in the gym. Do you set yourself a weekly plan or upper body one day lower the next? What do you think works best? I'd love to know. ;-) fiona
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    Hi everyone, I too have pre ordered and am wondering when filming will begin. It seems to me that having another company involved has caused more delays than Cathe expected. x( I hope they can live up to expectations on this one! (better pic better sound etc) I love Cathes workouts...
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    Cathe, please help

    Hi Cathe, I've just been offered a job at a local leisure centre:7 A real dream job lots more training and the chance to move up to gym manager eventually. :o The thing is I don't have any experiance of working in a gym and would really value any advice you could give (I do have a YMCA gym...
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    Cathe, please help

    Hi Cathe, I've just been offered a job at a local leisure centre:7 A real dream job lots more training and the chance to move up to gym manager eventually. :o The thing is I don't have any experiance of working in a gym and would really value any advice you could give (I do have a YMCA gym...
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    Pleeaaaassseee Cathe!!!!

    Hi, I'm in the U.K and would love to buy some of the previous Cathe workout series but don't. First because of the high postage cost to start with x( and then the import tax (£29 for the Hardcore series and that UPS man held onto that box sooo tight until I'd payed) Cathe, we love your workouts...
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Hi, an Orbitrek is an elliptical machine, really fun and really works!!
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    my legs have gotten too bulky what do I do?

    Hi:-) I have the same problem with my inner thighs and found that the orbitrek took a whole inch off the tops of my thighs. It's really easy to fit in with the weight workouts too so you don't feel like your losing out. Hope this helps, Fiona
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    Can we get a hint to the announcement(s)?

    I'm with you too Kathryn, There's nothing worse than waiting at the best of times, x( Then not to be told anything and left hanging, it's just too mean. I hope Cathes gives SNM a good talking to, or herself if she told them to do it;) I wish I didn't know it was coming. Even my boyfriend is...
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    Can we get a hint to the announcement(s)?

    O.K Cathe I've got my game face on:+ whoops wrong one }( thats better. I just can't stand it!!! Please tell us. I never knew you had this mean streak (o.k maybe in your workouts ;-) ) but not for real. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease. Fiona
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    Cathe, I need help with triceps

    Hi Cathe, I gather it's your Birthday, hope it was a great one, I love birthdays!! :-) I need your advice on how to really get to the tricep and pull that muscle in, right from the very top of the arm all the way to the elbow. The rest of my arms are fine, I've got good bicep and shoulder...
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    Cathe, How about...

    Hi Cathe, I've just read your answer to another question (how do you plan what to film next) Have you considered a rebounder workout? So many people have them just sitting in a corner, because it's so much easier to workout to a video.:-) I think you'd do a great, fun workout. So would you...
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    Tradmill plans

    Just bumping, :7
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    Tradmill plans

    Hi Cathe, I know you must be busy at the moment but,;) do you have treadmill plans for when you say in a rotation do a 20 minute run or 40 minute run. I can step forever but running just kills mex( It really would help me pace myself. Thank you and, I hope everyone lucky enough to go on the...
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    upper body circuit

    :-) Hi, that sounds like a great idea! I'd love to see Cathe do this.
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    Cathe, would Rhonda consider ...

    Hi Cathe, :-) sorry to read you've not been well, I hope you're feeling better now! I have just been reading a few of the Bio's on your crew and noticed that Rhonda is qualified in Nutrition. I know you don't like to give out advice on diet so would Rhonda consider doing a section on this...
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    I'd love to see the Lean series

    Hi everyone:-) I'd love to have a series that lengthens the muscles. with challenging weight workouts for arms, legs and core. Also cardio, maybe interval workout with lots of plyo and speed skater type moves.:+ I'm loving the pilates style ab routines that Cathe has used in the Hardcore...
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    Cathe, would it be ok to add extra cardio to the April ...

    RE: Cathe, would it be ok to add extra cardio to the Ap... Thanks Cathe, :-) ps, I really love the high step challenge