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  1. L

    Potty Training Question (especially veteran moms)

    I am very much a vetern, training my own 3 kids and training 2 others. Have you tried the "cheerios". Boys love the search and destroy game. Just a few cheerios in toilet and let them pee on them. They will be asking you to LET them go potty.
  2. L

    WW Core Plan

    Hi everyone, I had been on the Flex plan and had lost about 5.5 lbs in 4 weeks. Then I went to Panama City for a week vacation and ate like a pig so you can imagine that I gained 5 lbs back decided to give Core plan a try, this is my 4th day and i have lost the 5 lbs plus 3 extra. This plan is...
  3. L

    carbs and the rest of the world

    Here is something else to consider, Preservatives, I know when I have a meal full of preservatives I get bloated, lethargic,can not consentrate, nor can I carry on a conversation. And 1 hr. after meal I am craving food again and then the cycle starts all over again.
  4. L

    Well I did it!!

    Hi ladies, I have been lurking here and getting to know everyone and have finally ordered!! I am new to Cathe but not to working out. Been doing Taebo and Joyce vedral and a little of Kathy Smith & Firm. I ordered her Wedding tape and Power Hour tape. :D Thanks for all the great advice for...