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  1. K

    Do you have home gym equipment?

    My hubby got me some home gym equipment a few years ago. It is excellent quality and well worth the money. The brand name is Body Solid and we purchased it at a local home fitness equipment store.(We did lots of shopping around before deciding on this brand) We have an FDI bench (flat, incline...
  2. K

    Bikini Body 4/9

    hi Lori~ I can relate to your dog story too. My GR dog is 90 lbs. of , as my husband affectionately calls him... "candy a#*". He is the biggest baby and thinks he is a lap dog. I guess part of it is my fault because I spoil him to pieces. He's been sleeping with us in bed since he was 14 weeks...
  3. K

    Farm raised salmon

    RE: Hey Jilly! I used to eat salmon 3 times a week but I am very concerned about the potential damage it can cause. I get my wild salmon at Trader Joe's. It is frozen and costs $5.49 a lb. It is DE-LISH! As far as canned salmon goes, thie following information is from Superfoods RX by Steven...
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    Bikini Body 4/9

    After last weeks episode, I don't think he wants us to go anywhere either.Poor guy;( Sometimes I wish that he was one of those dogs that you could leave anywhere with anybody but he is such a baby. Hi Lori~ What happened to your dog last week? I am a major dog person (have 1 furchild...
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    BFL CHECK IN 4/9

    Hi Lori~ I have today off so I am enjoying my morning and will do L & G in about an hour or so. Yesterday I was feeling fatigued and I missed my cardio but will make up for it later this afternoon. I wonder if I felt such exhaustion because I have been training very intensely the past 3 days...
  6. K

    BFL Check In

    Hello~ I am doing a modified combo of BFL and EFL. I did the 12 week challenge back in 2000 and found the weight workouts to be so boring. I didn't get fantastic results because I didn't work out intensely enough. (I did fine with the eating but that got boring also). The EFL has been such a...
  7. K

    Is low carb necessary?

    I jumped on the low-carb bandwagon for a brief amount of time and did not have any energy at all to do my workouts. I need carbs for energy to fuel my workouts. My carbs are comprised of fruits and lots of vegetables plus the occasional whole wheat tortilla, bread, etc. I do try to limit my...
  8. K

    BFL Check In

    RE: Eating for Life Hi everyone~ I just joined the forums today and hope you don't mind if I join in. I am beginning to eat BFL style WITHOUT CHEATING this week. I have been following a modified version since January but 4 weeks into it began eating off plan during the week and I really want...